Lunar Nodes: What The Shift Into Pisces/Virgo Means For You

North Node Enters Pisces, South Node Enters Virgo

January 11, 2025 to July 26, 2026

The Lunar Nodes are the points where the Moon’s path crosses the ecliptic, the Sun’s path in the sky. Karmic points in astrology, the Nodes are also called the Dragon’s Head and Tail.

The nodal axis in your birth chart can help reveal your soul purpose, your destiny in this lifetime. It repeats every 18-19 years. Therefore, you may notice it during the ages of 18-19, 37-38, 56-57, 75-76 and so on.

Change Of Star Sign

On January 11, 2025, the Lunar Nodes move into new zodiac signs. The North Node moves back into Pisces and the South Node moves back into Virgo where they will remain for the next 18 months until July 26, 2026.

Whichever sign and house you find the North Node in, the South Node is always in the opposite sign and house. 

The placing of the North Node is what you’re striving for or aiming for in this lifetime. It’s your life lesson, your destiny and your major area of learning.

The South Node is where you retreat to, your comfort zone, your habitual place. In traditional astrology, it can indicate your downfall and what’s not good for you. 

If you believe in past lives, it’s thought that you’re stuck in your South Node destiny until you break free and stop repeating the same patterns and move on.

The Lunar Nodes are an integral part of the eclipse cycle. What they will mean for you in their new star signs may have kicked in during September 2024. This is when the first eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo eclipse cycle took place.

Here are the dates for the previous times the North Node was in Pisces and the South Node was in Virgo: 

  • Jul 27, 1950 – Mar 28, 1952
  • Apr 20, 1969 – Nov 2, 1970
  • Dec 3, 1987 – May 22, 1989
  • Jun 23, 2006 – Dec 18, 2007

If you were born during these periods, the coming nodal cycle will be powerful for you as it’s your Nodal Return.

The nodal axis in your birth chart can help reveal your soul purpose, your destiny in this lifetime.

What does the new Lunar Node cycle mean for you?

Here’s a quick guide to the Lunar Nodes in Pisces/Virgo in relation to your Sun sign. Read your Ascendant sign too, if you know it.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 1st house ruling your physical body, your image and profile, your personal goals and ambitions. This is about learning to put yourself and your needs first, enjoying a relationship without losing your identity within it. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode may be to rely on a partner to make decisions, either in your personal or professional life. Yet, your destiny lies in focusing on what you want in life and developing a strong sense of personal identity.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 12th house ruling retreat, solitude and inner quiet. When life gets too busy or noisy, you can’t hear the call of the universe and you lose your way and your natural intuition. This is about finding a balance between work and service to others, also enjoying and appreciating time alone. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to take on too many obligations but your destiny lies in developing your spiritual path and leading a slower pace of life. This is less about the world of doing and more about spiritual surrender.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 11th house ruling friendship and your involvement within groups, clubs or society in general. You benefit from networking and teamwork. When you forge new alliances you can make more of a difference in what you do.

