Scorpio Horoscopes October 2021

Scorpio horoscopes, time

Inner Work

It’s all going on in the most hidden sector of your horoscope this month as key planets are in Libra, the star sign before Scorpio in the zodiac. Here’s what’s happening in Libra:

  • Mercury (communication) – all month, retrograde until the 18th
  • Mars (your ruling planet) – until the 30th
  • Sun (essence/ego) – until the 23rd

When planets are in Libra, this is often a period of preparation when you’re getting ready for the Sun’s move into your star sign. It’s a good time to turn your attention inwards, whether you’re involved in spiritual work or you want more quiet and solitude in your life.

Plus, with the planet of communication Mercury retrograde until the 18th, you might be involved in a research project or be studying for an exam. For one reason or another, you need more time to yourself, whether to rest and retreat or because you’re juggling a lot of different balls and need some down-time in between.

The period around the New Moon on the 6th looks particularly lively when your planet Mars is pulled into the mix. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and Mars is active on the 8th & 9th. This combination could be argumentative or competitive. Alternatively, you’re on a mission and determined to make something happen. This could be linked to a relationship or partnership in your life.

It would be an excellent month to go on retreat and switch off social media, at least up until the 18th. You might be caring for someone close, perhaps a family member, or be prioritising your self-care.

The Full Moon could be pivotal in this respect on the 20th. There may be a sense of completion on or around this date, whether you finish your writing project or you’re ready to close the door on the past and want to be back out in the world.

Home & Family

This could be a significant month for developments around your home or family. Two planets turn direct in Aquarius in October and this is the star sign at the base of your horoscope. Saturn picks up the pace on the 11th followed by Jupiter on the 18th.

This could prove important – Saturn is about commitment or one situation coming to an end. Jupiter represents freedom and new opportunities – a disappointment followed by a breakthrough perhaps.

Note the date when Jupiter is back up to speed – the 18th, the same day as Mercury turns direct. This is a green light date so expect news or information to come to light that can help you forge ahead. You may be putting down roots or extending your family.

  • Lucky dates for home & family: 4th, 15th, 18th & 28th

The Focus Is On You

The focus is on you for a great part of October. This is because of what’s happening in your star sign Scorpio:

  • Venus (love/money) – until the 7th
  • Sun (essence/ego) – from the 23rd
  • Mars (ambition/passion) – from the 30th

Venus, the planet of love and relating, is in Scorpio until the 7th. This is great for heart-to-hearts, insight & deep connections. You might step into the role of counsellor, coach or good friend more so than usual. Hone your psychic skills and play to your strengths.

Your star sign represents deep emotion and you’re often able to see things that other people can’t. Add to this courage to venture into unknown territory and it’s a peak time for new explorations and bold ventures.

Once the Sun’s in your star sign Scorpio from the 23rd onwards, you may discover you have more energy & vitality and you’re ready to focus more on your life out in the world. You may be taking what you’ve learned earlier in the month with you. Once the Sun is in Scorpio, it’s your time to shine – put yourself and your needs first.

Pluto – Time Manager

Pluto is Scorpio’s co-ruler and Pluto’s energy is intense, powerful, focused. Pluto’s dominant this month as it turns direct on the 6th. This can be helpful for studying, research work, analysis and strategising and backs up the Mercury retrograde theme.

Pluto’s laser focus in your communication sector could help you stay on track with what you want to achieve. Another reason perhaps why you need more time to yourself to study, learn or teach.

It is important, however, that you don’t allow negative emotions or critics to upset you. Carefully consider what you read or listen to in the month ahead. If the news is depressing you, switch it off. If there’s someone in your life who moans incessantly, put boundaries in place and keep your distance. 

Also, think about how you’re spending your time. It’s here where Libra’s scales can be valuable for you, considering how you balance the hours in your day. If you spend too much time on social media, for example, get firm with yourself and create new plans and strategies to help your productivity and well-being. 

If you’re on a long commute or daily trip, consider how you might use your time well. For example, listen to podcasts or audio books. This is an important month to think about the information you’re receiving and to use your time wisely.

  • Pluto Clashes: 1st, 17th & 22nd – take a step back

Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments until the communication planet is back up to speed on October 18th. Here are some more tips:

  • be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
  • take a step back, do less not more
  • double-check everything, read the small print
  • chase up old contacts, revisit the past
  • use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
  • rest & retreat when you can
  • do your research ready to act when Mercury turns direct

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