Pisces February 2020

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

When the Sun enters Pisces on the 19th, it’s the start of your birthday month. Yet, you don’t need to wait until then to celebrate or put yourself first as there’s plenty of planetary activity in your star sign Pisces throughout February. 

For starters, you have love planet Venus in Pisces until the 7th, a symbol of unconditional love. Venus in your star sign is great for romance and feeling popular. The 2nd and 3rd are stand out dates for firming up a friendship or long-term liaison. 

Also, communication planet, Mercury, enters Pisces on the 3rd and this is great for speaking up, getting your ideas heard and lining up key meetings or interviews. The 5th is a stand-out date in this respect.

Work & Money

Work and career matters could also proceed quickly in the first half of the month as action planet Mars is in Sagittarius and your career and vocation sector until the 16th. Be forthright and direct at work and with your future goals. Act fast and you could turn your situation around quickly.

Certainly, this is a month when you’re wise to turn your attention towards work and finances. On the 7th, Venus moves into Aries and your personal money sector where it remains until early March. 

This is often a time when you enjoy spending money or you revel in the flow of money and abundance. If you have money-making ideas, discuss them with your friends or colleagues and look at ways of earning more or using your money productively.

The Full Moon on the 9th also falls in a fire sign, Leo, ruling your work and health, your lifestyle and fitness. Focus on the basics of life in the first half of the month as this is a positive period for self-motivation. 

Big Dreams

This is important to ensure the focus is on you and your personal goals and aims once the Sun enters Pisces on the 19th. This month’s New Moon also takes place in your star sign on the 23rd, a symbol of new beginnings. This is the astrological equivalent of your personal New Year and an ideal time for setting your intentions for the year ahead.

When planets are in your star sign, focus on your image and profile and consider how other people see you and how you come across in the world. Aim to put yourself first.

The ‘big dreams’ vibe remains strong this month too. This is thanks to your ruling planets, Jupiter in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. On the 20th, these two planets align in a major planetary aspect, which takes place twice more throughout the year.

This combination feels inspirational and it’s helpful for looking to the future and immersing yourself in your hopes and wishes for what next. You may have a big mission in life. Or perhaps, you’re becoming more involved with a specific group or friend.  

Mercury Retrograde

Yet, there’s another important factor to take in to account which tells you more. This is to do with Mercury, the planet of communication, turning retrograde in your star sign Pisces on the 17th. Mercury then retraces its steps until March 10th when it turns direct in your previous sign, Aquarius.

As you may already know, this can be a period of communication chaos when things don’t work out as you had planned and you have to rethink what you’re doing. It could be doubly confusing for you because you have the retrograde planet in your star sign. Mercury rules the mind as well as communication, so feel your way forwards and don’t rush into anything.

You could easily go around in circles once Mercury’s in retreat when your ideas and plans chop and change rapidly. If anything, you’re wise to take the pace slow and go with the flow more so than usual. 

What Mercury retrograde is good for is the chance to unplug from everyday life, to retreat and take yourself off somewhere quiet. Create the ideal surroundings where you can contemplate and review your life in peace. Give yourself time to ponder, wander and meander through life.

Be by the sea if you can or take a walk down the river of life. Use images to stir you, tap into poetry, music, art and find your creative and spiritual source. Then, when Mercury turns direct, you’re ready to launch your project or share your ideas more openly.

If you’re a procrastinator and dreamer, expect to be doubly so during the last two weeks of February and in early March. In fact, you’re wise not to take on too much during this period or say Yes to a tight deadline. This wouldn’t work well. 

Know that it may be hard to get the truth of the matter or the bottom of things. In fact, this is a time when it’s hard to trust other people as Mercury is your partner planet. Let things be, give other people the benefit of the doubt and don’t believe everything you hear or read. The truth will emerge mid-March.

The Uranus Factor

Also, this month, Uranus is active in Taurus and your communication sector. This is about the written and spoken word and Taurus rules your neighbourhood, your community and life close to home. The key dates are the 5th, 21st, 22nd and 29th.

You may want to take on an activist role, take the lead or help out in some other way. Taurus rules your siblings and neighbours. Sometimes, when Uranus is active, external events step in and lead you in a new direction. 

This is about forging new alliances, finding friends who can help you personally and professionally, and joining in with the collective. In fact, this may become a priority for you in the month ahead.

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