Your ruling planet is Mercury, the communication planet. Therefore, it’s good news that Mercury is moving in forward motion this month after three weeks retrograde, i.e. on go slow during February.
Mercury is in Aquarius and your work and health sector until the 15th. The stand-out date is the 5th when Mercury teams up with lucky Jupiter in Aquarius. You could hear good news on or around this date. This might link back to events that began in January of this year.
Pisces Season
Love is in the air as March gets underway. Whether your love life is exhilarating, bewildering or simply a fantasy, it’s worth indulging the romantic side of your nature.
There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the Sun is in Pisces and your relationship sector until the 20th. The Sun is joined by love planet Venus in Pisces until the 21st, a symbol of unconditional love. And, your ruling planet Mercury enters Pisces on the 15th.
Therefore, this could be a stunning month for you when it comes to love and relationships, whether you meet someone new or you experience a soul-mate connection with someone close.
The 11th, 14th and 30th are potentially blissful dates when romantic Neptune in Pisces encounters the Sun, Venus and Mercury in this same sector of your horoscope.
Plus, there’s a stunning New Moon in Pisces on the 13th, which could bring more beauty into your life. It may be a love relationship that brings sweetness your way. Or, perhaps this New Moon taps in to your giving nature and your natural inclination to want to help others.
At its best, this can be blissful & transcendent, whether you’re in love or on a spiritual quest. There may be someone in your life who’s playing a unique role and you love what they have to offer you.
This whole combination, however, does suggest that the other person holds sway, which is not good news if you’re feeling vulnerable or lacking confidence. Neptune has a flip side that’s linked to illusion and betrayal.
Therefore, trust your intuition throughout the month and don’t fall prey to other peoples’ promises or influences if they’re not built on solid ground. This is where your earth sign nature is needed.
Money & Work
Money and emotions are closely tied during the last ten days of the month. This is because of key activity taking place in the star sign, Aries.
Aries rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope and flags up what’s hidden. This is about your close connections and who or what you feel most passionate about.
The Sun’s move into Aries on the 20th is the date of the Equinox and the start of the new zodiac year. Plus, one day later, the planet of love & relating, Venus enters Aries on the 21st.
This could coincide with a chance to start over financially. It would be a good time to request a loan or ask for payment owed. The Full Moon on the 28th also flags up money matters as it cuts across the Aries-Libra axis of the zodiac.
At its best, this is about balance and seeking a fair outcome. However, the Libra scales tend to swing wildly before they re-calibrate. Sometimes, you’re acutely aware of the opposites before you find a way to bring about unity.
During the Full Moon, trust your intuition when the light of the Moon shines brightly. The 28th would be an ideal date to work out a settlement or find a way forwards, either financially or emotionally.
Ensure any agreements benefit both parties involved. You might be able to move quickly to sort things out financially for you or someone you’re close to.
Multi-Tasking & Ambition
Plus, you have action planet, Mars, in Gemini from the 4th onwards at the peak of your horoscope. This is a clear statement that this is a time to be ambitious and focus on career and vocational goals. Mars in Gemini is great for all forms of communication, networking, brainstorming and sharing ideas.
Mars in Gemini is a symbol of two jobs or adding a new string to your bow. This month’s dominant mode is mutable and the mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Therefore, you can work with this planetary energy to be flexible and adaptable.
Keep your options open and the lines of communication open. This is what benefits you moving forwards. Be willing to train or learn something new that can help your prospects over the coming months.