Libra Solar Eclipse: Seeking Balance

solar eclipse

SOLAR ECLIPSE [21 Libra 08]

London – October 14, 2023 (18:55 GMT+1)

San Francisco – October 14, 2023 (10:55 GMT-7)

Sydney – October 15, 2023 (03:55 GMT+10)

This October is eclipse season. On October 14th, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Libra, the second eclipse in the current Aries/Libra eclipse cycle. The first took place on April 20th, a Solar Eclipse in Aries.

This a ‘Ring of Fire’ eclipse which will be primarily visible in the Americas. This means it’s not total as you can see the light of the sun, a ‘ring of fire’, around the outside edge. Remember only to look directly at the eclipse if you’re wearing eclipse glasses.

Eclipse Lore 

To understand eclipses, the language and symbolism of the eclipse can act as a guide. When the lights, the Sun and Moon, are eclipsed, you are effectively ‘in the dark’ and things become hidden or shadowy. Secrets can emerge as what’s unknown comes to light and a new landscape is revealed.

A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings. A New Moon Solar Eclipse often acts like a turbo-powered New Moon igniting you into action as you move into a new stage or phase in life. 

Yet, at any eclipse, often one door has to close before a new door can be opened. Traditionally, you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action.

Eclipses are often thought of as game-changers as a shadow falls before revealing what’s hidden. Once the light returns, a new landscape appears signposting a new path ahead.

Eclipses are closely linked to the nodes in astrology, karmic points linked to fate and destiny. This is why eclipses can coincide with turning points as life steps in to move you in a new direction. 

Aries-Libra Axis

The Aries-Libra axis is about relationships. Aries represents the self, the ego, ‘I am’, whereas Libra represents the other, your intimate and professional one-to-ones.

There may be learnings around relationships during these powerful eclipses, how not to lose yourself in one, how to be your own person, yet stay connected. 

You might be learning about compromise and how to ensure fairness and equality within a relationship. This could be a personal relationship. Or, perhaps it’s how you interact with others out in the world.

Yet, the deeper learning may come from seeing and understanding yourself in relation to another. When you dive deep into love or a key partnership in your life, this holds up a mirror revealing who you really are. Compromise is a necessary aspect of any partnership as is remaining true to yourself – often a fine line to walk.

Aries and Libra are ruled by the planets Mars and Venus respectively. Therefore, this eclipse cycle could be said to be a symbol of war (Mars) and peace (Venus), love (Venus) and hate (Mars). Also, the masculine (Mars) and feminine (Venus) principles.

During the Aries/Libra eclipse cycle, issues around gender equality are already starting to re-emerge and come to the surface, especially linked to accusations from the past. There are some stark choices to be made around war and peace, love and hate.

The Libra Scales

Libra is the star sign linked to harmony, balance and peace and is ruled by Venus, goddess of women, pleasure and sensuality. Libra’s zodiac symbol are the scales which are constantly recalibrating. Getting the balance of life ‘just right’ can be a never-ending Libra activity.

Plus, Libra is the star sign of fairness and equality as the Libra scales are representative of the scales of justice. Yet, one person’s definition of what’s just and fair isn’t always another person’s definition. This may be a foreground theme during this powerful Solar Eclipse.

Libra is one of the air signs and can detach emotionally when necessary. Therefore, be more analytical and logical during this powerful eclipse and do your best to remain balanced and calm.

Libra is a strategist at heart and wants to hear both sides of the coin, to know what everyone’s thinking, to be fully informed. Only then, does Libra believe that you can find a resolution or make sense of what’s been learned.

This, however, creates a challenge as it makes it almost impossible to make a clear decision. Be wary of weighing up all the options and considering so many different alternatives, that you end up going around in circles.

This could become more complex if you then start to ask other people what they think you should do. One of the skills that may be needed during this eclipse is to hold fast and stand firm.

Plus, let’s not forget there’s a charming yet manipulative and controlling side to the star sign Libra. It’s not known as a political star sign for no reason. Calculated, cool and devious are key aspects of the Libra archetype.

