Saturn’s Role
Your planet Saturn is playing a key role in this month’s astrology. This is partly due to the fact that Saturn is slowing down in your star sign, Capricorn, ready to turn direct on the 29th.
Saturn, like all the slower-moving planets, has a retrograde phase every year that lasts for a few months. Saturn switched direction back in May 2020 and events now may be related to what happened back then.
Saturn is the planet of responsibility and authority. In Capricorn, this is about how the world sees you, your image and profile, your personal goals and aims.
You may need to take a slower pace this month. Or, perhaps you’re gearing up for a shift in status, ready to take on a new role or end a current position of responsibility. It can go either way.
Future Path
However, it’s important to note that the planets are beginning to peak at the top of your horoscope. Mercury, the talk planet, is in Libra and your career and vocation sector from the 5th to the 27th. And, on the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra, the day of the Equinox.
This flags up the need to get the right people on your side and use your connections, your network. People of influence can open doors for you and this will be important moving forward.
Also, pay attention to your next steps, your future path. September brings a change in a season and it’s a significant time for you, especially the last three months of the year. Decide where your priorities lie and whether you want to make your mark out in the world. If so, destiny’s calling.
Transition is rarely easy, however, and you may find that what you want to do clashes with what other people want to do in your life.
It could be an argumentative time, especially from the period between the 17th to the 24th. You might have to push harder than usual to get yourself noticed or prove to others that you’re doing the right thing.
Mars Retrograde
Consider what’s happening in the more personal sector of your horoscope too. Action planet Mars is spending a long time in Aries, the star sign at the base of your horoscope.
Aries rules your home and family, your past and where you come from and this is where things could be noisier or livelier than usual. Yet, this month, Mars turns retrograde on September 9th, i.e. it will be on go slow until November 13th.
Mars in retreat isn’t a time when you can get ahead, so you might be playing a waiting game or have to change your plans in some way. Your attention turns inwards when Mars is in retreat.
Rather than chasing ahead, you have to rework your strategy. Bear this in mind, especially around family or property matters. For some of you, it may be wise to put off a big move until later in the year.
Mars Square Saturn
Also, your planet Saturn is square to Mars throughout September. They made a square aspect on August 24th and clash again on September 29th, the date that Saturn turns direct.
Therefore, consider what role you need to play within your family. Perhaps, you’re the one who’s taking on the role of elder or holding the responsibility for others.
When Saturn’s square to certain planets, like Mars, it gives you grit and determination as you hang on in. It indicates that you need to be the one who puts firm boundaries in place that benefit you and the people closest to you.
It won’t be an easy time, however, if there’s a rift or conflict within the family. The two planets are at odds throughout September.
Earth Sign Energy
Earth sign energy is strong, turning your attention back towards you and doing more of what you love. The Sun’s in Virgo and your travel and study sector until the 22nd.
There’s a Full Moon highlighting education and new experiences on the 2nd and a New Moon in Virgo on the 17th, a symbol of new beginnings.
If quarantine or rules allow, it would be a good month to get away, even if only for a short while. Plus, Jupiter, the planet of freedom, turns direct in Capricorn on the 13th. If you’re feeling trapped or held back, even more reason to spread your wings and fly free.
Look out for lucky new opportunities that come in on or around the 9th or 13th – this could be the turning point with regard to a trip away or a course of study.
It’s a cosmic reminder to keep focusing on the future and your long-term goals. Hope and faith are always there if you choose to seek them out.
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Hi There
I am female, Capricorn born 30th December 1970…so trapped and unhappy….would love to know what is in store for my future…anyone got advice ?
I’m sorry to hear things are tough for you. It’s been a challenging year and for Capricorn especially so. The planets that have been holding you back/hemming you in are now picking up the pace and moving forward. Think of the next few months of 2020 as a time to let go of what’s no longer needed in your life, preparing for the way for a fresh new chapter – practise patience. Letting go is scary but ultimately freeing and liberating. I’d look for a passion to dive deep into – a love affair, a creative project, a mission/purpose. Sending best wishes.
I am a Capricorn, born January 15, 11946. I am a senior citizen who just completed writing a book. My question is should I submit my book for printing or should I wait since Mars is Retrograde in Aries and squaring Saturn my ruling planet. I have been following your page for the past two months and it seems much of what you report is quite accurate as it relates to my life. Please advise
The Mars-Saturn could delay things but it doesn’t mean don’t do things. You do want to get it done before Mercury turns retrograde, however, on October 13th (until November 3rd). Mars turns direct on November 13th, so you could wait until next month too. Either do it straightaway or plan ahead. Hope that helps.