Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
It’s a big month in the heavens with two eclipses, a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 8th and a Solar or New Moon eclipse on the 23rd. Plus Mercury, the communication planet, is retrograde from the 4th-25th.
Both eclipses and Mercury retrograde share a theme of things being hidden coming to light. At times this month you may feel as if you’re making progress in the dark but by month’s end, you’ll have a clearer vision of the path ahead.
The first eclipse is a powerful one which takes place on the 8th. The Sun in Libra opposite the Moon in Aries cut across the travel and study axes of your chart. Eclipses often symbolise dramatic events, key turning points in life which re-orient you in a new direction. As Mercury is also retrograde, it is wise to double-check everything if you’re travelling or studying, including documentation, visas, passports, etc. Mercury retrograde is classic for mix-ups and muddles so plan accordingly.
The eclipse on the 8th is a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse, a time when emotions are heightened and things can go a little crazy. This is even more powerful for you as your modern ruler, Uranus, sits next to the Moon in Aries and you’re likely to feel strongly about something that’s said or you read on or around this date. It’s a frenetic energy and as you’re a sign with strong principles, you may be shocked by what you see or hear.
Venus, the planet of love, opposes Uranus a few days after the eclipse on the 11th and as Libra is the sign of relating, this isn’t an easy picture for relationships in general. Uranus is about splits, cutting off from another and there’s a possibility that you are going to fall out with someone close or someone you hold in high regard. The astrology suggests a difference of opinion regarding something you believe in vehemently.
If travel or study plans go awry or you get caught up in an argument or mis-understanding, remember that Mercury is retrograde until the 25th so it’s not easy to sort things out or see with clarity when Mercury’s on go slow. Instead you’re wise to give yourself the time and space to sort things out in your own head and let any issues calm down. When Libra’s the sign that’s dominant, it’s important to try and see a situation from both sides of the coin.
As all of this activity is going on, there’s another factor which involves two glorious fire trines in the heavens. Mars, the action planet, is in Sagittarius ruling your friends, groups and the wider society and on the 5th Mars trines Uranus, your ruling planet and the planet of change and on the 8th Mars trines Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity.
This is a daredevil combination and your thirst for adventure will be strong. You’re likely to be inspired, stimulated or persuaded by someone in your circle to live life to the full and set off on a quest or journey. This may be physical, i.e. travel or a soul quest or course of learning. Listen out for the opportunities that come your way at this time and if there is a chance for you to grab a new experience, take it with both hands. The only word of warning is not to do anything foolish and ensure that you stay grounded even if you are swept away on a wave of enthusiasm.
Jupiter is currently in your opposite sign of Leo and as Venus, the love planet, interacts with both eclipses this month, love is on the cards. Again it doesn’t feel easy or straightforward, however, but certainly super exciting. Settling in a monogamous relationship could be a challenge now and if you’re dating, you won’t necessarily want to date one person at a time. Anything goes until an issue arises and you need to think carefully about another person’s feelings instead of walking rough shod over them. You may want to have fun and have a good time now but it is important to take other peoples’ feelings into account.
This is also a key month for your career and where you’re heading in life. As October begins, the communication planet Mercury dips it’s toe into the sign of Scorpio, ruling your work, vocation and status. However, on the 4th and at 2 degrees Scorpio, Mercury turns retrograde and begins to backtrack leaving the sign of Scorpio on the 10th.
This may mean that you apply for a job but have to wait to hear whether you’re successful or you make a decision about work but then you change your mind. If you can, bide your time whilst Mercury’s on go slow and wait and see what the end of the month brings. Often you find that new information comes to light once Mercury turns direct (25th) and you’re glad you waited.
The Solar or New Moon eclipse on the 23rd also falls in the sign of Scorpio at 0 degrees. This is a really powerful eclipse and indicates a destiny moment, a turning point that’s significant months or even years down the line. There is a theme of letting go in order to start afresh. Saturn, your traditional ruler, has been in Scorpio since late 2012 but at the end of the year Saturn moves on. What takes place on or around the 23rd could be a get-out clause or a decision to do things differently. What you decide has a knock-on effect for the coming year, 2015.
At this eclipse, Venus sits next to the Moon and Sun in Scorpio so it’s a strong feminine energy. Look out for a powerful or influential woman who can help you make progress and trust your intuition when it comes to work and money matters. The more you follow your heart and do what feels right to you, the happier you are.