Being the Boss
Your ruler the Sun is in Taurus at the peak of your horoscope until the 20th. Taurus rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation. Some of you may still be at the helm of your business or a public venture. Others of you may be keen to look ahead or step into a new role or position.
Certainly, this is a good time to aim high where you can and focus on your work, career and future path. You have talk planet Mercury in Taurus until the 11th and the Sun and Mercury align on the 4th. This would be a great date for an interview, application or meeting.
Also, Mercury and the Sun team up with Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn on the 9th/10th and 15th/17th. Capricorn rules your work and lifestyle. This is about getting the balance right and doing whatever you canto create stronger foundations for yourself and/or your employees.
Friends & Networks
Also, look at what you can or want to hold on to and where it’s time to move on or let go. This is a theme of the Full Moon for you cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your birth chart. Full Moons shine a bright light and bring clarity. Therefore, they’re a good time to make a key decision.
Mid-month brings a shift in planetary energy as three planets turn retrograde: Saturn on the 11th, Venus on the 13th and Jupiter on the 14th. Some things need to come to an end mid-month. This is the time to be adaptable and flexible and not hold on to a situation that’s no longer viable.
Also, don’t go it alone. Instead, share the workload or reach out to other people in this time of uncertainty. Your ruler, the Sun, enters social Gemini on the 20th but before that Mercury moves here from the 11th to the 28th. And, Venus, the planet of relating, is in Gemini all month. Gemini rules your friendship and group sector.
So, this is where to shift your focus, ask friends for advice, join a new network or group and make connections online and offline. Work alongside people you care for and respect, work in an environment you love. Or, do work that benefits others.
You will find any of these options more fulfilling than doing a job solely for the money or status it brings. And, if you’re out of work, even more important to stay connected and keep the lines of communication open.
If you’re looking for work, use your contacts and connections as this is where new opportunities lie. The New Moon on the 22nd takes place in Gemini, an excellent date for making friends and connecting with other people. You may find yourself more than ready to put time and energy into your social life which can bring many benefits your way.
A Shift In Pace
Love is in a transitional phase and this is one area of your life that may need to shift direction mid-month. Mars leaves Aquarius and your relationship sector on the 13th. You or someone close might be moving away from a challenging relationship, perhaps one that’s turned angry.
Or, you may need to take a step back for other reasons. Mars’ change of star sign coincides exactly with Venus, the planet of love, turning retrograde on the 13th. Venus remains on go slow until the end of June, a time to turn inwards, to think, reflect and contemplate.
Sometimes, love goes quiet when Venus is in retreat. Certainly, it’s not a time to make key decisions about love. There’s uncertainty here, especially as Venus’ major aspect is to Neptune on the 4th and 20th. Yes, this can be romantic but it’s often a time of fantasy rather than reality.
Also, don’t believe everything you hear. This applies with regard to both love and money. Tread gently in both areas of your life throughout May. You’re having to feel your way forwards. Mars’ move into emotional Pisces on the 13th suggests a new phase for these key areas of your life.
Finally, notice what happens on or around the 25th when Mars unites with Uranus. This could coincide with good news for a work or money matter. The theme is freedom and independence, loosening the ties that bind.
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