Mars Turns Direct: Coming Home

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Mars Turns Direct

Mars turns direct this week on February 23rd or February 24th depending where you live in the world. Either way, come Monday morning of next week, the planet of action has switched direction and is no longer retrograde. It’s been a long and slow Mars retrograde phase. 

The planet which rules assertive behaviour, anger, passion, the libido, courage and physical activity doesn’t like to be held back, slowed down or repressed. Mars gets irritable and testy when retrograde and Mars has been on go slow since December 6, 2024.

Mars’ retrograde phase happens once every two years. When Mars is retrograde, it’s said to be weakened and not strong. Traditionally, it’s a time to take a step back, rework your strategy and gather your troops or support ready to go on the attack once again when Mars powers forward. 

Mars retrograde often impacts the star signs Aries and Scorpio the most. This is because they are Mars’ two signs of rulership. Themes can play out around feeling powerless, lacking control, strength or stamina. This time around, Mars retrograde may have impacted you if you’re a Leo or Cancer.

Mars retrograde is often a time when you can’t get ahead as fast as you would like. You have to learn patience, sometimes the hard way.  Mars is a physical planet and Mars retrograde can coincide with injury or feeling depleted energy-wise. It’s not the best time to be headstrong, impetuous or foolhardy.

Mars Retrograde Star Signs

Mars turned retrograde in fire sign Leo on December 6, 2024 and moved back into water sign Cancer on January 6th earlier this year.

Mars turning retrograde in a fire sign Leo can coincide with burn out. The plus side is that December 2024 may have been a positive phase for turning inwards, getting creative and working on your masterpiece. 

You might have been making babies or diving deep into a love affair. Perhaps, you took a sabbatical from work and you’ve favoured quality of life over work. 

Mars retrograde in Cancer can be gloomy or moody. Things may not have worked out since early January 2025 regarding a property deal. Or perhaps, you’ve lost your home or had to take extra care of a family member.

The plus side is that you may have reconnected with long-lost family. Or you’ve been enjoying a staycation or decided to renovate your home. Alternatively, someone close may have returned to the nest rather than flying away.

Mars In The World

Sometimes, when Mars is retrograde, you feel powerless and the start of 2025 has been a time of insecurity for many people. Mars doesn’t like being in Cancer and it’s potentially a fearful placing for the planet of drive and ambition. Mars represents the flight or fight reaction to challenging situations.

Mars rules men too and it’s no surprise that Trump with Mars on his Ascendant has been wreaking havoc at home and around the world. Will there be a shift in events when Mars switches direction?

Or will he become more powerful and embody the Mars archetype when Mars is back in fire sign Leo, his Ascendant and Mars sign? Events mid-May and mid-June could prove pivotal.

Mars Retrograde Phase

On a personal level, consider what you’ve been working on, while Mars has been on go slow. Where have you been frustrated or held back? Mars retrograde is a great time to rework your strategy.

Are you now ready to make your move, to try again and get things moving? Have you been dealing with a health issue or been recovering from an injury?

Mars turning direct can coincide with a surge of confidence, ambition and energy. Notice what switches back on in your own life when Mars turns direct at the start of next week.

Where are you able to return home or have a sense that you’re coming home? It may be as pure as feeling comfortable within your own skin.

Dates & Degrees

This retrograde phase will have been most powerful for you if you have planets/angles between 6° Leo, the degree point where Mars turned on its tail and 17° Cancer where Mars reclaims its dominance. This is the hot zone where Mars has been moving to and fro and Mars is more than ready to reclaim its power.​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

You might be able to pick up a project, plans or ideas that were bubbling away from September 4th to November 4th when Mars was moving forward in home and family-oriented Cancer last year. 

Also, from November 4th to December 4th when Mars dipped its toe into creative, flamboyant Leo.

The good news is that Mars remains in water sign Cancer until April 18th, giving you plenty of time to pick up where you left off.

It then returns to Leo and comes out of its shadow phase on May 2nd (i.e. is back at 6° Leo) before completing its journey through Leo on June 17th.

Where Is Mars Coming Home For You?

Here are the key areas of your life where Mars has been retrograde for the last eleven plus weeks. Look out for the green lights next week and notice where you can begin to move things forward. 

  • Cancer: Personal goals and aims, image and profile
  • Leo: inner work and personal issues, caring for self and others
  • Virgo: friends and groups, politics, societal concerns
  • Libra: career and vocation, status and reputation
  • Scorpio: travel, study, religion, your beliefs and principles
  • Sagittarius: money and sex, taboo issues and power
  • Capricorn: relationships – personal and professional, contracts and enemies
  • Aquarius: work and health, volunteering
  • Pisces: children and lovers, luck and creativity, entertainment and fun
  • Aries: homes and family, your past and where you come from
  • Taurus: communication, siblings and neighbours, transport and trade
  • Gemini: money and values, assets and possessions, your self-worth

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