Wimbledon Tennis 2021

Wimbledon tennis, astrology

Update: A Djokovic win. It’s now 20 Grand Slams each for Roger, Rafa & Novak. Who’ll win the US Open – will it be one of the Big Three who makes it 21 Grand Slam wins? See you at the end of August 🙂

I think the only ‘suspect’ astrology for Djokovic – Uranus on his IC – was the fact that his family couldn’t travel to the UK to watch him win at Wimbledon.

As many of you know, this is my first tennis/astrology prediction for some time. I stopped posting these articles because of the global situation even though three Grand Slams took place in 2020.

Wimbledon didn’t take place in 2020 but it’s back and I promised to set up a forum for this year’s Wimbledon and here it is.

I know that some tennis astrologers are still continuing with predictions on their websites so do let fans know in the comments box below where else they can go for tennis/astrology insights.

I posted on Juan’s website to say that I fancied a Nadal-Tsitsipas final during the recent French Open. Nadal couldn’t overcome the tennis player of the moment, Djokovic, in the semi-finals and neither could Tsitsipas in the final.

So, what does the astrology say for Wimbledon? As usual, I’m taking a look at the chart for the start of the tournament. We have so few birth times for players now that it makes the predictions tricky. Therefore, the astrology for the tournament becomes even more important.

Wimbledon Astrology

It’s relatively straightforward astrology for the Wimbledon tournament. Mercury, the tennis player’s planet, is the ruler of both the Virgo Ascendant and the Gemini Midheaven (success point).

After being retrograde, Mercury is now strong in its sign of rulership in the 10th house. Plus, the north node in Gemini is conjunct the Midheaven – good news for the Geminis or players with key planets/angles close to 8/9 Gemini and 17 Gemini.

Mercury’s next aspect is a square to Neptune so some dreams won’t materialise but that’s always true for these big events.

The Moon is in Aquarius and its last aspect was a trine to Mercury. The Moon is void of course, i.e. it makes no more planetary aspects which is always a nod to the favourite doing well. A void of course Moon suggests nothing new will come of it.

The 2019 Wimbledon final was an epic battle between Federer and Djokovic with Djokovic winning. Djokovic has won 3 more Grand Slams since then including this year’s French Open which Rafael Nadal has dominated since 2005. So, the astrology is looking good for the favourite.

As you’ll know if you’ve followed my tennis astrology in the past, I also take notice of Jupiter, the best planet in astrology. It alway seems to be a helpful influence. During this tournament, Jupiter will be retrograde, i.e. in retreat but still important to watch.

Jupiter’s currently at 2 Pisces. I went for a Tsitsipas-Nadal final in the recent French Open based solely on Jupiter in Pisces, the natal planet/sign placing for both men.

The Players

No Nadal at this year’s tournament. He does have a Saturn transit trine his Sun which is usually a helpful transit but Nadal said the French Open had taken a toll on his body. So, he needs to slow down and rest, Saturn themes.

Novak Djokovic, b. May 22 1987, 11:25 pm, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, no. 1 seed – Sun Gemini

With Djokovic, it seems to be more what might stop him winning than anything else. His Mercury is at 18 Gemini so mirrors the Mercury in the Wimbledon chart.

He has progressed Venus on his Mercury – the tennis planet – exact in August 2021 but a significant progression all year. Plus, he has progressed Moon on his career planet Mars – drive, ambition – exact on June 25th leading him into the tournament.

Jupiter’s heading back to square his Gemini Sun by transit and trine his career planet Mars, both transits exact not long after the final – nice.

The only question mark may be Uranus on his IC, the planet of surprises, so something linked to his home/family that causes a shock? Otherwise, he has a great chance of equalling Federer & Nadal’s equal record of 20 Grand Slam victories.

Roger Federer, b. August 8, 1981, 8:40 am, Basel, Switzerland, no. 2 seed – Sun Leo

Federer turns 40 this August, so a big ask for him to compete at the top level for a fortnight but never say never.