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to have fun, be creative and enjoy a playful approach to life. Yet, your destiny lies in developing a strong sense of group consciousness and putting your creative talents to good use in a community setting or a social or political organisation.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 10th house ruling your career and vocation and where you’re heading in life. This is a powerful placing for you. It’s about finding your personal mountain to climb, creating ambitions and goals that help you make progress and move forwards. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to stay at home and keep safe within the comfort of your family. Yet, your destiny lies in fulfilling your ambitions, taking on new status and achieving your long-term goals. Also, it’s about supporting the ones you love by working hard and fulfilling your potential.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 9th house ruling travel, higher education and your personal philosophy on life. This is about expanding your horizons and widening your vision for what you want in life rather than getting too caught up with the ideas and forgetting to embrace the experience. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to talk about what you want to do or read books endlessly. Yet, your destiny lies in finding your role within the world, moving abroad, studying for new qualifications or taking your learning to the next level.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 8th house ruling joint finances, the hidden mysteries of the world and taboo topics, such as sex, money, death and rebirth. You may be interested in exploring unknown realms and looking at what lies beyond the ordinary and everyday. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to hold on tight to what you have. Yet, your destiny lies in realising that money is energy and more than just a commodity. Work alongside other people to fundraise or create a trading community. Become a powerful force and help transform your own and other peoples’ lives.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 7th house of relationships. This means the big area of learning is in your one-to-one relationships.  You may experience lessons around giving and receiving or how to function effectively as one half of a couple. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to retreat into yourself when things go wrong. Yet, your destiny lies in creating a powerful union either in love or professionally. If you find yourself feeling lonely or cut off, reach out to others and create new connections in your life.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 6th house ruling your work, service and health. This is about dealing with the practical aspects of life. The more efficient your routine and the more you factor in exercise and diet to create a healthy lifestyle, the smoother your life flows. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to lose yourself in spiritual pondering. Yet, your destiny lies in finding a way to serve others and recognising that your everyday skills can make a difference in the world. Be wary of an over-active imagination or dreaming your life away. Take practical steps to find meaning and purpose and be active within society.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 5th house ruling your creativity, children, entertainment and love affairs. It’s your turn to have fun and find ways to express yourself and show off your unique skills and talents. You’re at your best when you’re creative for your own sake rather than helping others discover their creativity. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to disappear into the crowd or feel like an outsider. Yet, your destiny lies in declaring your heart and following your passion. For some of you, this will include having a baby, a passionate love affair or creating your masterpiece that is a vehicle for self-expression.


The North Node falls in Pisces in your 4th house ruling your home, family and where you come from. It’s the people closest to you who matter the most. You may be starting a family or taking a break from work to be at home. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to be outwardly ambitious. Yet, your destiny lies in creating a safe place you can call home and caring for the people you love. You may feel inclined to do this at work, bringing people together in order to create a close bond and a strong team.


The North Node falls in Pisces in your 3rd house ruling communication, transport, siblings, neighbours and your local community. You’re the messenger and gathering knowledge and passing on ideas becomes more urgent. You discover your voice and how to use your words to make a difference. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode is to retreat into your ivory tower and develop your ideas on your own. Yet, your destiny lies in connecting with others locally and online to share ideas and make the wheels of your chosen industry run smoother.


The North Node in Pisces falls in your 2nd house ruling your personal money, your possessions and what you value. You can learn many lessons about money now, what it means to you, how to attract money into your life and how to make your money go further. 

The South Node in Virgo means that your default mode may be to rely on others for your financial well-being. Yet, your destiny lies in learning about your money mindset and realising that when it comes to cash and being rich or poor, it’s your responsibility.

Weekly Astrology

I hope you found this article interesting and helpful. If you would like to receive my weekly astrology and horoscopes so you know how to work with your astrology and find reassurance and insight in your life, you can join my subscription service here: Weekly.

True Node v. Mean Node  

The tech stuff: The True Node and Mean Node are two different calculations of the Moon’s Nodes. 

Whether True or Mean, the Nodes move in a retrograde direction, i.e. backwards through the zodiac. The main difference is that the True Node moves forward, i.e. direct, for a few days each month.

There is no agreement among astrologers as to which is better to use in chart analysis. There are valid arguments supporting the choice to use either one. They are never more than a few degrees away from each other, so it rarely makes a difference in a birth chart reading. 

I wanted to point this out to you as you may hear different dates regarding the Nodes’ change of star sign. 

Personally, I use the True Node which enters Pisces on January 11th. The Mean Node doesn’t officially enter Pisces until January 28th.

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5 thoughts on “Lunar Nodes: What The Shift Into Pisces/Virgo Means For You”

  1. Hi Sally and Happy New Year, even though we’re well into it now.

    I’m curious to know if this shift holds any significance for individuals whose nodes are in the reverse position, ie North node in Virgo and South node in Pisces – and yes, I’m asking because that’s where my nodes are! Really fascinated to know…

    1. Hi Rachel, good question. The themes are the same as it’s the same polar axis. However, it may not be a forward shift but going back to the past to deal more with any issues around the south node. I hope that makes sense.

  2. From working on my own chart, I found out I am having a nodal reversal return as my nodes are North – Virgo, South – Pisces, so going to be interesting if my South Node becomes very powerful.

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