Full Moon Aquarius: Crazy Vibes

Full Moon, elephant on a hot air balloon

FULL MOON [27 Aquarius 15] 

August 19, 2024 (17:45 GMT+1)

Full Moon Vibes

August’s astrology goes crazy over the next few days with a powerful Full Moon on the horizon. Traditionally, the Full Moon is a time for celebration. Emotions are heightened and the Full Moon lights up the night sky extending the hours outside of darkness. More time to play and work outside, less sleep.

In the lunar cycle, the Full Moon represents culmination, ripeness, fertility and the bright light of the Moon can bring clarity. It’s a powerful time to trust your intuition.

Yet, the Full Moon has a reputation for being crazy and wild. The word ‘lunatic’ derives from ‘lunar’ meaning Moon. It’s mythology is synonymous with the werewolf and using black magic rituals during the Full Moon’s power. Plus, this Full Moon could be crazier than usual as it’s in an exact square aspect to unpredictable, wild-card Uranus – see below.

Leo/Aquarius Polarity

It’s important to determine where the Full Moon falls in your horoscope and the star signs involved. During this Full Moon, the Sun in Leo opposes the Moon in Aquarius. 

A Full Moon reminds us of life’s polarities. You can either be pulled in different directions or seek a way to bring opposing factors together so they complement each other and work together.

Leo is the sign of the individual seeking pleasure and joy, whereas Aquarius is the sign linked to the collective and doing what’s good for everyone, finding a shared purpose. 

These themes will resonate within society but there may be significant ways that they play out for you personally. Where do you fit in, where don’t you fit in? Where in your life do you not feel seen, where do you shine brightly and take centre stage?

The Uranus Factor

This feels like an important Full Moon because Aquarius’ ruling planet Uranus is at the exact same degree as the Sun and Moon during the Full Moon phase. 

The Sun in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus less than two hours before the Full Moon and the Moon in Aquarius is square Uranus almost exactly during the peak of the Full Moon. Uranus is at 27° Taurus getting ready to station and turn retrograde here on September 1st. 

There could be controversy during this Full Moon. Or perhaps, the unexpected kicks in and you have to change plans and fast. This will be especially true for you if you have planets or angles close to 27° of the fixed star signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius.

Uranus is the planet linked to rebellion, its nature is innovative, sudden, unpredictable and erratic. The flip side of Uranus is spontaneity, impulse, the flick of a switch, lightning moves, freedom, cutting ties.

Therefore, notice what’s calling you or pulling you during this Full Moon. Use Uranus’ energy well and you can make a snap decision, come up with a genius idea, share your brilliance, make a break for freedom. 

Yet, it’s not easy planetary energy, as it’s fast and unpredictable. The best advice is to stay flexible and be ready to move quickly.

Sun/Mercury Cazimi Conjunction

There’s more happening on the day of the Full Moon, so look out for synchronicities and nudges from the universe and listen to your dreams. On August 19th, there’s a Sun/Mercury cazimi conjunction at 26° Leo which takes place at 02:58 GMT+1.

This is the mid-way point of the Mercury retrograde cycle. It’s the change-over time when communication planet Mercury moves from setting behind the Sun in the west to rise before the Sun in the east. Mercury changes from being an evening star to a morning star. 

Currently Mercury is looking backwards which can be linked to insights from the past. During the retrograde phase there is more focus on the subconscious and it’s a fertile time of learning and evaluation. 

Effectively, this is Mercury’s hidden phase when Mercury is mid-way through its retrograde phase. What is being brought forth in your life? What messages are you receiving?  Sometimes, the second half of the Mercury retrograde phase is easier and less confusing. You’re on the home stretch and you can start to eye up your next steps.

When Mercury is within 17′ arc of the Sun, this is called ‘cazimi’ in astrology. It means that Mercury is close within the rays of the Sun, bringing illumination and enlightenment. It’s as if Mercury is sitting very close to the Sun as it whispers answers and insights into Mercury’s ear. 

The ‘cazimi’ moment lasts for approximately eight hours. It’s most powerful from 11pm (GMT+1) on August 18th to 7am (GMT+1) on August 19th. 

Here in the UK, it’s perfect for synchronous dreams and listening for messages from your unconscious. If this falls in your daytime, depending where are you in the world, make the most of this and line up an important conversation, meeting or interview. You have the Sun’s attention – what will you say? You are hearing the Sun’s insights – how will you use them?

Blue Moon Super Moon

This is one of the most powerful Full Moons of the year for different reasons. It’s a seasonal Blue Moon because it’s the third Full Moon of four in one season, i.e. between June 20 (Solstice) and September 22 (Equinox). The dates of the Full Moons are June 22nd, July 21st, August 19th & September 18th. This is rare.

It’s also a Super Moon, i.e. one of the closest to earth and magnificent to witness in the night sky. Use this Full Moon for intuitive purposes and consider what you’re ready to release and let go of.

Plus, if you read my latest article, you’ll know that August 19th is the day of the major Jupiter-Saturn square – it’s all going on. You can read about it here: Jupiter Square Saturn: Cosmic Crossroads.

What Does It Mean For You

Here are the areas of your life under the cosmic radar during this powerful Full Moon in Aquarius. Read both your Sun sign & Ascendant sign:

  • Aquarius – image, identity, personal goals – relationships, contracts, a third party
  • Pisces – retreat, secrets, self-care, caring for others – work, service to others, health, lifestyle
  • Aries – friends, groups, society, politics – children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs
  • Taurus – work, status, responsibility, future goals – home, family, past
  • Gemini – travel, study, beliefs, higher purpose – communication, local community, neighbours, siblings
  • Cancer – other peoples’ money, debt, taboo issues, sexuality – personal finances, possessions, values, self-worth
  • Leo – relationships, contracts, a third party – image, identity, personal goals
  •  Virgo – work, service to others, health, lifestyle – retreat, secrets, self-care, caring for others
  •  Libra – children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs – friends, groups, society, politics
  • Scorpio – home, family, past – work, status, responsibility, future goals
  • Sagittarius – communication, local community, neighbours, siblings – travel, study, beliefs, higher purpose
  • Capricorn – personal finances, possessions, values, self-worth – other peoples’ money, debt, taboo issues, sexuality

If you feel as if life is topsy-turvy, take one step at a time. Be aware that there’s a crazy vibe in the air. Embrace the weird as best you can. 

Happy Crazy Full Moon! 

Weekly Horoscopes

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6 thoughts on “Full Moon Aquarius: Crazy Vibes”

  1. Maybe some of the ‘crazy vibes’ left over from last night accounts for my credit card mysteriously vanishing from the table next to my computer while I left the room (only me in the house, doors locked, windows not accessible from outside)! Searched high and low, but no, vanished. Getting a bit tired of this – I’ve had so many of my cards – travel cards, credit/bank cards just mysteriously vanish while at home alone or with (totally trustworthy) hubby – no apparent financial attempts on them – just a nuisance to me. Strange! Apparently this sort of thing ‘happens’ on the ‘path’? Just venting my frustrationl. Thank you for the article!

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