Full Moon Capricorn: Adding Intensity

Full Moon

Full Moon [29 Capricorn 08] 

July 21 2024 (11:17 GMT +1) – London

July 21 2024 (06:17 GMT -4) – New York

July 21 2024 (20:17 GMT +10) – Sydney

Full Moon Energy

The Full Moon takes place this weekend cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. These two signs are the foundations of the zodiac representing your past and your future. They are about where you come from, your home and family (Cancer) and where you’re heading, your career and future path (Capricorn).

Ultimately we are all born into this life and at some point we must leave it. If you’re lucky the days in-between will include both joy and pain, so you get to experience the whole gamut of life’s experience and take and learn from life what you can, digging deep to uncover hidden riches.

Full Moons are often a time of heightened emotions when important matters culminate and big events peak. They are a time to stop, listen and make key decisions that resonate with both your head and your heart. Sometimes, the pull will be stronger in one direction. Ideally, aim for balance and seek a way to reconcile opposing forces.

It’s a good idea during the Full Moon to literally let go of something, e.g. write down limiting beliefs and flush them away/burn them. Or hold on to a pebble, think about what you’re overly attached to and let it go into the sea, a river or lake.

The Moon influences the tides in the sea and you can expect higher tides during the Full Moon period. It’s often a time when sleep is elusive or rich with dreams, life events can be more dramatic and emotions are heightened. 

Two Capricorn Full Moons

This Full Moon falls at 29° Capricorn on July 21st, right at the end of the star sign Capricorn. And, one month ago on June 22nd, there was another Full Moon which fell at 1° Capricorn, right at the start of the star sign.

Therefore, the two dates may be linked. Something that was foreground on last month’s Full Moon could culminate or complete during this month’s Full Moon. Alternatively, you may get a second chance to make an important decision during this Full Moon phase.

The Pluto Factor

This Full Moon packs a punch because the Moon is very close to the planet of power and loss Pluto. The Moon at 29° Capricorn sits next to Pluto at 0° Aquarius. This adds intensity to the Full Moon and you might find yourself in an all-or-nothing situation. It’s either-or, black or white with no shaded areas in-between.

Pluto rules all things hidden, secret or taboo. Therefore, the light of this Full Moon could reveal something which was previously unknown. Listen for insights as Pluto is the planet most closely linked to self-analysis. Dig deep for answers and tap into your subconscious. It’s here where you may find insight, understanding or hidden riches.

Look out for death and rebirth symbols in your life. What needs to be reborn or where and how can self-transformation take place? Full Moons are associated with release and letting go and this is especially strong with Pluto so powerful.

If you have planets/angles at 29° Capricorn, this Full Moon could be pivotal. Pluto will return to 29° Capricorn one last time from September 2nd to November 19th later this year. It then takes up residence in air sign Aquarius, where it will be for the next twenty years.

Plus, the Sun-Pluto opposition cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis takes place on July 23rd. This theme is resonating and relevant and may be linked to events which took place on or around July 3rd or July 12th.

There’s a decisive feel to this weekend’s Full Moon. Get ready to slam the door shut, toughen up if you need to and make a big decision. Be empowered without being drawn into manipulative or competitive behaviour.

What It Means For You

Here are the areas highlighted by this Full Moon depending on your Sun Sign:

  • Capricorn – relationships, partnerships, contracts  image, self-identity, personal goals
  •  Aquarius – work, service to others, health  self-care, secrets, spiritual path
  •  Pisces – children, creativity, entertainment, romance  friends, groups, society
  • Aries – home, family, past  work, status, future path
  • Taurus – communication, neighbours, siblings  travel, study, beliefs
  • Gemini – personal finances, possessions, values  other peoples’ money, money owed
  • Cancer – image, self-identity, personal goals  relationships, partnerships, contracts
  • Leo – self-care, secrets, spiritual path  work, service to others, health
  • Virgo – friends, groups, society  children, creativity, entertainment, romance
  • Libra – work, status, future path  home, family, past
  • Scorpio – travel, study, beliefs  communication, neighbours, siblings
  • Sagittarius – other peoples’ money, money owed  personal finances, possessions, values

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