Cancer Horoscope June 2023

beach, Cancer horoscope

Gemini Season

The Sun remains in Gemini and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 21st. Plus, talk planet Mercury is in Gemini from the 11th to the 27th. This is about inner conversation and inner work, whatever that means to you personally.

Perhaps, you’re exploring a spiritual path, learning meditation or practising gratitude or affirmation. It’s about your mind-set and talking yourself into a place of well-being. Don’t underestimate the power of the mind when the Sun is in the star sign of communication.

Both the Full Moon on the 4th and the New Moon on the 18th are significant in this respect. The Full Moon is about your health and well-being, an ideal time to seek balance in your life. Start with the basics if you’re feeling lost or confused. Prioritise the mind-body-soul connection and work holistically.

This Full Moon highlights your work or a volunteering role and the way you help or guide others. Use the light of the Moon to bring clarity into your life and make a key decision.

Fast forward to the New Moon and this is an ideal time for prayer or contemplation. Create some time and space for yourself to write down or say out loud your intentions around your next steps. You may be reading more or journalling on a regular basis. Communicate and speak up about what you want.

Also this month, the planets Saturn and Neptune are involved with the Moon phases. Both these planets are currently in Pisces, a fellow water sign. This is about exploration and moving beyond your comfort zone.

Notice when you allow fear or doubt to hold you back, especially on or around the Full Moon on the 4th or from the 15th to the 17th. Rules and regulations can be helpful to guide you, as long as you don’t become overly rigid and scared of change.

The period after the New Moon on the 18th is potentially a fertile time for your dreams and imagination. Expand your experience of life to find your creative or spiritual source. Use the Pisces’ influence to dive deep into ideas and vision boards. Alternatively, use poetry, music, art or nature to inspire you.

Neptune’s influence could pull you in opposite directions, however, and Neptune’s dominant on the 18th, 19th, 25th & 30th. This may bring healing and inspiration your way, but events could leave you floundering.

There’s a lot of emotional energy around in the second half of the month and you may be extra sensitive to the news or other people. Feel your emotions without holding on tight. The Pisces’ influence is encouraging you to release and let go, when it’s right to do so.

Money & Gifts

Also this month, there’s strong emphasis on fire sign Leo. Action planet Mars is here throughout June and the planet of relating Venus joins Mars in Leo on the 5th.

This puts money and earnings centre stage. You may have more drive to deal with finances or money matters. Relationships could be caught up with money too and you’re wise to try and compromise and work alongside other people.

Lovely Venus will remain in Leo for an unusually long time until early October. Venus in Leo feels indulgent and can give you a sense of the good life. This could bring something special your way, a gift or a bonus. The month of June may get better as it goes along and there’s another reason why.

Cancer Season

This is because of the Sun’s arrival in your star sign Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. This can lend you energy, vitality and give you a boost to your confidence. If you’ve taken some time out early on in June or you’ve been unsure of yourself, you may feel ready to take centre stage.

Plus, communication planet Mercury joins the Sun in Cancer on the 27th as the emphasis returns to you. When planets are in your star sign, focus on your personal goals and aims, put yourself first.

This may be important for another reason – a relationship. Admittedly, love could take centre stage as June begins as you have the planet of love Venus in your star sign Cancer up until the 5th. Yet, Venus moves on from Cancer and, on the 11th, power planet Pluto returns to Capricorn and your relationship sector.

Pluto rules loss and endings, as well as power and transformation. Since March of this year, Pluto’s moved out of your relationship sector but it’s back until January 2024.

Notice what happens on or around the 11th and who you feel drawn towards. Is someone back in your life? Is there a situation where power or control dominate? You’re wise to avoid a confrontational situation or power games, especially if this impacts you financially, emotionally or both.

While planets are in Leo, boost your financial independence, your ability to earn your own money and work out how you’re going to cut ties that hold you back.

Your personal money sector is linked to how you value yourself and self-worth. The stronger you are, the more you can start to steer your life in the direction you choose. If in doubt, lean on a good friend, the one who’s by your side on or around the 19th.

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