Jupiter Enters Sagittarius: Giant Steps

Jupiter, giant buddha

Today, November 8, 2018, big planet Jupiter enters its sign of rulership, Sagittarius, where it remains until December 2, 2019.

Jupiter likes to be in the sign of the traveller and explorer because it can take giant steps and channel its expansive nature into beliefs, religion, learning and wide open spaces. Jupiter is the planet which represents hope and faith, truth and humanity. We are moving from the world of emotion (Scorpio) into the world of inspiration and motivation (Sagittarius). Jupiter in Sagittarius is ideal for big-picture thinking, vision and purpose. At their best, fire signs, like Sagittarius, bring passion and joy into the world. They are spontaneous and optimistic.

You may discover what Jupiter means for you on November 8th when there’s a Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius and on November 26th, when the Sun in Sagittarius makes its annual conjunction with Jupiter. As Jupiter brings joy, opportunity and good fortune, make the most of what you have and be open to life’s bounty.
What will this mean for you? Here’s a quick guide to Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius for each of the twelve star signs:

Sagittarius: Jupiter is in your 1st house ruling your physical body, your personal goals and ambitions. The spotlight’s on you when Jupiter’s in Sagittarius giving you the feel-good factor and doubling your luck. Embrace new experiences, be adventurous and say Yes to life.

Capricorn: Jupiter is in your 12th house ruling retreat and quiet times. An ideal time to develop your spiritual side, listen to your inner voice, learn meditation, yoga or go on a retreat. Let the inner journey begin.

Aquarius: Jupiter is in your 11th house ruling friends, groups, social activities and concerns. An ideal time to connect with old and new friends alike, join a club, society or community project, do your bit for a humanitarian, environmental, political or social cause.

Pisces: Jupiter is in your 10th house ruling your career, vocation, status and where you’re heading in life. An ideal time to change careers, ask for a payrise or go for a promotion, take a sabbatical, work abroad, gain new qualifications and pursue your dream in life.

Aries: Jupiter is in your 9th house ruling travel, study, philosophy and spirituality. An ideal time to broaden your horizons and remember that life is the journey and not the destination. Book the holiday of a lifetime, emigrate, sign up for a life-changing course, be open-minded and explore life in depth.

Taurus: Jupiter is in your 8th house ruling joint finances, sexuality and all that’s hidden or taboo. An ideal time to pray for what you most need in life, receive an inheritance, improve your financial portfolio, explore your sexuality, embrace celibacy, share resources and pool finances.

Gemini: Jupiter is in your 7th house ruling your 1-to-1 relationships. An ideal time to fall in love, propose or be proposed to, play the field and become a dating superstar, let go of a love that restricts you, employ a personal trainer, life coach or find your ideal business partner.

Cancer: Jupiter is in your 6th house ruling work, your routine, service and your health. An ideal time to change the 9-to-5 so you free up your time, apply for a job, join a volunteer agency, boost your health and fitness, savour the slow life.

Leo: Jupiter is in your 5th house ruling children, your creativity, entertainment, love affairs and fun. An ideal time to give birth, get pregnant, work with children, write your masterpiece, explore your creativity, have an affair, become a socialite, buy tickets for a music festival.

Virgo: Jupiter is in your 4th house ruling your home, family, your past and where you come from. An ideal time to move home, expand where you live, make a journey into your past, celebrate with family and find your clan.

Libra: Jupiter is in your 3rd house ruling communication, siblings, neighbours and your local community. An ideal time to launch a website, tell stories, holiday or celebrate with brothers, sisters or people who live close by, join your neighbourhood watch scheme, update your mode of communication or transport.

Scorpio: Jupiter is in your 2nd house ruling money, personal possessions and what you value in life. An ideal time to earn more money, play with your investments, think ‘less is more’ and de-clutter your possessions, show your charitable or philanthropic side.

Please do comment below, especially if significant events occur during this ingress of Jupiter into Sagittarius – November 8, 2018 – and at the end of November when Jupiter makes its annual conjunction with the Sun.

4 thoughts on “Jupiter Enters Sagittarius: Giant Steps”

  1. Hi Sally

    Thank you.

    Sun, Jupiter conjunction takes place on my Neptune 3 degree Sagittarius. I am born 27 sep 1972 . at 8:46 pm What could I expect? My moon in Gemini 6, opposed by this..

    I have a online store and as soon as Jupiter entered I got my first sale!

    Thanks again,

    1. Great news re. your sale. It sounds like the Sun/Jupiter will be good for sales and marketing what you do. Jupiter and Neptune both respond well to visualisation.

  2. Hi Sally – as an Aquarian with Libra rising I am bemused that the comments above mirror what I am actually just getting involved in, which is a group to protect and enhance a wildlife area in my village which is in danger of being left to rot by the local council. It is not only an environmental cause involving community action (Aquarius theme), but it involves working with my niece to bring it about! Uncanny, eh?!

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