If you feel that you’re at a crossroads or you have a sense that you’re on the verge of a whole new chapter in your life, you’re in tune with your stars. A major astrological shift takes place next month that’s hugely significant for you. It involves the planet of loss and endings, power and transformation, Pluto. Pluto’s been in your star sign Capricorn since 2008 but, next month, it begins its slow process of moving on.
This month, you may get a flicker of what this is about as talk planet Mercury completes its own long journey through Capricorn. Mercury normally whizzes through a star sign in two weeks but has been in your personal sector since early December. This is where Mercury was retrograde, i.e. in retreat last month.
Mercury leaves Capricorn this month on the 11th. Yet, before it does so, Mercury makes a definitive conjunction with Pluto on the 10th. What door is closing? Where are you ready to issue an ultimatum or say yes to a position of power? How is this final combination playing out in your life?
Money & Finances
Mercury moves into air sign Aquarius on the 11th where it joins the Sun in Aquarius. The Sun remains in your personal money sector until the 18th. Aquarius rules your assets and possessions, your values and self-worth.
This is a positive month to get on top of your finances, to put systems in place that help ease the financial process and to debate what money means to you. Use modern technologies to help boost your progress.
You could experience a little bit of luck around money and finances on or around the 18th. This is when there’s a lucky Mercury-Jupiter aspect, a symbol of good news.
As Jupiter rules opportunity and growth, look out for ways to expand your income or be generous with your finances. You might feel benevolent and charitable. Or perhaps, you’re the one who’s gifted with money.
Also this month, the Full Moon on the 5th lights up the financial axis of your horoscope cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac. This would be an ideal date to make a clear decision about money, although there is a proviso.
The planet of the unexpected Uranus is square to both the Sun and the Moon during the Full Moon phase. This flags up a desire for freedom. You might be in the mood to take a financial risk or throw caution to the winds where money’s concerned.
Alternatively, there may be extra expenses linked to a child or lover. The best advice when Uranus is wild and free is to make sure you engage your head and your heart before making a financial decision. Slow things down. Perhaps, put off a last-minute deal until you’ve had a chance to think things through.
On the 16th, your planet Saturn teams up with the Sun in Aquarius and this is measured and real. It indicates a time when you’re likely to make a better financial decision than earlier in the month.
Pisces Season
People count in February as the planet of relating Venus is in the touchy-feely water sign Pisces until the 20th. Plus, the Sun joins Venus in Pisces on the 18th.
Therefore, this is not a month to be on your own. Instead, reach out to other people. Whether you want to ask for help and support or offer fun and friendship, encourage the flow of love and connections in your life.
If you’re looking for love or companionship, this would be an ideal month for making new connections and finding people of like minds. There’s a gentle vibe to your communications, offering you an opportunity to connect on a deep level with other people.
If you’re seeking a soul-mate connection, this is when you’re most likely to find it. The New Moon in Pisces takes place on the 20th, an ideal date for reaching out.
This is about education and being inspired by other people. Attend a talk, read books that are recommended to you and embrace learning and knowledge. If new invitations come your way, follow them up. Step outside your comfort zone and explore new ways of thinking and alternative activities.
Neptune, Pisces’ co-ruler, is evident this month on the 15th when there’s a gorgeous Venus-Neptune conjunction. Engage your imagination and use visual prompts to turn dreams into reality. What you read or hear during this period could be pure inspiration and fuel your ideas.
Pisces is a compassionate star sign and linked to your community, your neighbourhood. At its best, Venus is Pisces is unconditional love. This combination is connecting and inclusive, kind and caring.
Follow your emotions and open your heart. Themes of forgiveness are strong, whether you want to heal a rift or say ‘I’m sorry’. This is about speaking from the heart, whether you say ‘thank you’ more or compliment other people. Kindness breeds kindness – keep this mantra in mind.
It’s worth getting to grips with the more emotional side of life, as this is where there’s going to be some major astrology taking place over the next couple of years. Your ruler Saturn enters Pisces in March 2023.
On the one hand, this can be good news for you as it turns your attention inwards and taps you into your feelings. On the other hand, you’re one of the down-to-earth star signs and you don’t always take well to outbursts of emotion, your own or other peoples’. Think of this new chapter as a learning curve.
Home & Family
Finally this month, home and family affairs fall under the cosmic spotlight once lovely Venus enters fire sign Aries on the 20th. This is the start of lively planetary activity in this sector of your horoscope.
If you’re looking to move home or you’re changing around your living situation, this would a great time to get busy, sow seeds and start a new project. Venus is joining the best planet Jupiter in this sector of your horoscope. Therefore, new opportunities around home and family affairs could come thick and fast.
Also, action planet Mars is moving forward again in Gemini and your work and lifestyle sector. This is about getting back to basics and ensuring that your life works well on an everyday level. Create a safe base in your life, which will enable you to take some big leaps and have somewhere to land.
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