As April begins, love planet Venus is in your fellow earth sign Taurus until the 11th. This is a lovely placing of Venus because Taurus rules all the good things in your life, what you create or give birth to. This includes children, romance, creative projects, social events and new opportunities.
There’s a feel-good vibe about planets in this sector of your horoscope. You might be head over heels in love. Or, perhaps you’re besotted with a child.
Add to this the fact that you have Mars in Cancer and your relationship sector throughout April and other people may play an increasingly significant role in your life. Focus on your loving connections and your one-to-ones.
Home & Family
Home and family affairs could play a key role in your month ahead. This is because the Sun is in Aries, the star sign at the base of your horoscope until the 20th. Aries rules your home and family, your past and where you come from
The 11th is important when there’s a lucky Sun-Jupiter conjunction taking place. This is said to be one of the best planetary aspects of the year. The Sun represents your essence and who you’re becoming, your vitality and energy. Jupiter expands what it touches and is linked to good fortune, growth and opportunity.
You might bring family together for a special occasion. Or, perhaps you’re working alongside other people in your local community. Either way, there’s a sense of collaboration and celebration taking place.
Jupiter rules foreign connections and this might be about a foreign home or family from abroad. Perhaps, you’re expanding where you live or opening your doors to other people. Whatever you begin under a Jupiter transit promises success. Take a risk and say yes to life.
Solar Eclipse Aries
There’s another factor to take into account here and that’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 20th. This is the second New Moon in this same sector of your horoscope. The first took place on March 21st, so perhaps the two dates are linked.
This month’s Solar Eclipse begins a new eclipse cycle highlighting the star signs Aries and Libra and the foundations of your life. This is home versus work and the link between your past and your future.
A New Moon Solar Eclipse indicates new beginnings. However, this eclipse is squared by Pluto, the planet of endings. You might be on the move, leaving behind the past behind. Or, perhaps there’s a poignancy around home and family affairs.
The square to Pluto doesn’t perfect until the Sun has entered Taurus, also on the 20th. Therefore, these two big events may be linked. Pluto’s currently in Aquarius and your personal money sector. Be wary or vigilant what you agree to on the 20th and don’t throw good money after bad.
Perhaps, you realise that one potential path is going to cost too much money and you’re wise to take your time to rethink your options. This may be linked to your children, your family or an expensive hobby.
Work & Next Steps
Ideally, you’re wise to make any big decisions before the 20th. A good date would be the 6th, as there’s a Full Moon in Libra and your career and vocation sector. Full Moons are about culmination, things coming to completion. They are a positive time to make a key decision and balance your head and heart in making the right move.
Also, the planet of relating Venus is in Gemini and your work and health sector from the 11th onwards. Venus in Gemini is about teamwork and coming together with other people to make life easier for everyone involved. The air signs – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – are lively this month and represent communication and collaboration.
Find new and innovative ways to work together with other people and lean on your girlfriends as Venus rules women. Ensure you have people around you who can offer you new ideas and bring laughter and good advice into your life.
Mercury Retrograde
Finally this month, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus on the 21st and will remain on go slow until May 15th. This is another reason why you’re wise not to rush into anything after the Solar Eclipse on the 20th.
Mercury retrograde favours slowing down and taking a step back. This Mercury retrograde phase is great for creative projects or going on retreat. Take a holiday with your children and don’t rush into love.
It’s a time to ponder and explore life rather than make a major commitment. Ideally, wait until mid-May, when there’ll be a full-on assault of your senses as earth sign Taurus is at its most fertile and abundant.
Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments between April 21st to May 15th. Here are some top tips:
- triple check the tech
- be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
- double-check everything, read the small print
- chase up old contacts, revisit the past
- use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
- rest & retreat when you can
- do your research & explore your options ready to act when Mercury turns direct
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