Mercury Retrograde: Going Deep In Scorpio

Mercury turns retrograde [27 Scorpio 38] 

– Thursday 31 October (15:40 GMT)

Mercury turns into its trickster archetype as it switches direction and begins to retreat through the zodiac this week. This Mercury cannot be trusted easily in the sign of secrets, Scorpio. 

There could be mischievous or dangerous shenanigans, clever & manipulative moves, foxy behaviour & charismatic cons. Keep your wits about you over the next three weeks – Mercury turns direct on November 20th at 11 degrees Scorpio. 

Don’t make major decisions or investments unless you have too. And, do read the small print carefully if you are signing or sealing a contract. 

Yet, there are always positives during Mercury retrograde and ways you can use this ‘down-time’ of the communication planet successfully. Here are some ideas for you:

  • become a huge fan of the re-words, i.e. reflect, review, reassess, rework, rethink
  • focus on the past as this is where you can find delightful gems & nuggets of wisdom
  • don’t give up but try again as Mercury retrograde is the King of second chances. The most powerful time to act is a day or two before Mercury turns to direct motion
  • be quiet, listen to your inner voice & engage in magical thinking
  • slow down, be quiet, allow yourself to be guided rather than try to forge ahead
  • be flexible when you’re out and about. Instead of going directly from A to B, explore routes C, D & E
  • be more tolerant & patient with others, remember that the truth can be skewed when Mercury’s in retreat
  • be more tolerant & patient with yourself, be open-minded and learn from your mistakes
  • be more tolerant & patient with life, if your plans change use this as an experiment to find joy in the unexpected
  • look at life upside down, change your perspective
  • think backwards. Did you know that if you walk a few steps backwards and then try and solve a problem, you have greater mental control? Sounds crazy doesn’t it, but apparently it’s true

I’ll be travelling during this Mercury retrograde phase. Fingers crossed for a smooth journey but I will be giving myself plenty of time to get from A to B. And, I’ll keep a close hold on my travel documents. I leave you with some words of wisdom as we embark on our next Mercury retrograde phase 🙂

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