Jupiter Turns Direct: Reawakening


Jupiter Turns Direct [11 Gemini 17] 

February 4, 2025 (09:40 GMT)

Jupiter Joy

This week, big planet Jupiter is making itself known once again as Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on February 4th. Jupiter takes one year to transit (move through) each sign of the zodiac. This year, it’s the turn of Gemini & Cancer. 
Jupiter first entered air sign Gemini on May 25, 2024. It then turned retrograde on October 9, 2024 at 21° Gemini. It turns direct this week at 11° Gemini.
Over the last four months, while Jupiter’s been retrograde, the planet’s influence has been working on an inner level. This week, Jupiter is back up to speed which represents a whoosh of planetary energy.

Wherever Jupiter turns direct in your horoscope, it may bring new opportunity and optimism your way. Think of it as Jupiter’s reawakening.
The seeds you’ve sown, the plans you’ve been working on over the last few months may be ready to flourish out in the world. Jupiter gathers speed until June 9th this year, when it leaves air sign Gemini and moves into water sign Cancer.
Use this time-line to pursue your ideas and projects over the next few months. This week’s turning point could prove spectacular.

On a personal level, this is great news if you have planets/angles between 10-12° of the air signs, Gemini, Libra & Aquarius as you have Jupiter on your side.  

This would be a good time to resurrect an opportunity or idea which emerged between June to September last year.


Jupiter turns direct in a lovely trine aspect to communication planet Mercury in Aquarius. These two planets are in cahoots and working together. 

They are linked in astrology as they rule opposite star signs: Gemini (Mercury) & Sagittarius (Jupiter); Virgo (Mercury) & Pisces (Jupiter). Both planets are linked to education, travel, trade, thinking and beliefs.

Mercury is the messenger and Jupiter is a symbol of hope. They come together on February 3rd and this follows on from the Sun in Aquarius trine to Jupiter in Gemini on January 30th. These combinations are promising and this could be a time of good news, luck and opportunity.

Where Jupiter Promises Success

Here’s a quick guide to the areas of life that Jupiter’s highlighting for you as it turns direct in Gemini. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign.

Remember, it’s important not to sit back and wait for Jupiter’s gifts to come to you. When you know which area of your life Jupiter is highlighting, take advantage of the best planet.  

Jupiter encourages risk-taking, envisioning, enthusiasm and positive vibes. The more you put in, the more you get back in return.

Gemini: Jupiter is in your 1st house ruling your physical body, your personal goals and ambitions. The spotlight’s on you when Jupiter’s in Gemini giving you the feel-good factor and doubling your luck. Embrace new experiences, be adventurous and say yes to life.

Cancer: Jupiter is in your 12th house ruling retreat and quiet times. An ideal time to develop your spiritual side, listen to your inner voice, learn meditation, practise yoga or go on a retreat. Let the inner journey begin.

Leo: Jupiter is in your 11th house ruling friends, groups, social activities and concerns. An ideal time to connect with old and new friends alike, join a club, society or community project and do your bit for a humanitarian, environmental, political or social cause.

Virgo: Jupiter is in your 10th house ruling your career, vocation, status and where you’re heading in life. An ideal time to change careers, ask for a pay-rise or go for a promotion, take a sabbatical, work abroad, gain new qualifications and pursue a dream goal.

Libra: Jupiter is in your 9th house ruling travel, study, philosophy and spirituality. An ideal time to broaden your horizons and remember that life is the journey and not the destination. Emigrate, sign up for a life-changing course, be open-minded and explore life in depth.

Scorpio: Jupiter is in your 8th house ruling joint finances, sexuality and all that’s hidden or taboo. An ideal time to pray for what you most need, receive an inheritance, improve your financial portfolio, explore your sexuality, embrace celibacy, share resources and pool finances.

Sagittarius: Jupiter is in your 7th house ruling your one-to-one relationships. An ideal time to fall in love, propose or be proposed to, play the field and become a dating superstar, let go of a love that restricts you, employ a personal trainer, life coach or find your ideal business partner.

Capricorn: Jupiter is in your 6th house ruling your work and routine, service to others and your health. An ideal time to change the 9-to-5 so you free up your time. Apply for a job, join a volunteer agency or boost your health and fitness. Jupiter in Gemini is going to be busy for you.

Aquarius: Jupiter is in your 5th house ruling children, your creativity, entertainment, love affairs and fun. An ideal time to give birth, get pregnant, work with children, write your masterpiece, explore your creativity, have an affair or buy tickets for a big online event.

Pisces: Jupiter is in your 4th house ruling your home, family, your past and where you come from. An ideal time to move home, expand where you live, make a journey into your past, celebrate with family and find your clan. Forgiveness is a theme moving forward, as is letting go.

Aries: Jupiter is in your 3rd house ruling communication, siblings, neighbours and your local community. An ideal time to launch a website, tell stories, reconnect with brothers, sisters or people who live close by, join your neighbourhood watch scheme and update your mode of communication or transport.

Taurus: Jupiter is in your 2nd house ruling money, personal possessions and what you value in life. An ideal time to earn more money, play with your investments, think ‘less is more’ and de-clutter your possessions and show your charitable or philanthropic side.

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