Leo August 2020

Leo Monthly Horoscopes

Birthday Month

The Sun is in Leo which means it’s your birthday month and an ideal time to focus on you. The Sun is joined by Mercury, the talk planet, in Leo from the 5th to the 20th, so ensure you take centre stage and find your place to shine.

It’s a good month to show off your skills and talents, to enjoy yourself and celebrate. You might be more than ready to get back out into the world, to have adventures and embrace new experiences. This is partly because the Sun in your star sign boosts your confidence but there’s another reason too.

This is Mars, the planet of action and courage, in Aries, another of the dynamic fire signs. Mars in Aries is motivated and bold and Aries rules your travel and study sector. It makes you want to try something new, to be fearless and expand your horizons.

New Beginnings

The 16th/17th are when this fire sign energy peaks and the Sun, Mercury and Mars are all working together. It would be a great time to lead a course, go on a trip or study something new.

Then, on the 19th, there’s a New Moon in your star sign, Leo, a symbol of new beginnings. This is always an excellent date in the month to set your intentions and initiate new projects or ideas. Mercury is closely connected to this New Moon, so get your brain in gear and become a problem solver.

The New Moon in Leo the equivalent of your astrological personal New Year, so look ahead and think about your future plans. So much has had to be cancelled or postponed this year and we’re not out of the woods yet.

Yet, Mars and the New Moon energy are encouraging you to line up plans and goals for your future path. Even if you’re stuck at home, you can still fire some arrows high into the sky and see where they land.

The Best Laid Plans…

Certainly, this feels like a month when you’ll want or need more to life than the everyday. This could create a challenge or clash in your life especially when Mars squares up to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn on the 4th, 13th and 24th.

This is a key feature of the month and with the three big planetary bodies in your work and health sector, you won’t want to be held back. Do what you can in August but accept reality and your own limitations.

Ensure you channel any anger or frustration constructively and find an outlet for any pent up tension. Get physical, yet don’t overdo it.

The same goes with work and here too, it’s wise to find a healthy work/life balance. If you’re aware you’re taking on too much, it could be a time to get real to ensure you don’t hit burn out.

If you’re out of work or unemployed, this too could cause your stress levels to rise, so prioritise your good health and well-being.

There’s another factor why you may feel restless this month and that’s the planet Uranus. Uranus, the planet of change, is currently in Taurus and your career and vocation sector up at the peak of your horoscope. On the 15th, Uranus turns retrograde and on the 3rd, Uranus is pulled in to the Full Moon pattern.

This combination is about freedom, finding a way to break free of constraints or tradition, do things differently. You might not want to go back to the same old routine. Instead, you may be more than ready to ring the changes.

Alternatively, you could find that you need to be super flexible and adaptable at work as you get used to sudden changes to travel and work options.

Love & Relationships

The Full Moon could be a pivotal time for your 1-to-1’s. Uranus is one of your partner planets and the Moon is in Aquarius and your relationship sector on the 3rd.

It’s a fiery combination which may spring surprises. A relationship might begin unexpectedly. Or, perhaps someone close acts unpredictably as emotions are heightened. Tread gently if you can when it comes to love and relationships.

Venus, the planet of love, moves into Cancer and the most hidden sector of your horoscope on the 7th. You may prefer to wait until Venus enters Leo next month to make any significant moves. Although, that Full Moon energy is electric.

Finally, on the 22nd, the Sun joins Mercury in Virgo and your personal money sector. After the excitements of the previous few weeks, there’s a more measured and stable period. It’s the ‘back to school’ vibe, time to return from summer fun and get your ‘to do’ list at the ready.

4 thoughts on “Leo August 2020”

  1. Thank you. I have libra moon in 3rd and Uranus in 3rd so this full moon makes me nervous. Hope I don’t do anything bad

    1. Watch what you say is the best advice and be flexible. With a Libra Moon, you know how to charm others 🙂

    1. Yes – Pluto can be about transformation but usually from the ground up. It also depends what aspects Pluto makes in your horoscope and which house it rules – look for Scorpio on the cusp. It may be that a new beginning around money comes from first letting go. Hope that helps.

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