Scorpio October 2020

Scorpio October 2020, milky way

October could prove to be one of the trickiest months for you. However, don’t let that stop you taking steps in the right direction, even if it means taking two steps forward and one step back.

Mars Retrograde

There are a few reasons why this month looks unpredictable for you. Firstly, your traditional ruler Mars remains retrograde throughout October. Mars represents action and passion, grit and determination. When Mars is on go slow, sometimes you feel out of control. Or, you’re not the one in charge.

Mars retreats back through Aries and your work and health sector. You may have to reboot or rediscover your ambition, your mojo. Or, you find that life has other plans for you and you encounter obstacles and delays.

Yet, Mars in Aries needs to be active whether you’re getting fit, letting go, decluttering or taking action regardless. Try not to let negative emotions kick in, especially on or around the 9th, 13th and 19th.

You could hear news that stops you in your tracks on or around these dates. Either way, conserve your energy and choose your battles wisely.

The Sun in Libra until the 22nd is a reminder that this is a period when you need to be quiet and rest & retreat. Take good care of your health, especially on the Full Moon in Aries on the 1st and the New Moon in Libra on the 16th. If necessary, take a step back and do less not more.

Mercury Retrograde

Talk planet Mercury is in Scorpio for most of the month, until the 28th. And, from the 22nd onwards, the Sun moves into your star sign Scorpio beginning your birthday month. This is often a time when you feel more confident, as the Sun represents vitality and energy.

Mercury turns retrograde this month on the 14th and remains on go slow until early November. Keep your cards close to your chest during this period. Use the Mercury retrograde phase to ponder and listen to your inner voice.

If life’s been all work and no play, it’s time to readdress the balance. If you’re out of work and seeking employment, do your research. The turning points come for you in November, as Mercury turns direct on the 3rd and Mars turns direct on the 13th. Plan around these dates to get things moving.

This could be an important month for your personal development and learning more about yourself when things go wrong. How do you respond to life when it doesn’t give you what you want? Dig deep and know that your star sign Scorpio is the phoenix of the zodiac.

You’re one of life’s survivors. Often, you fare best when you’re working to a tight deadline or facing a new challenge.

Changing Relationships

Relationships too could be evolving and fast this month. This is because Uranus, the planet of spontaneity and unpredictability, is in action in Taurus and your relationship sector.

The key dates are the 7th, 20th and 31st, the day of the Full Moon in Taurus. Uranus tends to turn your situation around – and fast.

This month’s astrology is not for the faint-hearted. There’s a lot going on so learn to focus and channel your energy well. Be passionate, not argumentative. Stay active, avoid negativity. Let go and declutter, take one day at a time.

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2 thoughts on “Scorpio October 2020”

    1. Oh I’m sorry, Dawn. I didn’t want to depress anyone but it is a tricky month astrologically – and out in the world too! I like to keep the astrology real. I’m Scorpio too – if anything, it’s making me more determined to get things moving even if plans are likely to change. And, it’s good to know that turning points come in November – plan ahead. Sending best wishes.

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