Pisces June 2018

Solstice, Pisces

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

There is some lovely, emotional astrology taking place this month which will tap into the depths of your romantic being. As June begins, love planet Venus is in water sign Cancer and the sector of your horoscope which rules all the good things in life.

This includes romance, children and pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment, luck and fun. Not only that but on the 1st and 2nd, Venus is in a Grand Water Trine with your two ruling planets, expansive Jupiter in Scorpio and romantic Neptune in your star sign Pisces.

This is a rare planetary combination and most definitely one to make the most of. It suggests a lovely flow of emotion and creative energy. The more you give, the more you receive in return. 

This could be a peak time of year for you with regard to love and romance, whether you’re falling in love or celebrating special news. Another key period in June is the 19th to the 21st when communication planet Mercury picks up the Cancer baton and once again creates a Grand Water Trine with your co-rulers, Jupiter and Neptune. This too feels powerful for love and relationships, as Mercury is your partner planet.

Therefore, this is a wonderful month to go with the flow, be loving and giving and open to life’s gifts in return. It’s a time to trust yourself and do what you choose. This is your peak time of year to do what makes you happy and embrace pleasure and good times.

This is particularly important because not everyone will be in agreement with you. There are two powerful planets, Saturn and Pluto, in Capricorn and they oppose the personal planets travelling through Cancer.

Capricorn rules your friends and group activities so you may find that other people are dismissive of what interests you or could try to halt a romance which lights up your life. Be aware of this, especially on or around the 6th, 16th, 23rd and 27th and leading up to the Full Moon on the 28th.

These are the dates when the oppositions kick in and you’ll know who or what you’re up against. This whole planetary combination feels like weighing up whether you choose short-term gratification over long-term fulfilment. It might feel like a tough choice, especially close to the Full Moon but try not to allow yourself to be controlled by other people. Be in charge of your own destiny, follow your heart and prioritise your emotional needs.

The Full Moon shines a light on any situation and it’s often a time of clarity. See what comes your way and where limitation or obstacles lie. This is the time for you to decide whether to give something or someone up. Know too that in certain circumstances, you might have to prioritise other people, a child for example.

What would be wrong is to let fear or doubt halt your happiness so move away from the naysayers and trust your own emotional response rather than allow other peoples’ opinions to sway your own. Worry less about what other people think and more about what makes you happy in life. This is a key message for you in the month ahead.

Also, this month you might be moving ahead with home or property plans. Talk planet Mercury is in Gemini and your home and family sector until the 12th and the Sun remains here until the 21st, the day of the Solstice.

This often flags up meetings or negotiations which involve your family or home or property issues. You could be renovating the place you live or know that you need to change around your living situation, as your family dynamic changes.

This is a good month to crack on with these decisions and get things moving quickly. The Sun and Mercury unite in Gemini on the 6th, an excellent date for a family pow-wow or property viewing and the New Moon falls in Gemini one week later, on the 13th.

The 13th is a stunning date for new beginnings and setting your intentions for what next. Use the New Moon energy to be proactive and take the initiative, especially with regard to your domestic situation.

This could also be a significant month for returning to your past in some way. Action planet Mars is currently in Aquarius and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Mars is another speedy planet and, on the 1st, Mercury and Mars align in Gemini and Aquarius.

You might find that someone from your past is back in touch or you’re negotiating about your family home or a similar situation. 

Mars in Aquarius is about collecting information as well, doing research to ensure that you’re fully prepared for what next. This is particularly important because Mars turns retrograde on the 26th and, for the following two months, Mars will be on go slow until August 27th.

This is always a good time to slow down the pace and reflect and review on what’s happening, rather than try and push ahead. You might find yourself spending a lot of time where you grew up or be staying with older family members. 

This month too could feel wistful and sentimental for you especially around the 6th and 7th when your ruler Neptune squares up to the Sun and Mercury in Gemini. Neptune switches direction in Pisces on the 18th, so be aware that your emotions will be in full flow throughout June. At times, this might feel disorienting but know too that this is an important month for letting go and following your heart.

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