Federer has a Gemini Midheaven, career point, and he has won Wimbledon before with a transit of Jupiter in Gemini. The north node is heading back towards his Midheaven which is 5 Gemini, although not exact until later this year.

His career planet is Mercury in Leo which has been under some stress this year. Saturn turned retrograde opposite his Mercury late May and Uranus is square his Mercury, exact on June 22nd. Saturn slows you down, Uranus is unpredictable – highs and lows. It tends to be a tricky influence.

The only other transit of note is Uranus sextile his Mars Cancer, exact on July 5th, so Federer could pull a surprise himself. And, the inner planets are moving through Leo all tournament so I’m sure he’ll be delighted to be back at Wimbledon, where the crowd love him.

Rest of the Players

The major challenge when you start to look outside of the Fab Four – which was Federer, Djokovic, Nadal, Murray who dominated the Grand Slams for many years – is that there are very few times of birth in the public domain. Therefore, you don’t have all the information you need to give accurate predictions.

There are only a couple of players in the top 20 with accurate birth times. One is Alexander Zverev and even he has two possible times of birth. Although, as debated in previous tennis/astrology articles, we favour the Sun Aries chart – April 20, 1997, 3:00am, Hamburg, Germany rather than 11:00pm which would make him a Sun Taurus!

If you’re looking for players who stand out, check out those who are Sun Aquarius/Sun Pisces or who have planets in those two star signs as that’s where Jupiter is this year. Daniil Medvedev, b. February 11, 1996, Moscow, Russia has his Sun at 21 Aquarius and Mars at 26 Aquarius and he must be doing well to be no. 2 seed.

I also favour Stefanos Tsitsipas – b. August 12 1998, Athens, Greece who did so well at the French Open & Diego Schwartzman – b. August 16 1992, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Both Sun Leo, like Federer and there’s a lot happening in Leo this tournament. Also, Tsitsipas has his Jupiter at 27 Pisces so he’s heading for his Jupiter Return next year.

Andy Murray is playing and he has the same Midheaven (career/success point) as Roger Federer, although 2 degrees later at 7 Gemini. There was the wonderful Wimbledon final in 2012 when the two played one another and lucky Jupiter got to Federer’s Midheaven before Murray’s and Federer won. Murray won the trophy the following year.

In brief, without such gems of astrology, this tennis/astrology forum will sadly become obsolete once we lose the prowess of the top players with accurate birth times whose charts we know so well.


You can’t not predict a Djokovic win. I look forward to hearing what the other astrologers think. Play nicely in the comments and enjoy the tennis.

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134 thoughts on “Wimbledon Tennis 2021”

  1. Welcome back Sally after a long time. I as a fan of tennis and your astrological predictions very glad to see your comments. As far as tennis goes, my heart goes with Roger but head says NOLE.


  2. Nice to have astrology blog on tennis again. It’s been a while. Thank you for the insight Sally. Question: Will you be doing a blog on the Olympics tennis or any other sports?

    1. I’m not planning to at present, Lisa. Thanks for asking. It’s not as much fun with so few birth times. I love the accuracy of astrology and it so helped to have times of birth for the Fab Four!

  3. So nice to see you back , Sally.

    I was desperately waiting for it.

    So what do you feel about Federers chance ?


    1. Thank you 🙂 As I say in the article, I think his career planet is under tricky stars at the moment so I would be surprised if he does really well. But Federer does love Wimbledon!

  4. Oh My Goodness…. What a Pleasant Surprise !!! I was checking as I always do during Grandslam time and oh wow….Thank you soooooo much Sally Mam for taking time out and doing this wonderful blog for us the Fans of Sally & Tennis !!!

      1. Thank You Samar. Nice to see you after years !! Excited for the discussion on this wonderful platform by Sally Mam !!

  5. Nice to see your forecast yet again. As simply put, Djokovic is the man to beat. Federer hopefully for the fans give his best as always in Wimbledon. At the peak of djokovic form, only federer stopped him a decade back at French. Hopefully for FedEx fans he take his 21st.

