FULL MOON [16 Gemini 02]
London – December 8, 2022 (04:08 GMT)
New York – December 7, 2022 (23:08 GMT-5)
Sydney – December 8, 2022 (15:08 GMT+11)
Full Moon Vibes
This week, there’s a Full Moon in Gemini that’s potentially dramatic, complex and confusing. Full Moons are a time of heightened emotions and this one feels particularly lively.
This week’s Full Moon cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac, representing the lower and higher mind. Gemini is the communicator, Sagittarius the seeker & explorer and both signs are linked to learning and knowledge. Gemini rules the chatter of the marketplace and Sagittarius rules foreign connections.
This highlights the bigger picture in life, as Gemini and Sagittarius favour curiosity and exploration. Write down your ideas, read a good book or meet up with people who you enjoy talking with about life, the universe and everything.
The light of the Moon shines bright during the Full Moon phase and can coincide with the culmination of a project. You may be able to dig deep and finalise a matter that’s been dragging on or causing you worry or stress, perhaps linked to transport, travel, technology or communications.
The Mars Factor
There’s an added factor to this Full Moon, however, because action planet Mars is exactly conjunct the Moon at 16° Gemini. This adds stress and tension to the mix. Mars’ energy can be passionate, also stroppy and inflammable. Gemini is the sign of duality, so will this spell double trouble?
Certainly, oppositions clash and Mars opposes the Sun during the Full Moon phase. Therefore, be aware that tempers could flare, as this hints at trouble. Don’t stir the pot, unless you’re willing to get burned.
Plus, Mars is currently retrograde, i.e. on go slow in Gemini. This is an indication to rush less and slow down. You could attempt to charge through life at full tilt but this wouldn’t be advisable now.
Crossed wires is a classic retrograde theme, especially with Mars in Gemini, the star sign of communication. It would be easy to say too much during this Full Moon or get involved in a war (Mars) of words (Gemini). Think before you speak is wise advice. Aim to deal with what’s important rather than urgent.
Be wary of what you say or write too, as your words could be used against you. Copyright your ideas and don’t blab about your plans. Mars in Gemini is a trickster combination. Who’s telling porky-pies, who in your life says one thing but means another?
While I was writing this article, I had a flurry of incoming phone calls which is unusual and some irritating tech problems which I couldn’t fix. That could be another way that this Full Moon/Mars Gemini mix is going to play out – a lot going on and you need to think on your feet – it does already feel a little bit exhausting!
When Mars opposes the Sun, it’s at its brightest in the night sky. However, on the night of the Full Moon, the Moon will occult, i.e. hide Mars from view. Something hidden may come to light once Mars is visible again.
This is the midway point of the Mars retrograde phase and action planet Mars will remain in retreat until January 12, 2023. This week’s Full Moon could prove revealing or illuminate what Mars retrograde means for you.
The Mutable Factor
During the Full Moon, there’s a wide square aspect to Neptune at 22° Pisces. Plus, six of the ten planets are in mutable star signs, i.e. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.
Mutable star signs aren’t rigid or fixed. Instead, they’re open-minded at best, liars at worst. Anything is possible, they like to find solutions to problems and multi-tasking is their forte. When planets are in mutable star signs, it helps to be flexible & adaptable and open to whatever comes along.
Aim to flow with life during this week’s Full Moon, rather than charge off in the wrong direction. Surrender to life as it is and accept when and where you’re not in control. You may feel as if you’re losing your way at times this week. Or, you don’t know what the heck’s going on.
It’s a big Full Moon week. Do your best to tap into its potential pleasures and release and let go of any stress and tension. You don’t have to fight every battle that comes your way.
Good advice during this Full Moon is not to get involved in a heated debate if you don’t want to end up in trouble. It’s potentially a noisy Full Moon but, at its best, could be social & informative.
Here are the areas in your life highlighted by this week’s Full Moon. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign for a comprehensive overview:
- Aries: Communication, community, neighbours & siblings – travel & study
- Taurus: Money, values & self-worth – joint finances & taboo issues
- Gemini: Personal goals, image & profile – relationships & contracts
- Cancer: Retreat & solitude – work, service to others, health & fitness
- Leo: Friends, groups & networks – self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs
- Virgo: Career & vocation, future path – home & family, past & roots
- Libra: Travel & study – communication, community, neighbours & siblings
- Scorpio: Joint finances & taboo issues – money, values & self-worth
- Sagittarius: Relationships & contracts – personal goals, image & profile
- Capricorn: Work, service to others, health & fitness – retreat & solitude
- Aquarius: Self-expression, creativity, children & love affairs – friends, groups & networks
- Pisces: Home & family, past & roots – career & vocation, future path
Here’s wishing you a celebratory Full Moon.
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Double trouble 🙂 Confirming from my side with a 10 days flu and a torn ligament..
Ooh no, Patrick. That does sound like double trouble – sending positive vibes your way – this Mars retrograde has been a doozy!