Capricorn Horoscope December 2022

Capricorn horoscope December 2022, sacred geometry

The Sun is in Sagittarius and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 21st. Talk planet Mercury is here until the 6th and the planet of relating Venus until the 10th. This is often a time of preparation for you, when the focus is on your inner world.

It’s rarely a quiet time of life, however, as life often speeds up in the weeks leading up to the festive period. Sometimes, you feel less confident when the Sun is in Sagittarius and you want to indulge the introvert side of your nature and be quiet rather than noisy. You could turn up to a festive party and not want to be there, for example.

Gemini Full Moon

Also, there’s a lively Full Moon taking place on the 8th. This Full Moon cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and Full Moons are often about conflicting or opposing needs. Gemini rules your work and health, your lifestyle and routine. This is where you find retrograde Mars urging you to slow down, but still potentially active.

If you’re under stress or you’re feeling pressure from your place of work or other people in your life, take a step back, especially on or around the 1st & 8th. This is when Mars opposes Venus in Sagittarius and then the Sun in Sagittarius, a symbol of conflict or opposition. Sometimes, Full Moons can coincide with an ultimatum when enough is enough.

If you’re a typical Capricorn, you may not be that forthcoming in speaking up for yourself. That may not be an issue during this Full Moon phase which is full on and feisty.

There’s another planet involved, which could suggest some level of betrayal or mistrust, as it’s Neptune. Neptune’s a slippery planet linked to illusion and disillusionment and is most active on the 4th & 14th.

You may find out that someone isn’t who you thought they were. Or, perhaps you come face-to-face with morals or values that are very different to your own. Neptune’s in Pisces ruling neighbours, siblings and your local community. Keep your down-to-earth common sense intact and do what’s right for you.

Capricorn Love

It may be a volatile Full Moon month but there’s plenty of good stuff going on in your horoscope. Firstly, talk planet Mercury is in your star sign Capricorn from the 6th and the planet of love and relating Venus is here from the 10th.

Therefore, this could be a truly wonderful time for love with the possibility of a proposal or marriage. The most exciting dates are the 17th & 22nd when Mercury & Venus align with spontaneous Uranus in Taurus and your romance sector. These are dates to enjoy yourself and say yes to any new opportunity that comes your way.

This leads you nicely into your birthday month when the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st heralding the Solstice. Plus, two days later on the 23rd, there’s a New Moon in Capricorn, a symbol of new beginnings.

This is an ideal time to set your intentions not only for the month ahead but for the whole of 2023. This is your New Moon so make the most of it to manifest your dreams.

Jupiter Joy

There’s big news towards the end of the month when the planet of luck and opportunity Jupiter returns to fire sign Aries on the 20th. Jupiter’s already been here from May 10th to October 28th.

Jupiter’s move into Aries turns the spotlight towards your home and family, your past and your roots. The big planet remains here until May 16, 2023. 

When Jupiter’s in Aries, this is a classic time to move home or expand where you live. With Jupiter’s foreign theme, you may be planning a move abroad or a get-together with family who live around the world or in different parts of the country.

A big family celebration is well-starred with Jupiter in Aries and it’s the perfect time to catch up with people from your past, to remember your roots and where you come from. It could be a time when you’re expanding your family whether this involves your children, an adoption, the addition of a step family or living within a community. Alternatively, you’re opening your doors to people in need.

Notice what happens on or around the 20th. Also, on the 29th when there’s a lucky Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aries. You’ll see this lovely pairing in the night sky and it’s an ideal time to make a wish.

Jupiter works in synchronous ways so it’s important to put yourself in its path. Say yes to a new opportunity that opens up as Jupiter continues its journey through the first sign of the zodiac.

Mercury Retrograde

Finally, it’s important to note that communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in your star sign on the 29th. Mercury will remain on go slow until January 18, 2023.

This flags up a time for renegotiations or trying again where you failed in the past. Mercury retrograde phases are ideal for the re-words, i.e. review or revise your plans or current situation, retreat and reflect.

This is especially important for you as it feels like a personal Mercury retrograde phase. This can be a time when your inner life is busier than your outer life. You may have a lot to think about. Or, perhaps you need to take care of your mind, body and soul.

If you’re more than ready to take a step back or take time off work moving into 2023, it would be an ideal way to spend this Mercury retrograde phase.

Listen out for insights and synchronicities too, especially in the last week of the month. This is about choosing your allies wisely and being around people you can trust and who care for you deeply.

As Mercury switches direction, it does so in alignment with Neptune and these two planets are active on December 25th, Christmas Day. This is a lovely symbol of compassion and forgiveness and a reminder that people matter most. Make lasting connections and reach out to the ones you love.

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