December Horoscopes 2023

Full Moon, reindeer, Father Christmas

Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes regarding my fractured elbow. I’m pleased to say that it’s healing nicely. This was no doubt helped by a couple of weeks at a retreat in India, when I was primarily relaxing and not writing.

Some of you loved the ‘short and sweet’ monthly horoscopes. And, for the next couple of months, I’m going to be continuing in the same format. I’ll be writing concise horoscopes for each star sign, plus give you Top Tips Astrology for your month ahead. 


Turn your gaze towards the coming year and line up some new adventures and experiences for 2024. Be bold and don’t doubt yourself. When it comes to your work or career path, there’s a lot to consider, especially after the 13th. Take your foot off the pedal and slow right down. Sometimes, you have to disengage from life so you can re-engage fully, in order to know where you’re heading and why. A gift or bonus could be the reason why you have more options available to you. Play the generous benefactor this festive period and trust that your fortunes are on the upturn.


Love and money are linked as you move forward into the last month of the year. Events on or around the 10th and 21st could prove pivotal and it may be up to you whether a relationship ends or survives. Perhaps, you want to cut free from ties, so you can follow your dreams in 2024. Whatever big plans you have lined up, leave them open for review from the 13th onwards. There’s no rush to book that once-in-a-lifetime trip or life-changing course. Yet, you may have a sense that luck and good fortune are coming, especially when you put your faith in life and trust your spiritual nature.


It’s that time in the year when your ruler Mercury is reminding you that, sometimes, you need to slow down in order to speed up. Communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in your finance sector on the 13th. Ideally, do your Xmas shopping before then and put off any major investments or decisions until the New Year. Love too may benefit from a new approach – more passion perhaps or let someone close know that they’re a priority in your life. A regular spiritual practise could prove deeply fulfilling. At the very least, you’re wise to find some quality time to rest and retreat.


You might be extra busy this month leading up to the festive period. Whether you have a full schedule of Xmas events or you’re working hard, being of service in life could be the adrenalin boost you’re looking for. Don’t overdo it, however, and don’t forget to look ahead. Living in the moment is a wonderful mantra but, without some forethought and planning, your long-term dreams and goals may not materialise. Love and passion could be yours for the taking but only embrace a new flirtation if it’s wise to do so. This is because relationships are up for review from the 13th onwards.


If there’s more than one opportunity to dive into the social whirl this month, take it. Whether you’re entertaining the kids or prioritising play and entertainment, there may be a lot to enjoy. A new romance could cheer you up too. Plus, this is a top time to trust that you’re heading into a new phase in 2024. If you have big dreams to get ahead, prepare yourself accordingly as the New Year promises a new beginning. Mercury’s change of direction on the 13th is a reminder to slow down the pace and look after your health. Less stress and more ease may be what’s required.


It’s an ideal month to review the year that’s gone and plan for the year that’s coming. Fire up those big dreams to travel, study or find more meaning and purpose in life. Recognise what works for you and plan to do more of it in the coming year. It’s not a time to line up small insignificant goals – in fact, just the opposite. When it comes to family arrangements, you’re wise to remain flexible. Mercury’s change of direction on the 13th could coincide with a change of events. If things don’t work out the way you want them to, work hard at amicable relations rather than all-out war.


Work out your Xmas budget and aim to stick to it. There may be a couple of occasions when your generosity kicks in but not all impulsive decisions will go your way. Ideally, rein in your spending after the 13th. However, other people’s generosity may blow you away. Alternatively, you could get lucky and win big. If you’re a typical Libra who loves being busy and socialising, you’re in luck. There may not be much incentive to pursue a healthy lifestyle but saying yes to activities and get-togethers could help keep you fit. You’ll enjoy the gossip on the whole, as long as it doesn’t turn nasty.


Take control of your finances this month and aim to boost your earning potential. Be bold and show you mean business. You could take advantage of a last-minute money-making opportunity and a Secret Santa option may help you not to lose track of your outgoings. Venus in your star sign Scorpio from the 4th to the 29th is your cue to flex your sex appeal. Power dressing may belong to the 80’s but it could be back on your agenda. Be open to love this festive season too. The more social you are, the more opportunity you have of meeting someone who matches your dream partner wish list.


The focus is firmly on you as the year comes to a close. Whether you’re prioritising your health, boosting your fitness levels or reviewing your personal goals, put yourself first and other people second. That doesn’t mean you won’t be helping others during the festive season but put most of your energy into your own life. A big charity event could be a huge success and generate income for yourself as well as the charity. If you’re looking for work, a volunteering or part-time role could lead to a more permanent position next year. Celebrate life and end the year on a high with a party.


You may be keen to line up some personal goals for 2024 but life might have other ideas. Don’t get too attached to a fixed outcome and be open to whatever comes your way. Talk planet Mercury changes direction in your star sign on the 13th, your cue to stop and reconsider where you’re heading and why. It would be easy to get caught up in the festive whirl this month but don’t say yes to everything. Prioritise spending quality time with your children, grandchildren or the people you cherish the most. A proposal or announcement on the 27th could be joyous and a cause for celebration.


You may not be having a traditional family Christmas this year. Perhaps, life has other plans for you. Or, you’re the one who’s keen to ring the changes. That’s not to say that home and family affairs aren’t going well, as lucky Jupiter could bring more than one positive revelation your way – perhaps, a new home or family news to celebrate. One area of your life that’s on fire this month is your social life. Either that or you’re extra busy with an environmental, humanitarian or social cause that’s dear to your heart. You’re going to be fired up and ready for action – do what matters to you most.


It may be the last month of the year but that doesn’t mean you’re taking your foot off the accelerator pedal. There may be lots happening at work or in your career, whether you’re actively involved with big ideas or you’re lining up some exciting future goals. At times, life could feel too hectic, so take any opportunity you can to pace yourself. Other people could surprise you when they step in to help you, so work your networks and your friendships. A community venture could mean a lot to you and it’s potentially where there’s most joy to be found over the festive period.

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If you would like to receive weekly horoscopes so you know what to expect and to keep up-to-date with the latest astrology, you can join my subscription service here: Weekly Horoscopes. This will give you all the information you need to work with cosmic timing each week, every week.

6 thoughts on “December Horoscopes 2023”

  1. So glad that you’re healing well and that you were able to find some peace and relaxation time. I firmly believe your body needs rest to recuperate whether it’s a cold or a broken bone. Wishing you and your family a happy Christmas and I look forward to reading more horoscopes in the new year ! Let’s hope 2024 is a great year for everyone!

  2. Margaret Williamson

    Hi Sally
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Glad to read you are healing from your fall. Sorry but I like the way you did your monthly readings before. Also this is a comment about your emails to do with purchasing product from yourself. It would be good – as other astrologers do where you live – quote the prices in other currency other than English pounds. Your readers do not all live in the UK therefore 12 or 24 pounds means nothing to me.

    1. Hi Margaret – thank you for your email. I know that some people will prefer the longer horoscopes but it’s time for me to change them. I’ve been writing them for free for 10 years and I want to concentrate on other writing in 2024. My weekly horoscope newsletter subscription is a great alternative and very affordable at only £79 for 52 newsletters per year. Also, apologies regarding the currency but the exchange rate changes all the time so it’s more accurate if you check it yourself when you want to make a purchase. As of today, £24 = approximately $30. Sending best wishes for the New Year.

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