Astrology Talk Investigate: What Is A Cosmic Marriage?

Astrology Talk are branching out and bringing you a new series of podcasts to run alongside our regular monthly astrology podcast. 

You may know us as Christina and Sally but we’re turning detective. Kirkman & Rodenbeck will be using their astrological lens to investigate a new topic each month.

You can also watch the video on our Youtube channel: Astrology Talk Podcast.

This month’s Astrology Talk investigation explores what a cosmic marriage means. This is when the Sun and Moon are at the same point in the zodiac in two different people’s birth charts.

Listen in to find out what this means and whether it’s a good thing. We look at two famous examples during the podcast, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton and the working relationship of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

Once you’ve listened to the podcast, please be in touch to let us know what you would like us to investigate each month.

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