The Lunar Eclipse And The Mars Factor

Lunar Eclipse, Mars

This week’s main planetary event is the Lunar Eclipse [24 Pisces 20] which is currently building in the heavens and will be exact on September 16th 2016 at 20:05 GMT (+1).

You can already see the Moon swelling in size every night as it grows bigger and moves closer to its Full Moon phase which this month also happens to be an eclipse.

Eclipses are game-changers when the scenery shifts and you look at your life from a different perspective. This change is currently underway and you might already be experiencing strong emotions or a sense of urgency.

The Mars Factor

You often reach this point when you come to a crossroads, a T-junction in life and you can’t clearly see the way forward. This is eclipse territory. You might be faced with an impossible choice or you’ve hit a dead end and all you know is that something’s got to give. You recognise you’re on the verge of a difficult decision or you feel scared to let go, not knowing whether life will guide you.

At this week’s eclipse, there is a planetary crossroads in the heavens as an aspect called a T-square is the focal point of the eclipse. A T-square looks like a T-junction with the Sun and Mercury retrograde in Virgo at one end of the T, the Moon in Pisces at the opposite end of the T and staring daggers at them from the middle is Mars in Sagittarius.

Seeing Red

Mars is the planet playing a major role in this week’s eclipse and if anything, you’ll already be feeling it. If you need a reminder about Mars, it represents passion & anger, irritation & frustration, desire, intensity, getting things done and fast. It’s a forceful influence.

As this week begins, Mars is square to Mercury (communication/words) on Monday 12th September and the following day, Tuesday 13th September, Mars is square to the Sun (identity/self). This spells conflict, dissatisfaction and these square aspects can trigger the trickier side of Mars: frustration, words spoken in anger, a desire for movement and fast, getting fed up with your situation or other people. The phrase ‘to see red’ is very descriptive of Mars’ influence, the red planet.

My day started thus: receiving feedback that was critical, getting told off, feeling irritated with a current work role, plans getting postponed, receiving a tax bill in the post – grr!, being around other peoples’ anger & irritation. I stomped on the early morning dog walk, ranted out loud & when I returned home and was on my own, I decided to go back to bed for 30 minutes, nap, and start over. That did the trick! I wasn’t going to wait until tomorrow to start afresh…

So do be aware that this is a pivotal time in the heavens and the cosmic energy is currently feisty. Eclipse symbolism tends to bring what’s hidden to light, add Mars to the mix and it feels urgent. You want to act fast, take action and slam the door shut behind you.

Paring Back

Do remember that communication planet Mercury remains retrograde in Virgo, a cosmic reminder that patience is a virtue. Get through this week’s choppy waters and you’ll see your situation differently once Mercury turns direct on September 22nd. Acting in haste now may not be wise if you’re acting out of spite or frustration.

This week’s events however can be a positive experience if you are sweeping away dead wood to clear space for new energy to come in. This fits with what’s currently happening on a planetary level as big planet Jupiter left Virgo last week & Mercury’s covering old ground moving back through Virgo & now we have an eclipse.

What are you ready to let go of, where are you paring back in life, especially relating to the signs of Virgo & Pisces? – this might be about your work & routine, your lifestyle & your health, your spiritual beliefs, your clutter – both real & emotional.

c0d9738e0666001d683e4e4070e1e80dA meme popped into my timeline this morning which seemed appropriate to this week’s planetary situation and is probably sound advice to follow: ‘Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to people and things that stress you out’. Touche! Another positive showing of this week’s planetary vibe.

What It Means For You

This eclipse is especially powerful if you have planets or angles in your chart between 23-25 degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Choose your battles carefully, rein in your impatience, decide where to stick and where to fold in the eternal game of life.

It’s also helpful to know where the eclipse falls in your solar chart to see which areas of your life are due a ‘sweep out/sweep in’ mentality.

Here are the key elements highlighted by the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse depending on your star sign.

  • Virgo: Personal goals & self care; relationships & one-on-one partnership
  • Libra: Retreat & recuperation; work, service, health & fitness
  • Scorpio: Friends, groups & networks; self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs
  • Sagittarius: Career & vocation; home & family
  • Capricorn: Travel & exploration; busyness close to home, neighbours & siblings
  • Aquarius: Other peoples’ money & joint resources; personal possessions & values
  • Pisces: Relationships & one-on-one partnership; personal goals & self care
  • Aries: Work, service, health & fitness; retreat & recuperation
  • Taurus: Self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs; friends, groups & networks
  • Gemini: Home & family; career & vocation
  • Cancer: Busyness close to home, neighbours & siblings; travel & exploration
  • Leo: Personal possessions & values; other peoples’ money & joint resources

The Eclipse Cycle

So if you are stuck at a crossroads or faced with a difficult decision this week or life’s stressing you out, know at least that all is as it’s supposed to be. See who or what steps in, to act as a signpost or signal. You don’t have to act immediately and traditionally it’s best to wait a few days or even a week after an eclipse before making any big decisions. This fits with the end of the Mercury retrograde phase next week.

Remember too that eclipses aren’t solely date-specific and what they’re highlighting for you may play out over the next six months or so. Eclipses are always part of a larger cycle and this particular Virgo/Pisces cycle began in March 2015 and ends on February 26th 2017. Right now, there may be more questions than answers but if you’re prepared to let go and allow life to guide you, you’re no longer stuck at a crossroads but moving in a new direction.

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