Libra Horoscopes October 2021

Libra horoscopes, miniature people

It’s All About You

October does feel as if it’s a month when you’re in the cosmic spotlight more so than usual. There’s a lot happening in your star sign and it could make for a complex but exciting month. Here’s the planetary line-up in Libra:

  • Mercury (communication) – all month, retrograde until 18th
  • Mars (action/drive) – until 30th
  • Sun (essence/ego) – until 23rd

For most of you, October is your birthday month and it’s a lovely time to celebrate to the full. Mars is the planet of ambition and drive so don’t let other people step in front of you or defer to others more than usual. Instead, be loud & proud about what you want and what you can achieve.

Admittedly, Mercury is retrograde in Libra until the 18th so some plans or decisions may be on hold until then. You often play a waiting game when Mercury’s on go slow in your star sign. It’s not the best time to rush into a new look or push ahead with personal goals & aims.

Having said that, the period around the New Moon on the 6th could bring new beginnings. It’s a powerful New Moon as it pulls in passionate Mars. Mars is full-on energy during the 8th & 9th. Be wary of getting into arguments but do be assertive, forceful and step into your power.

The spotlight’s on you throughout October so make the most of it – be self-centred when necessary and ensure you get your needs met.

Love & Relationships

This could be an intriguing month for love. Sometimes, people from your past come back into your life when Mercury’s retrograde. Plus, your partner planet is Mars, linked to passion and the libido and it’s in your star sign Libra all month. Make the most of it.

The Full Moon on the 20th is a pivotal moment in the month for your one-to-one’s as it cuts across the Libra/Aries axis of the zodiac. Full Moons are a time when emotions are heightened.

This could be a key turning point for a relationship especially if new information comes to light on or around the 18th when Mercury turns direct. Perhaps, someone’s not available until then or you’re the one who keeps changing your mind.

Plus, two other planets turn direct in air sign Aquarius this month and Aquarius rules romance in your horoscope. Also, children & pregnancy, creativity, entertainment, play & luck.

Saturn turns direct here on the 11th followed by Jupiter on the 18th. Saturn could flag up a disappointment but it’s not the end of the matter.

Jupiter’s change of direction on the same day as Mercury turning direct spells good news. A love affair or romance could get the green light – big-time.

  • Lucky love dates: 4th, 15th, 18th, 28th

Money Moves

It’s an important month to keep close tabs on money. Your planet Venus is in Scorpio and your money sector until the 7th. Whatever your current financial situation, you might have to wait for Scorpio season to kick in properly before you know where you stand financially. This is because of the Mercury retrograde phase and Mercury’s linked to trade and the money markets.

Once Scorpio season begins and the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, it’s time to get savvy about cash. You could be in a strong position to make a strategic move. Plus, action planet Mars joins the Sun in Scorpio on the 30th adding extra power for money and finances which will kick in next month.

Endings & Moving On

There’s a theme of endings this month, saying goodbye to the past or letting go of a situation that’s no longer viable or isn’t working out. This is because the planet Pluto is dominant as it turns direct on the 6th in Capricorn. Capricorn is the star sign at the base of your horoscope, linked to your home and family, also your past and where you come from.

This could flag up an issue with a parent. Or, perhaps the end of a significant chapter in your life. You may be saying goodbye to the past and have a sense of moving on. 

With so much emphasis on your star sign Libra throughout October, you may realise that what you want is different to what other people want or need. Mars in your star sign brings you the courage to make the decisions and moves that are right for you.

  • Pluto Clashes: 1st, 17th & 22nd

Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments until the communication planet is back up to speed on October 18th. Here are some more tips:

  • be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
  • take a step back, do less not more
  • double-check everything, read the small print
  • chase up old contacts, revisit the past
  • use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
  • rest & retreat when you can
  • do your research ready to act when Mercury turns direct

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