Full Moon [1 Taurus 13] – Wednesday 24th October
(17:45 GMT+1)
Yesterday, the Sun entered Scorpio, today there’s a Full Moon in Taurus. The Moon likes being in earth sign Taurus, where it’s said to be exalted. This means its energy is powerful and strong. My favourite saying for the Moon in Taurus is a ‘safe harbour’.
Taurus rules security, both financial and emotional, and the earth sign Taurus is inextricably linked with nature and abundance. There’s a constancy to nature and the earth sustains, feeds and comforts us. Daily routines, walking in nature, silence, sensual pleasures, indulgence – these are all connected to Taurus’ earthy delights.
This Full Moon brings the Moon’s cycle to completion. It highlights clarity, a chance to settle, consolidate and make important decisions after recent events.
The Moon is dependable and sure in Taurus and rules with a steady hand. Think what will nurture and nourish you now, stabilise your energy and take care of your body and soul.
Unpredictable Uranus In The Mix
This is especially important this week, because there are other planets pulled into the Taurus Full Moon, which change the picture dramatically. Unpredictable Uranus sits next to the Moon in Taurus and love planet Venus, currently retrograde, sits next to the Sun in Scorpio.
This is potentially an unstable and volatile week for the money markets as Taurus is the sign that rules money and Scorpio is linked to the hidden side of finances and the stock market.
Therefore, don’t take impulsive risks financially, unless you know what you’re doing. There’s always the possibility of taking advantage of a wildly unbalanced financial market but it needs guts and insight to do so.
This whole combination does feel exciting, however, and it could herald a new stage in love or unexpected encounters. Remember that with Venus currently retrograde in Scorpio, there’s a secretive or hidden theme. It’s potentially a passionate Full Moon, although for some it could coincide with dramatic events in love.
If you feel as if life is topsy-turvy, take one step at a time. Be aware that there’s a crazy vibe in the air which other people may pick up on. Embrace the weird in a good way. At the same time, find your anchor and keep your feet on the ground.
Happy Full Moon!