Mercury, planet of communication, rules two signs in the zodiac, Gemini and Virgo.
This month on May 2nd, Mercury entered Gemini where it remains until July 8th.
The sign of Gemini rules all forms of communication; the written word, chatter and gossip, gathering information, sharing ideas, quick wit and debate.
The media world is Gemini’s playground but it’s writing where Gemini excels. Two of the world’s most famous singer-songwriters are Gemini born a year apart, Bob Dylan (b. May 24 1941) and Paul McCartney (b. June 18 1942) and there are twice as many Gemini authors as other signs. Here are a few notable examples:
Walt Whitman (b. May 31 1819), Thomas Hardy (b. June 2 1840), Arthur Conan Doyle (b. May 22 1859), Thomas Mann (b. June 6 1875), Dorothy Sayers (b. June 13 1893), Ian Fleming (b. May 28 1908), Harold Robbins (b. May 21 1916), Joyce Carol Oates (b. June 16 1938), Raymond Carver (b. May 25 1938), Margaret Drabble (b. June 5 1939), Salman Rushdie (b. June 19 1947) and Ken Follett (b. June 5 1949).
One of the most recognizable Gemini author’s is the school girl Anne Frank (b. June 12 1929) whose wartime diary is one of the most famous books in the world. Plus, if you like cooking, then no doubt you’re one of many people who has bought one of Gemini Delia Smith’s cookbooks (b. June 18 1941). She is the UK’s best selling cookery writer having sold more than 21 million copies.
Whilst Mercury, the writer’s planet, is in Gemini, here’s your chance to start writing, whether in a daily journal, blogging on a website or writing a letter to a loved one.
If you believe there’s a writer in you, what are the main pointers to look out for in a natal chart? Most importantly, look at the placing of your Mercury by sign, house and aspect.
Any Mercury sign can be a writer but depending on which sign it resides in, this alters what you’re drawn towards writing. Here’s a quick guide to the signs by element to get you thinking about what type of writing would suit your Mercury sign:
Fire signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: adventure, children’s books, travel books
Earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: practical information, serious or historical novels, non-fiction
Air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: mass-market, tabloids, journalism, popular literature, chick lit
Water signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: romance, self-help books, poetry
Soft aspects (trines, sextiles) to Mercury flow easily and can be supportive for writing, although there is a risk that you’re going to be too laid back and lack discipline. Hard aspects (squares, oppositions) to Mercury are more of a challenge but they give you the grit and determination to succeed. Here are some helpful planets that can aid your writing ability when they’re in aspect to your natal Mercury:
Mercury/Moon – the Moon is one planetary body that rules the subconscious and Mercury adds a voice to the inner world of the imagination. Mercury/Moon aspects are brilliant for everyday observations. Plus, if you’re going to be a writer and it’s what you do on a daily basis, then the Moon is key as it rules the rhythm of everyday life.
Mercury/Venus – when these two planets are linked, there’s often an enhanced poetic ability and a love of the beauty of words.
Mercury/Jupiter – Jupiter expands what it touches, adds luck and good fortune and rules the world of publishing.
Mercury/Saturn – Writers write and you need to be dedicated and determined especially if you want to write a novel. It’s unlikely to happen overnight and Saturn helps keep you focused and on track.
Mercury/Neptune – When the planet of dreams and enchantment connects with Mercury, find your creative muse and the words flow.
Check which houses are strong in your chart and have key planets either residing in them or linking to them. The following houses are helpful if you wish to pursue a career as a writer:
- 3rd house – communication
- 9th house – publishing
- 5th house – creativity
- 10th house – your career/vocation
Finally, there has been some research done by astrologer Michel Gaugelin which found that a 12th house Moon is a common signature in writer’s charts. This is the ability to hide away in your ivory tower and it makes sense that writing favours the introvert rather than the extrovert.
Gaugelin also discovered that an angular Jupiter (Jupiter in the 1st/4th/7th/10th houses) was a popular feature in the charts of journalists and playwrights.
[This is a shorter version of an article written by me which first appeared on the Horoscope Friends website.]
I have my Gemini moon and Chiron in the fifth house , have a Sadge stellium in the 11th house ; Mars in Libra in the 9th house, Venus in Scorpio in the 10th and Aries in the third house no planets. I think my Jupiter in the 1st house might be relevant (Angular Jupiter)
I don’t know what this means for me . . .
12th house Neptune in Capricorn I feel is introverted.
Does this mean a Gemini(communicative) moon in the 5th house is a bad thing?
hi Nadia, I’m not sure of your question. Do you mean because both the Moon and Chiron are in the 5th house it might be a bad thing? If they are in conjunction (i.e. within 8 degrees), then writing could be healing for you. If you’re born on a Full Moon, you have a pull towards other people and interacting on a 1-to-1 basis especially with your Mars in Libra which is probably your career planet (Scorpio Midheaven?). Bit tricky to comment further without actually seeing the chart. Hope that helps. best, Sally
It’s been some time I’ve been putting my craving for writing under very strict control. I started writing sometime in 2015 and I felt so absorbed by it that I was affraid I’d get compulsive or allienated from my everyday matters…lol. I felt as possessed when crafting my stories, pulling my car over anywhere just to take notes of sudden insights. I’m gemini with moon, ascendend and venus in gemini. Born in June, 12, 1980 at 6.15am S.Paulo Brazil. Should I insist in writing as a career? Please help me.
You’re born to be a writer. Follow your instincts – they’re spot on.
I would love to write but I feel like I get stuck before I even begin… I also have many varied ideas and can’t decide on what to write about. I used to write poetry when I was a teenager, but this doesn’t really interest me anymore. I’m into all the darker subjects to write about and also writing for children, but in some way that can really make a difference. Born on 2nd May 1976 in Melbourne Australia at 8.35pm. What do you think?
Go for it! You have a very creative chart for writing. Writing for children is a good idea for you but follow where your intuition leads, i.e. do what you’re passionate about, what you love.
I find this reading quite helpful. I dream of writing as well. I have been writing poems over a decade now. But my heart I want to write a novel and I get tangled in my own thoughts and flickering mind. This time For real I want to start. Too confused around Genre. Please help me .. I am born on June1 @ 8:30pm.
I am a writer of 23 years. I can easily write about anything around me whether it be in rhyme form or regular form. My thing has been finding out what type of writer i am. My ideas flood my brain day and night and at times interfere with my job responsibilities which puts me in difficult situations a lot of times. I have stacks and stacks of poetry, music, short stories and so much unfinished material floating around in my head to the point where I have to run to the restroom and jot it down unless I’ll probably lose my mind. Can anyone help me figure out my next step? I was born June 3
You need your year of birth as well as your date to find out where your Mercury is in your horoscope and what aspects it makes. The date isn’t enough as it changes every year. You are a natural writer with your Sun in Gemini, the communication sign.
I was born 1979
MS. Kirkland, I’ve looked it up my mercury is in Gemini. So I’m wondering am I doing what I’m suppose to be doing by pursuing writing? I wnt to move forward with it but I’m seeking advice from u. I’m loving the way u broke everything down that was amazing.
You can book in for an astrology reading to explore further – see Readings page. As a Sun/Mercury Gemini combination, you’re a natural writer but focus may be an issue for you. Gemini can easily be ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ if you’re not careful. It sounds as if that is something you know about already as you have lots of writing on the go. Also, pay attention to the details – my name is Kirkman not Kirkland – I know it’s only a small point but it may be helpful to hear. Writing could be a great profession for you, although Gemini rules the media, politics and the spoken word too. There are different ways it can play out for you.