Mercury Turns Direct: Smooth Communications

butterflies, Mercury turns direct in Libra

Mercury Turns Direct [10 Libra 08]

October 18, 2021 (16:17 GMT+1)

Trickster planet Mercury has been especially mischievous over the last three weeks. There was the day that Facebook & associated social media sites went down for around 6 hours leaving many people wondering whether it would ever come back – and whether they’d care.

Mercury turned retrograde on September 27, 2021 at 25 Libra. Here in the UK, this coincided with fuel shortages and many people were unable to get from A to B. There’s been a shortage of lorry drivers and panic around food supply chains breaking down ever since.

When the communication planet turns retrograde, you know that life and the best-laid plans aren’t always going to unfold the way you want them to. You may have your own stories about Mercury retrograde-style mishaps, misunderstandings and general bonkers-ness.

At the start of the new week, however, Mercury turns direct and starts moving forwards once again. This is your cosmic nudge to get things back on track and try and push through or complete anything that stalled or went wrong over the last three weeks. Also, listen out for good news, delays easing and new information coming to light.

What To Do Next

  • try again – second chances are a classic Mercury direct theme
  • sort out any misunderstandings
  • consider what Mercury retrograde taught you, i.e. where are you wasting your time?
  • speak up 
  • write a list – keep it short, deal with what’s most important or urgent in your life
  • do what you say you will, recommit to a promise
  • handle any technological or transport issues
  • plug back in, renew your energy & focus
  • make decisions & investments, sign contracts

Mercury in Libra

Mercury turns direct in one of the air signs, Libra, and the air signs rule social interaction. Line up those all-important conversations, get answers to your questions and initiate important conversations.

Libra is the sign of relationships and more specifically the sign which rules one-to-one negotiations, partnership and your relationship with other people. It may be make-your-mind-up time with Mercury’s change of direction in the sign of relating.

It’s a chance to be decisive, hear another person’s point of view and let other people know your thoughts and feelings. Speak from the heart, be honest and open.

Mercury turning direct is the start of a dynamic week in the heavens when there’s a lot of positive energy, a chance to transform dreams into reality and start afresh.

What It Means For You

Here are the areas of your life under the spotlight now Mercury is beginning to move forward once again. Read both your Sun sign and Ascendant sign:

  • Libra: image & body, reputation & appearance, personal goals
  • Scorpio: retreat, solitude, quiet time, sacrifice, inner work
  • Sagittarius: friends, groups, wider society, politics
  • Capricorn: career, reputation & status, future goals
  • Aquarius: travel, education, philosophy & beliefs
  • Pisces: joint finances & shared resources, all that’s hidden & taboo
  • Aries: relationships, personal & professional, your 1-to-1 negotiations
  • Taurus: work & routine, health & lifestyle, your well-being
  • Gemini: your ‘fun’ sector: love affairs, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment
  • Cancer: home & family, your past & ancestry
  • Leo: communication, local community, transport
  • Virgo: personal money sector, possessions, values

October 18th could be a stand-out date as not only does Mercury turn direct but the planet of truth Jupiter turns direct on the same day at 22 Aquarius. It’s a double whammy of new information coming to light and the truth being revealed.

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