Virgo December 2020

Your ruling planet Mercury is in Sagittarius for most of December, the star sign which rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. Mercury’s here from the 1st to the 20th alongside the Sun which remains in Sagittarius until the 21st.

This turns your focus towards your foundations and your loved ones. This sector of your horoscope is where there’s major planetary activity thanks to the eclipses that dominate the skies in the first half of December.

Solar Eclipse

There was a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th, an emotional turning point, and there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14th, indicating a powerful new beginning.

The Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac represents the foundations of your life, your home, your work, what helps you feel safe and secure. Yet, eclipses aren’t known for stability or predictability.

Instead, they often coincide with change and the big events in life. Ultimately, the Gemini/Sagittarius axis highlights your parents, your connection to the past, your ancestry and legacy.

Eclipses sometimes coincide with an ending, when there’s a theme of letting go and moving on. In order to break free from a challenging situation, you might have to make a bold move first. For some of you, this is linked to finances or emotional ties.

Yet, the Solar Eclipse can also represent a turn-around moment removing a block or obstacle in your personal life. If you’re trying to move home, for example, events mid-month could be the trigger you need to move forward.

Lifestyle Habits

Work is getting more of a look in from this month onwards too as the major planets Jupiter and Saturn change star sign. On the 17th & 19th, they both move into air sign Aquarius and on the 21st, they make their epic Great Conjunction.

Aquarius rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. It’s about order and creating new structure in your life. There may be a breakthrough with regard to your work situation or your health. Aquarius is a future-oriented star sign linked to new developments and technologies.

Over the coming months, you could find the ideal job that frees up your time or you fall in love with volunteering. Or, perhaps you decide to take part in activities and develop daily habits which boost your health and well-being. Your star sign is often suited to working in the health industries.

This part of your horoscope will be activated most strongly in 2020 but what you’re setting up now could take you forward to 2023. Aquarius is the star sign linked to the collective and your star sign Virgo loves to be of service to the community and to others.

Embrace Life

There’s a definite shift in planetary energy around the Solstice, the 21st. The day before, the 20th, your planet Mercury enters earth sign Capricorn and is joined by the Sun on the 21st.

Capricorn rules all the good things in life in your horoscope, it’s what you give birth to. This includes love, children & pregnancy, creative projects & self-expression. During the last 10 days of the year, you might choose to act spontaneously to follow your heart or broaden your horizons.

Note what opportunities arise on or around the 25th & 28th when Mercury & the Sun connect with the planet of change Uranus. Do what feels right and end the year on a high.

Uranus is in Taurus linked to travel, study, adventure & new experiences. Connecting with your closest friends close to the Full Moon in Cancer on the 30th is a perfect way to end the year.

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8 thoughts on “Virgo December 2020”

  1. Hi,Thank you for this interesting scope for Dec. I was born on the 01/09/1970 at 5:30 am in Malindi Kenya. Saggi Solar Eclipse on 14th will Trine my Fortuna in Leo at 23, my Ascendant at 24 Leo and Sextile my Venus at 24 Libra.Can you please translate this one for me?What should i expect?

    1. All positive planetary aspects so hopefully the best of eclipses for you, i.e. surprises. Expect the unexpected – in a good way.

  2. Hi! I’m virgo birth, Aries rising Scorpio moon and i sold
    My house and I’m moving dec 13. I haven’t found even a rent all yet. What’s happening with the eclipse – what should I do? Do I wait until after dec 14 to sign a lease?

    1. Tricky to say without looking at your whole birth chart. The Solar Eclipse can trigger new beginnings and I do know of quite a few people who’ve moved on an eclipse date. Trust your intuition and do what feels right.

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