Solar Eclipses – Power Points

Here are the dates and degrees of the current Aries/Libra eclipse cycle:

  • Solar Eclipse [29 Aries 50] – April 20 2023
  • Solar Eclipse [21 Libra 08] – October 14 2023
  • Lunar Eclipse [5 Libra 07] – March 25 2024
  • Solar Eclipse [19 Aries 24] – April 8 2024
  • Solar Eclipse [10 Libra 04] – October 2 2024
  • Solar Eclipse [9 Aries 00] – March 29 2025

What’s noticeable is that nearly all the eclipses in the cycle are Solar or New Moon eclipses. Therefore, the theme of independence or finding yourself may ring true. Following your own path, whether in a relationship or not, could become a major theme. Also, fighting for your rights or the underdog.

Plus, notice who comes into your life on or around the eclipse. Life isn’t meant to be lived entirely alone and it’s the people you meet and the connections you build that often determine the course of your life. Love and loss are experienced more powerfully, when you’re open and willing to be in relationship with others.

If you have planets or angles that are within close orb to the eclipse degree, 21° Libra, more likely than not change is on the way. Or, at least an opportunity to reorient your compass as you move forward.

Previous Aries/Libra eclipse cycles – April 2004 to March 2006 – April 1986 to October 1987 – October 1967 to September 1969

Planetary Aspects

Talk planet Mercury sits next to the Sun and Moon during this eclipse. Mercury in Libra is the diplomat, mediator and go-between. A social butterfly at heart, Mercury in Libra wants to bring people together, to create new partnerships.

A social event on October 14th could be great fun. You might be at a wedding or anniversary. Or, you make the right kind of connections wherever you are. Have the ‘six degrees of separation’ theory to hand and work your networks, your contacts.

This is a south node eclipse, i.e. the Sun and Moon are only a few degrees away from the tail of the dragon, the point in the astrological chart that represents release or letting go.

What might this mean? Perhaps, that by moving through a door or portal fired up by the Solar Eclipse energy, this requires something else in your life to come to an end? You say yes to one direction or path, which ultimately means saying goodbye to another.

The other significant planetary aspect to note is Pluto square to the Sun and Moon. It’s a wide square aspect but the Sun and Pluto will perfect their encounter on October 21st. And, talk planet Mercury is powerfully in the planetary picture then as well.

Therefore, events during the eclipse may have an impact on what happens next. Pluto squares can be final, a decision to give something up or say no. Don’t count out a revelation or major insight that has to be acted upon. It may suddenly become quite clear who holds the power and/or how to get back control.

What Does It Mean For You

It’s helpful to consider where the Libra Solar Eclipse will fall to better understand where change may occur and which areas of your life are under the cosmic spotlight. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:

  • Aries: Relationships, partnership, contracts
  • Taurus: Work, service, lifestyle and health
  • Gemini: Self-expression, creativity, children and love affairs
  • Cancer: Home and family, your past and legacy
  • Leo: Communication, community, neighbours and siblings
  • Virgo: Money, possessions, assets, values and self-worth
  • Libra: Personal goals, image and profile, identity
  • Scorpio: Retreat and inner work, self-undoing, caring for others
  • Sagittarius: Friends, groups and social networks
  • Capricorn: Career and vocation, your future path
  • Aquarius: Travel, education, beliefs, religion, philosophy
  • Pisces: Other peoples’ money, taboo issues – sex, power, death & rebirth

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7 thoughts on “Libra Solar Eclipse: Seeking Balance”

  1. Oh dear. Mercury in Capricorn at 17 degrees and Mars in Capricorn 20 degrees. I thought I was done with all this once Pluto left Capricorn… battening down the hatches 😳

    1. I don’t think this is as powerful for you as Pluto in Capricorn. The important connections are the conjunction and opposition. Sending best wishes.

  2. Natal Moon at 21° Libra conjunct Pluto at 20° Libra in the 4th house plus natal Sun and Mars at 29° Capricorn in the 7th house being hit by transiting Pluto, not sure if I can do much more transformation and stress but hoping for something good to come in 🙏🏻

    1. Hi Jenny – that’s a lot. Look at what you can release and let go of – that’s a helpful way to use eclipse energy. Or, what support and help you might need – a Libra eclipse is about partnership too. Sending best wishes.

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