Capricorn Horoscope July 2023

birds, sunset, chapel, Capricorn horoscope July 2023

Cancer Season

The Sun is in your opposite star sign Cancer until the 23rd and talk planet Mercury is in Cancer until the 11th. The focus is on your relationships and partnerships, both personal and professional.

Plus, the Full Moon which takes place on July 3rd is an important one for you as it falls in your star sign Capricorn. This Full Moon highlights yourself in relation to other people. During the Full Moon, the Sun in Cancer opposes the Moon in Capricorn and immediately there’s a theme of polarity.

What’s important to remember about the Full Moon is that both the Sun and the Moon have equal dominance. The Sun rules the day and the Moon rules the night. It’s the same in relationships, i.e. you need to find a balance whereby you can support each other equally.

Trust your intuition at the Full Moon. When the light of the moon is at its brightest, you see your situation with clarity. Therefore, it’s a powerful date to make a key relationship decision. This may be linked to children and there’s some good fortune on the way on July 1st. What’s growing and flourishing in your life is a good question to ask?

The other key date is July 17th when there’s a New Moon in Cancer and your opposite star sign. This is a promising time to initiate action and set your intentions around love and relationships. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings, a chance to start over or start afresh.

It’s not straightforward New Moon energy, however, thanks to Pluto in your star sign Capricorn. Pluto opposes Mercury on the 10th and the Sun on the 20th. Plus, Pluto is evident during the New Moon, which indicates that a beginning may only occur after an ending or possibly a loss.

Pluto can negate what it touches and adds intensity to the mix. There may be an ultimatum issued but be careful of repeating past patterns or mistakes. Pluto is completing its journey through Capricorn, so this may not be a new situation but something that’s been foreground in your life for months if not years.

Whether it’s a power struggle at work, an ongoing issue with an ex or current partner or ex, don’t avoid what’s playing out. And, rather than slip into impossibility, focus on what is working and what is possible to achieve. If the time is right to end a partnership or close a door on the past, this month’s astrology is encouraging you to do so.

Leo Season

Money is under the cosmic spotlight this month, thanks to a lot of planetary activity in fire sign Leo. Leo rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope. The planet of love and relationships Venus is in Leo all month. And, up until the 10th, passion planet Mars is alongside Venus.

This means that the lovers of the heavens are in cahoots and working together. It’s another nod towards the importance of partnership in your life and noticing where they bring you prosperity.

At its best, you could receive an inheritance, a return on investment, a cash bonus or windfall. It’s a positive month to invoke the law of attraction and recognise that what you give, you receive in return.

Talk planet Mercury is in Leo from the 11th to 28th and the Sun enters Leo on the 23rd. Make the most of this. You may choose to speculate to accumulate or set yourself up financially for the future. If you want to gift someone else or treat yourself, here’s your opportunity.

Leo is the star sign linked to courage as it rules the heart. It’s associated with the light, thanks to its ruler the Sun. When planets are in Leo, this is an ideal time for being bold and courageous and tackling something you’ve been avoiding.

The only proviso involves unpredictable Uranus in Taurus on the 2nd and 23rd. This isn’t the best time to be impulsive, especially around money. This might be linked to a child or lover, a hobby or leisure pursuit. If you know you’re overspending or being overly indulgent or extravagant, rein things in before it gets out of hand.

Also, think about how money and freedom are linked in your life. You may choose to pay someone off so you can cut ties. Or, perhaps you realise that someone close needs to be responsible for their own affairs, without you helping out.

Money and emotions are closely linked throughout July. Be aware of this and notice when you have a strong emotional response to a financial situation.

Venus Retrograde

The other major planetary activity this month involves the planet of love and money Venus turning retrograde on July 23rd. Venus will remain on go slow until September 4th. Traditionally this is not the time to marry, invest or purchase expensive beauty treatments.

This is because Venus’ energy turns inward and it’s an ideal time to reflect and adopt a slower pace of life. Venus retrograde is a time to be less extravagant and pay close attention to what’s going out and what’s coming in financially. This might apply to your finances or your partner’s finances.

Where possible put off the big money moves while Venus is retrograde. The turning point comes mid-September.

Long Term Goals

You may literally be in mountain goat mode this month as long-term goals are foreground. This is because action planet Mars enters Virgo and the sector of your horoscope which rules travel, study and the bigger picture on July 10th. Mars will remain here until August 27th.

If you’re travelling or studying this month, you’re in tune with your stars. Plus, it’s a good time to be looking ahead to next year’s holiday or be planning a trip away. If you’re a typical Capricorn, you like to know what’s happening when, sometimes more than a year in advance.

Perhaps, you’re planning a sabbatical or you’re getting ready to teach or lead a workshop. The key to your success is to be true to your earth sign roots. Don’t take on too much or get carried away and keep your feet on the ground. Deal with the practicalities, the nitty-gritty of life, at the same time as nurturing your dreams.

On the 20th, Mars in Virgo clashes with your ruling planet Saturn in Pisces. Saturn can stop you in your tracks or coincide with a disappointment or let-down. Sometimes, fear or doubt kicks in and you have to dig deep to keep on track with your long-term plans.

Saturn is in your communication and transport sector so there could be an issue regarding a course, your commute or how you get from A to B. Slow things down when Saturn opposes Mars, take your time and use this period as a reset. Think things through carefully before committing to new plans.

Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

  • Venus is retrograde from July 23rd to September 4th.
  • Traditionally, it’s not the best time to marry, invest or have cosmetic surgery when Venus the planet that rules love, money and beauty switches direction.
  • Put off major love and money decisions until Venus turns direct on September 4th. Yet, note that Mercury will be retrograde until September 15th – the true turning point.
  • Use this Venus retrograde phase to reflect and gather strength, to review your situation, to consider your love and money options, to learn more about yourself and what you want when it comes to love. Start by learning to love yourself fully.

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