Aries March 2020

geese, Aries

Mercury’s Movements

The planet of communication, Mercury, has been retrograde since February 17th. Traditionally, this is a time to put off major decisions as things are not what they seem and new information often comes to light when Mercury turns direct.

This happens on the 10th, a key date in this month’s astrological diary. If you have something important you want to deal with or activate in your life, it’s worth using the timing of astrology and wait for Mercury’s change of direction.

Things will start to make more sense, however, from the 4th. This is because Mercury leaves Pisces, a water sign, and heads into Aquarius, an air sign on this date. Mercury in Pisces is dreamy and romantic, yet potentially illusory and confused. You’re better off going with the flow and stepping outside of your usual routine when Mercury is floating around in Pisces’ realm.

Mercury in Aquarius is an easier planet/sign influence, as Aquarius is more structured and organised. You can start list-making and planning ahead with confidence. Aquarius rules friends and groups in your horoscope and you may reconnect with people you were in contact with earlier in the year.

You have more time to get together or events conspire to bring you back into contact. Pick up again where you left off with a group, club, society or organisation that inspires you or you believe in.

Saturn Enters Aquarius

This could be more important than you realise because the slower-moving planets are also entering Aquarius. By this time next year, Aquarius will be the star sign of the moment. Therefore, it’s time to consider where and how friends, groups, associations and/or social projects are going to be part of your future path.

Aquarius rules your hopes and wishes, your place in the world, the activities and organisations you get involved. On the 22nd of this month, Saturn enters Aquarius where it remains until July 1st. Then, on December 17th it will return to Aquarius for the subsequent two years.

This is a major planetary shift as it takes Saturn, the planet of structure and authority, responsibility and discipline, almost 30 years to circuit the zodiac. Saturn in Aquarius is egalitarian with a social conscience.

You may be stepping up to take on a new role and what gets put in place this month could be the catalyst, the trigger. Certainly, it’s important to factor in why community, politics, environmental and humanitarian concerns are going to become more significant to you moving forwards.

Mars Capricorn/Sun Aries

This could turn out to be a big month for you because your ruling planet Mars remains in Capricorn at the peak of your horoscope until the 30th. Mars in Capricorn is the empire builder and Capricorn rules your career and vocation, your future path.

Some of you may be boosting your status or reputation, adding letters to your name or gaining qualifications and prestige. Pace yourself this month especially as the Sun remains in Pisces and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 20th, the day of the Equinox.

This is the key turning point for you as the Sun enters your star sign Aries on the 20th and there’s a stunning Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn on the 20th. This is followed three days later by a Mars/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the 23rd.

Put all this together and potentially you have power. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune which expands what it touches. Pluto at its best rules power and transformation. You may need courage and bravado to make the most of this power combination so get ready to do battle.

There is a competitive feel to this period in the month. You could be taking on someone at the top, fighting for justice or what you believe is right. You might find yourself up against a formidable force. Yet, with the Sun in Aries, and Mars in Capricorn, both planets in their signs of exaltation, you are the courageous one and have strength and determination in bucketloads.

This is when you could come into your own and gain confidence and self-assurance. Note the New Moon on the 24th also falls in Aries, a symbol of new beginnings. It’s an ideal time to set your intentions, launch a project, make a fresh start in life. Look after no. 1 as the Sun begins its journey around the zodiac one more time.

Money & Work

Also, this month, Venus is in Taurus from the 5th onwards. Taurus rules money and Venus is indulgent. This combination is about gifting, enjoying your spoils, having a liking for the good things in life. Venus is your partner planet. If you’re married or in a relationship, it’s an excellent time to be productive and work at securing your future together.

The Full Moon on the 9th could be interesting in this respect. It falls in Virgo, another earth sign and there’s a Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 8th. This could be a lucky time in the month when things go your way, especially with regard to work, money and assets.

Yet, Uranus promises change and things can happen unexpectedly. Yes, you may receive a gift or bonus. Or, you may find that your work situation shifts dramatically and this has a knock-on effect on your earnings or monies received. Keep close tabs on money this month and put more energy into your work and career. It’s here where there’s the possibility to fly high.

Friends In High Places

Finally, on the 30th, your ruler Mars enters Aquarius and immediately joins up with Saturn on the 31st. You are in the thick of the planetary activity this month as your ruler Mars join forces with all the slower-moving planets.

It’s not a month for the faint-hearted. Instead, step up in the world, stand up for what you believe in and join forces with people who are aligned with your vision, your goals. It’s a month to get on the right side of people of influence and people in high places without falling prey to corruption or wrong-doings.

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2 thoughts on “Aries March 2020”

  1. Thank you Sally, for your monthly newsletter, which I find really interesting, especially the planetary positions with blessings from a Sun Aries with ascending Aries

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