Your 2016 Guide To Love And Riches

2016 Love & RichesPart 3 of 3. Today you will discover how love and riches play a role in your life. 

Venus is back on track in 2016 after her descent to the Underworld from July-September 2015.

This is good news for everyone because Venus rules love and money, thanks to her rulership of Libra (relating) and Taurus (productivity). 

When Venus is in your sign, this is your opportunity to make the most of Venus’ sensuality. Treat yourself, be open to love and enjoy the popularity and comfort of Venusian treasures.

The content is derived from my 2016 Horoscope eBook that’s more than 150 pages long and features in-depth information for all the signs about their year ahead. You can order it here£10 for all 12 signs. 

Aries – The love dramas of the last few years are over once the month of March has been and gone. When Venus dances in your sign of Aries from April 5 to April 30 2016, you are more than ready to show who you are and what you have to offer. Enjoy your life to the full with one proviso – don’t run up debt.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Taurus – The brakes are off when it comes to love in 2016. Glide swan-like through life when lady Venus graces your sign of Taurus from April 30 to May 24. Show someone special they’re onto a good thing even if they have to get to know you first before sex is on offer.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Gemini – You are taking the love thing seriously this year and you’re more than ready to name your terms if someone close talks commitment. Venus is in Gemini from May 24 to June 17 2016 and when the right person comes along, s/he has to tick more than a few boxes on your relationship wish list.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Cancer – Your big relationship lesson is to learn that you can call the shots in love and Venus in your sign of Cancer from June 17 to July 12 2016 boosts your self esteem. Ditch the person who takes what they can without giving enough in return and hold out for the love and respect you deserve.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Leo – There’s no holding back when attention-seeking Venus lights up your sign of Leo from July 12 to August 5 2016. It’s a full on Leo performance and you’re more than happy to entertain a number of possible suitors. It’s your shout at the end of the day whether you’re a happy-go-lucky singleton or a Leo with lovers.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Virgo – Venus in your sign of Virgo from August 5 to August 30 brings out your perfectionist tendencies. You want a lover who looks good and has excellent social etiquette. Eclipse action in 2016 guarantees that your relationships come jam-packed with big moments. You’re the star of the show.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Libra – Joyous Jupiter awakens your joy for life when love planet Venus enhances your sign of Libra from August 30 to September 23 2016. You won’t be tied down when it comes to love and you understand that a relationship can grow and blossom when you fully accept that freedom and love go hand in hand.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Scorpio – As the seasons shift in the heavens, Venus moves into dark territory when she swoons in Scorpio from September 23 to October 18 2016. Sensuality is a rich playground and you’re willing to dive deep into love. Money is a different matter and extravagance shouldn’t play any part in your indulgent nature.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Sagittarius – Fire your arrows far and wide when love planet Venus strides boldly into your sign of Sagittarius on January 1 to January 23 2016 and again from October 18 to November 12 2016. This is a warrior Venus who won’t take No for an answer but will draw up a list of demands for any potential lover.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Capricorn – Sex before love isn’t your usual strategy when it comes to partnership. Yet when Venus enters your sign of Capricorn twice from January 23 to February 17 2016 and November 12 to December 7 2016, you know who you want and why. A sacred path is also on offer whether this leads to tantric sex or an ascetic lifestyle.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Aquarius – Love planet Venus kicks up a storm in your sign of Aquarius from February 17 to March 12 2016 but it’s Christmas time when you throw yourself into the party spirit and embrace Venus’ loving nature. She’s having fun in Aquarius from December 7 2016 until the end of the year. Keep love light.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

Pisces – Spring fever is awakened when Venus enters your sign of Pisces from March 12 to April 5 2016. You’re the great romantic of the zodiac and never more so than now. Go with the flow as you discover how love can transcend to bliss. When you’re in flow, it’s not just love but money that glides in.

Purchase your copy of the 2016 Horoscope eBook here.

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