Capricorn Monthly Stars December 2013

Capricorn Kitschensyngk 2Capricorn (22 December-19 January)

We may be coming towards the end of another year but this is a big month for you for a number of reasons. Firstly, there are some key planets lining up in cardinal signs. These four signs are the leaders of the zodiac, good at initiating action, and they are Aries, Cancer, Libra and your own sign of Capricorn.

Venus, planet of love, is currently in Capricorn and will remain here for a few months yet as on the 21st Venus turns retrograde, i.e. will give the illusion of moving backwards through the heavens.

When Venus is in your sign, the spotlight’s on love and relationships and enjoying all the good things in life. You tend to feel grateful for the things you have and the people in your life and it helps life go with a swing.

However, once Venus is retrograde, it’s worth slowing down a little, especially if you’re in cash-happy mode on the run up to Christmas. Make sure that you don’t leave your Christmas present buying until the last minute if you can help it.

Love too may shift or go on hold once Venus is retrograde whether you and a loved one are spending time apart or someone you’re interested in goes cold on you. It’s also important to really think about what you want when it comes to love as the energy of the planet turns inward asking or urging you to reflect on and contemplate love.

Venus turns direct again on the last day of January 2014 so don’t give up on love or think that what takes place at the end of this month is final. It may not be and the situation can turn again once Venus picks up speed.

You also have Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, in your opposite sign of Cancer ruling your relationships. So this is an especially powerful year for love and many of you will be doing what feels right for you whether this is making a commitment and saying Yes to love or breaking away from a relationship that’s restrictive or that you know is wrong.

There’s a wonderful date this month, the 13th, when Jupiter is in a trine or harmonious aspect with your ruling planet Saturn. This is about planning for the future, it’s a positive day for love and relationships and it’s a great day for a wedding or a proposal. On the whole, relationships feel positive now and even if there are times when you have doubts or misgivings, there’s a sense that what gets put in place this month will help you move in the right direction.

Another important factor to take into account is Mars, the planet of ambition, entering Libra and your career sector on the 7th where it remains until late July 2014. This planet too will turn retrograde but not until spring of next year. For now, Mars is firing on all cylinders and some of you are going to be extra busy on the run up to Christmas and even throughout the holiday period itself. You may be working this Christmas or making a decision to prioritise your work and career this month as you have big plans for 2014.

This won’t necessarily be the right decision for everyone however and you yourself may feel as if you have to put work first above your own personal needs and the needs of your family even when you don’t want to. Christmas and New Year look especially volatile as Mars clashes with Uranus on Christmas Day and squares up to Pluto on New Years Eve. If you’re working shifts over Christmas or your work takes you away from your home life, both yourself and your family will invariably miss out.

If you’re at home, perhaps you’re concerned about work and if you’re unemployed a lack of work and what that means may disrupt or get in the way of enjoying a family Christmas. Try and be both flexible and understanding but if someone is behaving badly, put a stop to it and fast. It’s not the ideal time to bring up issues around work and employment but that’s not to say they won’t arise.

Some of you may also find it hard if you’re not with certain members of your family this year or you’re on your own which is made more difficult as it’s such a poignant time of year. Be aware that this may be hard for you and make an extra effort to be with other people this year and ask for help or assistance when and if you need it. The Full Moon on the 17th could symbolise a change in circumstances and news of work for you or a family member.

You will also benefit from some quiet time now in order to remember the true message of Christmas and what it really means. If you have a spiritual side to your nature, plan a retreat on the run up to Christmas when you have key planets in Sagittarius, the sign before yours.

Being involved with a charity will be fulfilling and you may find that you enjoy the religious or spiritual side of Christmas and the Christmas carols more than before. There may be a significant reason why you want to do Christmas differently this year as you remember people from your past. Wherever you are and whoever you’re with, wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

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