    1. Yes, sorry – I don’t tend to look at the women’s tennis as they change so quickly. Hopefully, someone here will have time to look at the women’s draw in-depth and perhaps I’ll take a look next week when we know who’s in the final stages.

  6. Hooray, it’s great to see you back, Sally!

    I am concentrating on progressions as I usually do. Rafa currently has his secondary progressed Ascendant exactly opposite his s.p. Chiron. I have seen Chiron involved in difficulties with players a number of times. I had wondered if Rafa could win the French Open with this progression in effect.

    Now the big question is whether Novak can win a 20th and perhaps 21st slam title during this year. That would also give him a calendar year grand slam. That would be a monumental achievement.

    His secondary progressed Midheaven is within close conjunction to his s.p. Saturn during both Wimbledon and the USO. Sally, I think you had said that Saturn factors seemed to work out well for Novak due to his natal Capricorn rising? So could this factor bring great success, perhaps taking him to a 21st slam title this year? Also, his secondary progressed Ascendant is about a degree from the exact trine to his progressed Sun during both tournaments. And his secondary progressed Venus is in close conjunction to his Mercury during both tournaments. I think the possibility of a calendar year G.S. looks promising.

    But, as you pointed out, there’s that Uranus transit opposite his Midheaven for Wimbledon. That could indicate difficulties.

    I think it will be a fascinating astrological exercise to see how it all works out!

    For Roger, his secondary progressed Midheaven will be conjunct his Mars in early 2023. There are several other positive progressions for him in that year. I think a Saturn progression next year will limit his success, until 2023. I think he will be in the news in that year, hopefully with success rather than retirement.

    1. Hi Astro Tennis,

      Happy to see you after long time on this wonderful platform by Sally. Tennis & Grandslam is more exciting again !!

        1. Thank you to everyone who’s said hello – it’s great to see so many familiar names on her already and hopefully more will find us throughout the tournament. Looking forward to hearing everyone’s astrology/tennis predictions. We make a great team – all of us together 🙂

          1. Hi Sally,

            Do you see Rafa winning another Grand Slam before he retires ? Will he win another Australian Open ?

          2. I don’t tend to look ahead apart from the odd player astrology critique when I feel inspired. One Grand Slam at a time 🙂

    2. Lovely to have the progressions update – thank you. What you say about Djokovic does look good for him = those progressions are impressive. And yes, because he’s Capricorn rising. I think Saturn is his friend. Interesting what you say about Nadal’s chart too and would fit the injury. Federer could do with progressed Midheaven conjunct his Mars this year! I don’t like the Saturn-Uranus square to his career planet – that’s tricky.

  7. What interests me most and intrigues me in the astrological situation of Nole, is not so much this Wimbledon in which, except for sensational surprises, his victory seems quite obvious both for the superior value of the player and for objective favorable astrology, but what can happen in New York at the US open.
    In fact at that point Nole in the progressed chart of him will have a perfect conjunction of the moon on the Sun, exactly at 4 degrees of cancer. Situation that as we know happens very rarely.
    I wonder what this could mean. Conquering the grand slam?
    I remember that in 2018 the Italian tennis player Cecchinato suddenly rose to the fore with this precise aspect in the progress theme, even though he even had an equally narrow square of Saturn to the Sun in the transits on the birth chart! …

    So we must also always consider the progress theme, not just the transits on the birth chart.
    And the same goes for transits on the progress theme.

    1. Hm, interesting to mark is that Nadal is gearing up for US Open. Have to admit, Djokovic has the best astrology for the past 10 years but will he win the Golden Slam (Olympics included) or the Calendar Slam? What is your take?

      1. There are two aspects to consider, actually three.
        The first is the strength of the player himself, who certainly at this moment is much greater than the others, both for Nadal and especially those of the so-called nextgen, which are very little.
        Then there is the current astrological situation, which seems very favorable for him, especially for this Wimbledon.
        And then the last aspect, that is the enormous pressure that Djokovic would have to endure if by winning Wimbledon he was in the position of being able and having to conquer the Grand Slam.

