Full Moon Sagittarius: Synchronicity

Full Moon [8 Sagittarius 10]

London – May 29, 2018 (15:20 GMT +1)

New York – May 29, 2018 (10:20 GMT -4)

Sydney – May 30, 2018 (00:20 GMT + 10)

This week’s Full Moon is part of the moon cycle which began with the New Moon two weeks earlier on May 15, 2018. The fortnight between the New Moon and Full Moon favours growth, action, new plans and ideas.

Once the Full Moon culminates in the night sky, there’s time to pause and contemplate how far you’ve come. What is complete in your life, where is praise and acknowledgement due and what have you achieved?


During this Full Moon, the Sun and Moon oppose each other across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. Both signs are youthful and spirited, linked to education, knowledge and travel. Be informed during this Full Moon, expand your learning and seek out meaning and purpose in life. Gemini’s curiosity stirs Sagittarius’ vision, its ability to look ahead, to see the bigger picture and make future plans.

During the Full Moon phase, the light of the Moon shines brightly on any situation, and you can align head and heart to make an intuitive decision with clarity. This Full Moon is powerful for celebration as Sagittarius is a star sign that knows how to let go and live life to the full.

Jupiter and a Grand Water Trine

Sagittarius’ ruling planet is Jupiter, the biggest planet, adding to Sagittarius’ love of life. Having Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune as your ruling planet is a good thing and Sagittarius is a star sign that makes a natural entrepreneur. They are enthusiastic risk-takers, visionaries and their optimistic nature means they trust and have faith, they believe in luck. Use this Full Moon to make some clever moves in your own life.

The planet of truth and justice, Jupiter, strives for a better world. It represents the law, publishing, the media, religion, philosophy and the higher mind. Jupiter is currently part of a Grand Water Trine involving Jupiter in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Venus  in Cancer. An outpouring of love, overwhelming emotion, kind-hearted behaviour. The Grand Water Trine peaks on June 1st and 2nd.

YesIreland’s Abortion Law is Repealed – Yes vote wins

Note that Ireland has just voted to legalise abortion during this current astrology. Sagittarius rules the law and foreign connections. Irish citizens arrived in overwhelming numbers from all corners of the world to vote to repeal the abortion ban.

Venus rules women, Jupiter in Scorpio is turning out to be a powerful player in women’s rights and Neptune made everyone hearing the news a little weepy, myself included.

Mercury/Jupiter Synchronicity

There’s magic and synchronicity in the current planetary line-up and it’s a powerful time to trust where life is leading you. Now’s not the time to play small or stay put. Sagittarius encourages big moves, freedom and adventure. Trust in synchronicity and follow your instincts.

On that note, events now could prove powerful in seven months time. This is because in November 2018, Jupiter moves into its sign of rulership, Sagittarius, and on December 21, 2018, Mercury and Jupiter make a powerful conjunction at 9 Sagittarius 34, very close to the degree of this Full Moon. Mercury is Gemini’s ruler and Jupiter is Sagittarius’ ruler, so there’s a link between this Full Moon and the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction.

At the moment, it’s stated that the new abortion laws in Ireland will be in place by the end of the year, which fits the timing perfectly. Notice what’s happening in your own life now and whether the current timing could also prove synchronous for you.

Here are the areas of your life under the cosmic radar during this compelling Full Moon in Sagittarius:

  • Sagittarius – image, self-identity, personal goals/relationships, other people, a third party
  • Capricorn – retreat, secrets, self-undoing/work, service, health, lifestyle
  • Aquarius – friends, groups, society, politics/children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs
  • Pisces – work, status, responsibility, future goals/home, family, past
  • Aries – travel, study, beliefs, higher purpose/communication, neighbours, siblings
  • Taurus – other peoples’ money, debt, taboo issues/personal finances, possessions, values
  • Gemini – relationships, other people, a third party/image, self-identity, personal goals
  •  Cancer – work, service, health, lifestyle/retreat, secrets, self-undoing
  •  Leo – children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs/friends, groups, society, politics
  • Virgo – home, family, past/work, status, responsibility, future goals
  • Libra – communication, neighbours, siblings, local neighbourhood/travel, study, beliefs, higher purpose
  • Scorpio – personal finances, possessions, values/other peoples’ money, debt, taboo issues

Happy Full Moon – may it be joyous and meaningful for you

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