Update: May 26th 2013. Well, I thought I had that one in the bag when Borussia Dortmund scored to go 2-1 up against Bayern Munich. Spot on with my prediction! Then the goal was disallowed and Bayern only went and scored. Right score, wrong team! I suspect that Mars in Taurus on the Descendant was too strong against the lovely planets in the 7th house. Bayern were not giving up without a fight and were determined to make it 3rd time lucky (losing finalists in 2010 and 2012). Good on them! Boo hoo for me…
I have been asked whether I’d take a look at the chart of Saturday’s Champions League final 2013 to see what the astrology shows. One thing’s for sure, it’s going to be a German victory as both finalists are from Germany.
Bayern Munich are the favourites to win and they have already beaten their opposition Borussia Dortmund to the Bundesliga tital. Bayern lost last year’s Champions League final against Chelsea in a penalty shoot-out having dominated much of the match, so they’ll be super keen to make it second time lucky. Let’s take a look at the chart:

Bayern and Mars
As is often the case with contest charts, the astrological symbolism is not straightforward with some conflicting testimonies but here goes. The ruler of the Ascendant represents the team who are favourites, in this case Bayern Munich. The chart has a Scorpio Ascendant, so the planet representing Bayern is Mars, which fits Bayern’s team colours, red and white, as Mars is the red planet.
Mars is however in detriment in the sign of Taurus, i.e. not strong but sits on the Descendant, the point which represents the other team. This suggests Bayern are going to play in an attacking and aggressive manner and will not only want to dominate the other team but stop them from scoring. Mars on the Descendant is a positive indicator for Bayern.
Borussia and Venus
Borussia Dortmund are represented by Venus in Gemini, the ruler of the Descendant, and again this fits as Gemini rules the colour yellow and Borussia’s team colours are black and yellow. Venus is one of four traditional planets in Gemini in the 7th house, including both benefics, Venus and Jupiter, as well as the Part of Fortune. This must favour Borussia and it doesn’t suggest a game that’s going to be a goal-less draw as Gemini’s quick and fleet-footed. My initial intuition was a 2-1 win to Borussia.
The Moon’s Aspects
The Moon is important in contest matches and in the chart the Moon sits in the first house in the sign of Sagittarius. This gives Bayern a nudge in the right direction but the Moon’s last aspect was a trine to Uranus on the 5th house cusp. Uranus gives a nod towards the ‘outsider’, i.e. Borussia and the 5th house rules chance and luck.
The Moon’s applying aspects are all oppositions to Venus, Mercury and Jupiter respectively before the Moon changes signs. Venus comes first and Venus represents Borussia so another plus factor for them but the Moon’s final two aspects are also relevant. In contest charts, the 10th house shows the favourite’s chance of success and with Virgo on the 10th cusp or Midheaven, Bayern’s success planet is Mercury in Gemini in its rulership and the strongest planet in the chart.
However, the last aspect of the Moon before changing signs often indicates the end of the matter and Jupiter is Borussia’s success planet. This is because their success house is the 10th from the 7th, i.e. the 4th house. Pisces is the sign on the cusp and Jupiter rules Pisces. Jupiter isn’t strong in Gemini as it’s said to be in detriment but it’s still the biggest and best planet and this is why I feel Borussia may steal a win.
German Coaches: Sun Taurus v. Sun Gemini
The chart is a confusing picture which isn’t surprising as Saturday is also the day of a lunar or Full Moon eclipse square to Neptune, the planet of confusion. A quick look at the charts of the two coaches again backs Borussia. Jupp Heynckes is Bayern’s coach and he’s a Sun Taurus and Mars in the contest chart is wide of his Sun which is at 18 Taurus. Jupp has Jupiter at 17 Virgo so close to the contest chart’s Midheaven but separating from it.
Jurgen Klopp is Borussia’s coach and a Sun Gemini with his Sun at 24 Gemini, which means that on the day of the final Jupiter is applying to a conjunction with his Sun. The success planet connects with his Sun Gemini. Astrologically this gives him the edge over his rival so my prediction is for Borussia Dortmund to win the Champions League Final 2013 and leave Bayern Munich disappointed once again. I shall report back next week.
Birth data:
Jupp Heynckes, b. May 9 1945, Monchengladbach, Germany, time unknown
Jurgen Klopp, b. June 16 1967, Stuttgart, Germany, time unknown
Hi, thank you very much for the prediction ;-). Oh that will be hard for my son, he is such a big Bayern Fan and of course they are all hoping to finally win the CL. But yes my feeling also tells me that the Underdog is more likely to win :-(.
hi Marianne, thanks for your comment. One way or another, I suspect it’s going to be an exciting match. I feel for your son if Bayern do lose; I know how much it means. best, Sally
Marianne, give your son a hug from me! I’m so pleased for him. I got the right score, the wrong team… To be fair, it could have gone either way. I was jumping up and down when Borussia scored to make it 2-1 but then the goal was disallowed! Good on Bayern. They deserved it after 2010, 2012.