        So I tell you that in my opinion he can do it, but I almost certainly think the hardest obstacle would be the US open, both because of the enormous pressure I mentioned above, and also because on the concrete there are other competitive players, who do not there are on grass, including Nadal who returns to competitions.
        Last but not least, the US open for Nole has always been a bit of the “cursed” tournament, he made 8 finals and lost 5. A bit like the RG, a spell that he managed to dispel this year.
        While he has always done very well in Wimbledon and Melbourne.
        This also counts.

        1. The US Open has always been an open tournament. There is no clear favourite but, Djokovic will have the pressure to complete the Calendar Grand Slam. We have seen before that he deals extremely well with pressure. If there is someone to upset him it might be his own demons. For Wimbledon he is the clear favourite, no Nadal, no Thiem en no Del Potro who do well on grass. I also think that he might not win Australian Open 2022, but that is just a feeling. How do you rate Nadal’s chances at US Open?

          1. Ah well, with its usual “regenerating” pauses, let’s call it that, I see it pretty well.
            When he makes these stops, and has made several in his career, he comes back stronger and stronger than before.
            How he does it is unknown, but so is he.

        2. Helpful points but Djokovic does seem to do well under pressure! Can’t wait to see how this will play out.

          1. Sally, its the thing the next gen is missing; they cannot handle the pressure and choke. Tsitsipas lost today, there are a lot of surprises this tournament I think. However, for me, this Wimbledon seems to be a weak slam because many grass specialists are missing.

            If we look at RG, Javier said that the eclipse was happening at Nadal’s Sun so his vitality has been hampered during the semi-final against Djokovic.

          2. Yes, I saw somewhere – perhaps after the Roland Garros final that Djokovic called him and Nadal the next gen! I agree that they don’t have strong competition as yet. I’m not sure about the eclipse info – both Nadal and Djokovic are Sun Gemini and the eclipse was in Gemini but not close enough to either Sun by degree to have an impact. If anything, both eclipses on May 26 & June 10 impacted Djokovic’s chart more – his Sun & Mercury Gemini. But as we’ve seen here, you can either win or lose during eclipses – they swing the wheel of fortune either in your favour or away from you.

          3. Its interesting. In sidereal Nadal is a Libra rising and his Sun is in 8H Taurus, where according to the sidereal system his Sun falls and the eclipse happened on the same cups. Sun is the Lord of the 11H, the house of wishes and dreams, and its placed in the star of moon (his 10th lord of career and ambition). According to this system, his vitality got hampered and shortly after we heard that he has an injury but also that his dreams and wishes of winning RG didn’t came true. It actually impacted all – dreams, vitality and reputation (21st Grand Slam) during the eclipse.

            In case of Djokovic, he is a Saggitarius according to sidereal and has Sun and Mercury in the 6H in Tauraus alas, his natal planets weren’t on the cups of the eclipse. They were far away, and in sidereal planets as Sun and Mercury are good in the 6H to win a competition.

            So yes, the wheel of fortune works in mysterious ways but according to sidereal Djokovic has a splendid time going on and Nadal will have a better time after October 2021.

    2. Hi Andreas. Interesting – thank you for the thoughts re. Djokovic and his Moon/Sun progression. Was it the same with Cecchinato, i.e. progressed Moon conjunct progressed Sun and not progressed Moon conjunct natal Sun? I think the two work differently. Personally, I think there are other progressions that are more impressive for Djokovic although it does often mean some kind of new beginning, a new identity? I wondered whether it might coincide with another child for the couple as the Moon is often mother/fatherhood and the conjunction is in Cancer, the family sign. And yes, agree it’s important to consider the progressions and transits together 🙂

      1. Sally, could the new identity also have to be that he is liked now? In the Olympic Village every athlete want a selfie with him and his fan base is increasing too.

