Crazy Full Moon Aquarius

FULL MOON [11 Aquarius 46]

– August 3, 2020 (16:59 GMT+1)

August begins with a powerful Full Moon. Traditionally Full Moons are a time for celebration. Emotions are heightened and the Full Moon lights up the night sky extending the hours outside of darkness. More time to play and work outside, less sleep.

In the lunar cycle, the Full Moon represents culmination, ripeness, fertility and the bright light of the Moon denotes clarity. It’s a powerful time to trust your intuition, especially if you have a big decision to make.

Yet, Full Moons also have a reputation for craziness. The word ‘lunatic’ derives from ‘lunar’ meaning Moon, the werewolf awakens and black magic practitioners use the Full Moon as a time for ritual and power. And, this Full Moon could be crazier than usual – see Sun/Uranus below.

Leo/Aquarius Polarity

Firstly, it’s important to determine where the Full Moon falls and the star signs are involved. During this Full Moon, the Sun in Leo opposes the Moon in Aquarius.

A Full Moon reminds us of life’s polarities. You can either be pulled in different directions or seek a way to bring opposing factors together so they complement each other and work together.

Leo is the sign of the individual seeking pleasure and joy, whereas Aquarius is the sign linked to the collective and doing what’s good for everyone, finding a shared purpose.

These themes are already resonant within our society but there may be significant ways how they play out for you personally.

Where do you fit in, where don’t you fit in? Where in your life do you not feel seen, where do you shine bright and take charge?

Sun square Uranus

This feels like an important Full Moon – perhaps the most significant astrological event in August – as both of Aquarius’ ruling planets are active very close to the Full Moon.

The major planetary aspect is the Sun in Leo square to Uranus in Taurus, exact on August 2nd. Uranus is stationing at 10/11 degrees Taurus getting ready to turn retrograde on August 15th.

Uranus is in a tight square aspect to both the Sun and Moon during the Full Moon phase and Uranus is co-ruler of this Aquarius Full Moon.

This could be a time of controversy or the unexpected kicks in and you have to change plans and fast. This will be true for you if you have key planets/angles close to 10 degrees of the fixed star signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Uranus is the planet linked to rebellion – its nature is innovative, sudden, unpredictable and erratic. The flip side of Uranus is spontaneity, impulse, the flick of a switch, lightning moves, freedom, cutting ties.

Notice what’s calling you or pulling you during this Full Moon. Use Uranus’ energy well and you can make a snap decision, come up with a genius idea, share your brilliance, make a break for freedom.

Yet, it’s not easy planetary energy as it’s fast and unpredictable. The best advice is to stay flexible and be ready to move quickly.

Mercury opposite Saturn

The Mercury/Saturn opposition falls a few hours after the Full Moon on August 3rd. This is important because Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius.

Immediately, you have to ask ‘who’s saying No’ to you. Mercury in Cancer rules communication and Saturn in Capricorn is the strong arm of the law. This could bring a reality check, perhaps at home or within your family, laws or regulations that demand your attention.

We know in the world things are changing swiftly – one minute you know what you can and can’t do – theoretically; the next minute, there’s some new law or restriction set in place.

On a personal level, you may be weighing up the two contrary planetary aspects, i.e. considering your different responses to your personal situation – doing what you think is right v. doing what feels right, even if other people say you’re bonkers or crazy.

It’s quite the Full Moon energy – will you be sensible or will you take a risk?

Here are the areas of your life under the cosmic radar during this powerful Full Moon in Aquarius. Read both your Sun sign & Ascendant sign:

  • Aquarius – image, identity, personal goals & relationships, contracts, a third party
  • Pisces – retreat, secrets, self-care, caring for others & work, service, health, lifestyle
  • Aries – friends, groups, society, politics & children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs
  • Taurus – work, status, responsibility, future goals & home, family, past
  • Gemini – travel, study, beliefs, higher purpose & communication, local community, neighbours, siblings
  • Cancer – other peoples’ money, debt, taboo issues, sexuality & personal finances, possessions, values, self-worth
  • Leo – relationships, contracts, a third party & image, identity, personal goals
  •  Virgo – work, service, health, lifestyle & retreat, secrets, self-care, caring for others
  •  Libra – children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs & friends, groups, society, politics
  • Scorpio – home, family, past & work, status, responsibility, future goals
  • Sagittarius – communication, local community, neighbours, siblings & travel, study, beliefs, higher purpose
  • Capricorn – personal finances, possessions, values, self-worth & other peoples’ money, debt, taboo issues, sexuality

If you feel as if life is topsy-turvy, take one step at a time. Be aware that there’s a crazy vibe in the air. Embrace the weird in a good way as best you can.

Happy Crazy Full Moon! 

7 thoughts on “Crazy Full Moon Aquarius”

  1. Always grateful for your insightful journey through the astrological skies! So happy to have connected with you

  2. My Sun is 13 degrees Gemini, AC at 15 degrees Aqua. IC is 11 degrees Taurus, Jupiter 12 degrees Taurus and Pluto 11 degrees Virgo (7th). Learned today that research $$ we won last year won’t be honoured. Have to find a way to pay two people for their efforts. Also told today that I wasn’t needed to do extra work on something else that I volunteered for, but the people would get back to me ‘if they were desperate.’ This is the motivation I need to cement a decision to leave, one that I’d tentatively made back on the new moon around 24/25 January this year. Around that time, I was asked to take on someone else’s role at short notice…which I did.

    1. It sounds as if this Full Moon is significant for you, Kym, and the completion of a cycle. Sending best wishes.

  3. I have my moon in Aquarius and I’m a Leo ! I’d love to know your thoughts as it’s a bit Jericho right now and a potential house purchase in the mix ? Thoughts Sally

    1. You’re not the only Leo in the midst of some big ‘crazy’ changes. The astrology says ‘go for it’!

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