Scorpio Horoscope December 2022

Scorpio horoscope December 2022, sacred geometry

The Sun’s in Sagittarius and your personal money sector until the 21st. Talk planet Mercury is here until the 6th and the planet of relating Venus until the 10th. This would suggest that it’s an excellent month to focus on making money and planning ahead.

Gemini Full Moon

There are other factors involved, however, which indicate that money could be a complex affair. Firstly, your traditional ruler Mars remains retrograde in Gemini and your joint finance sector. Plus, Mars clashes with Venus in Sagittarius on the 1st and the Sun in Sagittarius on the 8th.

The 8th is also the day of the Full Moon cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and the financial axis of your horoscope. Full Moons can be about opposition or competition and Mars’ involvement indicates that this may be so.

Mars is exactly conjunct the Moon during the Full Moon phase which suggests that emotions could run high. Whether you’re passionate about money or feeling angry around money, investments or debt, the Full Moon is likely to be a pivotal time.

You may be tempted to leap in and make an impulsive decision. However, make sure this doesn’t backfire on you financially with Mars retrograde. Ideally, you want to play a waiting game until Mars is back in direct motion mid-January before making any major cash decisions.

You could get sucked into helping someone out financially, when it’s not the best course of action. Or, perhaps there’s a question mark around money and your relationship with a child or lover.

It might be a time when your emotions are heavily invested in someone and this blurs your decision-making process where money’s concerned. The trickiest dates are potentially the 4th and 14th.

Earth Sign Energy

It’s noticeable that earth sign energy is strong during this period. Earth signs are notoriously down-to-earth and use their common sense in making decisions. This would be a wise choice for you too, rather than being overly impulsive.

Talk planet Mercury enters Capricorn and your communication sector on the 6th followed by Venus on the 10th. Plus, the Sun’s move into Capricorn on the 21st heralds the Solstice and there’s a New Moon here on the 23rd.

Put all this together and you’re likely to be playing an active role within your local community. You can make strong connections during this period and enjoy yourself close to home. The 17th & 22nd are potentially promising for love too – be spontaneous on or around these dates and keep the lines of communication wide open.

Jupiter Joy

On the 20th, big planet Jupiter enters fire sign Aries. This is the planet of luck and opportunity. It has an expansive and boundless quality that taps into your desire to escape everyday reality and experience bliss in life. 

Jupiter’s been in Aries already this year from May 10th to October 28th. This time around, Jupiter will remain in Aries until May 16, 2023.

Aries highlights your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. It’s a lively combination which could give you extra get-up-and-go and increase your va-va-voom moving into the new year. 

You may find the ideal job that frees up your time or fall in love with volunteering. Or, perhaps you decide to take part in activities and develop daily habits which boost your health and well-being. Aries is ruled by Mars, your traditional planet, and Mars represents the physical body, strength and courage.

Take notice of the opportunities that come your way later this month. Sometimes, opportunities arise when Jupiter changes star sign. Plus, there’s a lucky Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aries on the 29th. You’ll be able to see this beautiful pairing in the night sky. It would be an ideal time to make a wish.

Mercury Retrograde

Finally, it’s important to note that communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th and remains on go slow until January 18, 2023. Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn and your communication sector. Therefore, this could be a double whammy of communication chaos for you. 

You’re wise to get important correspondence backed up and double-check forms and applications before Mercury swings into reverse mode. A key feature of Mercury retrograde is not to take anything for granted. Check and re-check that things are progressing, even if it’s slow progress. Double-check dates, meetings and interviews.

Mercury retrograde is a classic period to kick back and do less not more. Take yourself out of your everyday environment, shift your perspective and take a fresh look at life. Know your allies and get the right people on your side. Catch up with old school friends and take a walk down memory lane.

In addition, talk things through and express your feelings, even if answers don’t come easily. When Mercury’s on go slow, there can be misunderstandings or mis-truths. Don’t believe everything you hear and be open-minded.

One the best ways to use the Mercury retrograde phase is to take a holiday or pilgrimage. You may find that you can’t get to the place you want this month. Yet, you discover that where you end up is where you were meant to be all along.

Mercury is the focal planet on Christmas Day as it aligns with Neptune. Also, Mercury teams up with Venus as it switches direction. This combination could be romantic for you.

Or, perhaps you’re involved in your community in some way or a charity event. Or, you’re taking care of the neighbours. One way or another, it’s a compassionate influence that closes the year nicely.

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