Jupiter Capricorn sextile Neptune Pisces
– Thursday 20th February (15:56 GMT)
There’s a major planetary aspect taking place today, February 20th between Pisces’ co-rulers, Jupiter and Neptune. This is the first of three connections between these two major planets in 2020. Here’s the pattern:
- Jupiter Capricorn sextile Neptune Pisces
- February 20, 2020 [17 degrees 44]
- July 27, 2020 [20 degrees 40]
- October 12, 2020 [18 degrees 46]
Jupiter & Neptune
Jupiter is God of the Sky and represents expansion, opportunity and foreign connections. Neptune is God of the Sea, a cosmic, illusionary and dreamlike planet. Together, these two planets conjure up ideals & opportunity, dreams and vision, hope and faith. Ultimately, this is a charitable and altruistic pairing.
Jupiter and Neptune want to inspire you to go further and see beyond what’s possible. Surrender, sacrifice & salvation are Jupiter-Neptune themes which are heart-led. This is not about the ego or personal issues. Instead, something that connects you beyond your everyday experience, a deeper reason or purpose to pursue a new way of living or being.
In your life personally, this can play out in different ways. You might want to offer help or take on a caring role and feel an abundance of compassion within you which can’t or won’t stop giving.
This combination could connect you to a spiritual or divine experience. You may have a strong religious or mystical yearning. At the very least, you could find yourself wanting to stretch your comfort zone and experience more of what life has to offer. You may embark on a new career or vocation, one that links in to your dreams or wish fulfilment.
Earth & Water
If you have planets or angles at 17 degrees of the earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), you are currently in flow and can pick up on this inspirational planetary aspect.
You could go on a magical mystery tour, fall head over heels in love, act out of devotion, find your muse or tap in to your creative or spiritual source.
Ultimately, this is about manifesting your dreams and bringing your hopes and visions down to earth. Get practical with your ideas. Hear what’s calling you and plan accordingly.
I have had the most dreadful 24 hours between yesterday and it was not resolved until 2.30pm today. It was all to do with a well known booking system that I manage on behalf of a charity I volunteer with. It has left me very stressed and exhausted and other work I should have been doing for the charity has fallen behind. I am Taurean and at 70 years old with a heart condition found this very difficult to deal with. I thought it was the retrograde stuff going on at present but the good feeling I should have now according to above has not happened
It sounds very Mercury retrograde, Jenni. Take good care of yourself. The Jupiter-Neptune is a broader planetary influence and won’t be felt by everyone. It’s most important for you when you have planets/angles at 17 degrees. Sending best wishes.
I’ve had car issues and little weird things happening with my phone (missed texts and calls etc) and laptop, but I Usually have sooo much energy and I’m just spent and exhausted lately. I’m an Aries sun, & Mercury, but my chart Is 40% earth, only 30% fire, 20% water, and 10% air. Aries sun, Sagittarius rising; Pisces moon; Jupiter in Scorpio; Taurus: Venus, Saturn, and Mars; Pluto in Virgo. I don’t know how to figure out if it’s 17 degrees…
The issues you’re describing are very resonant of Mercury retrograde. As an Aries Sun, your energy is likely to be better once the Sun enters your star sign on March 20th. You actually have the Sun in the most hidden sector of your horoscope right now and as the Sun rules vitality, this is a good time for you to take the pace slow and do less not more. It sounds as if you know your birth chart – if you do, there will be numbers to the left of the star signs and to the right. So if you read 17 Aries 20 – the 17 represents the degree number, the 20 represents the minutes number. It’s the number to the left of the star sign that’s what you’re looking for. Usually allow a one degree orb either way for a major planetary aspect to be relevant, i.e. in this case, 16-18 degrees. Hope that helps.