          1. People like winners and cheer for them. Unfortunately, the greatness of Federer and Nadal are being diminished.

          2. I disagree – Federer & Nadal will always remain great. The reality is that Djokovic is on top of his game and as long as he stays injury free he is more likely to be the first of the three to achieve 21 Grand Slam titles.

          3. Well, Djokovic has have tremendous astrology for the past 10 years. Is there coming an end to it? For me Nadal and Federer will always be the greatest but in terms of numbers and the general opinion, Djokovic may go down as the GOAT.

    1. Good point but not in my opinion, no. The tournament chart isn’t a contest chart – it’s a symbolic ‘moment in time’ chart signifying when the tournament was scheduled to begin. So, I think it still stands. Rain is often an issue at Wimbledon – the great british summer 🙂

    1. I think if it was Jupiter, for example, it would have more of an impact. I’m just not sure with Venus – I think it’s more about him being in the limelight, probably good for money/sponsorship too? And love 🙂

      1. Yes, definitely love! Not too sure what will happen with him. Will be interesting- think his own ascendant is close but not exact on the chart ascendant. Djokovic seems to have won a watch with the astrology- appears to have incredible luck matched with his steely resilience and accuracy.

  8. Hi Sally,
    I would be pleased to know whether Federer can win Wimbledon 2021. Will he finally defeat Djokovic and win Wimbledon 2021 ?. Kindly let me know your thoughts about Federer’s retirement and how many grand slams can he win in the upcoming years. I am eager to know..

    1. If you read the article and my previous comments, you’ll see what i think re. Federer’s astrology. You would like to see him having super astrology to win a Grand Slam now but he is amazing and Wimbledon love him so will be interesting to see.

  9. Hello Sally! What a joy to read you about tennis astrology again. I am writing this with google translator, sorry for the mistakes.

    In general lines I agree with you. I think Djokovic has better astrology over the rest. In addition to transits and progressions, I consider lunar revolutions. The only thing that leaves me in doubt, and leaves a possibility of surprise, is Uranus opposing the 14º Scorpio Midheaven of him. He will also have this transit during the Olympic Games and the US Open, perhaps in one of these three events he will get a surprise (we know that he is the favorite in all three).

    Of the rest of the players I highlight Berrettini’s astrology, and further back to Zverev. I leave the link to my article in case you want to read it:

    A big greeting,
    Juan Cruz

    1. Thanks Juan. Good to see you here and thank you for posting your article too 🙂 I agree with Uranus – it’s such a wild card and could affect Djokovic’s chances. I do suspect the other progressions/transits will help outweigh Uranus but we shall see. Kind regards.

      1. The Uranus transit will be almost precisely exact opposite Novak’s Midheaven career point on the day of the final. If it expresses in an opponent, it could bring someone with originality, even genius. It could bring an “on fire” opponent.

        Uranus can bring surprises and upsets. Since the Uranus transit will be so close to exactly opposite Novak’s Midheaven the day of the final, I do wonder if he will be able to prevail despite whatever challenges Uranus could bring.

        However, everything else looks to be strongly in his favor. The tournament chart, the progressions, and his other transits.

        I think we will all be excited to see how things occur!

  10. Copied from Lana’s website :

    lana_admin Says:
    June 30th, 2021 at 9:09 am
    Welcome back this year, Samarjeet!

    Thanks for your question. Roger very generously said Mannarino was the better player yesterday, before he went out with an injury. It was actually Mannarino’s birthday yesterday! But Neptune was on Mannarino’s Mars, which can be responsible for injury. I saw a few players slip on the grass this week.

    If Roger were to win Wimbledon, he would meet Djokovic in the final. So, looking at Roger’s transits yesterday, he had Uranus square his natal Mercury, so he was himself in danger of slipping, and he acknowledged the danger after Serena Williams went out with an injury. He also has Neptune square Neptune, uncertainty. On the plus side, Pluto is sextile his Uranus, which is favourable for change.

    At the end of Wimbledon, Uranus is still square his Mercury, but it will be sextile with his Mars, so if he gets to the final it could be electrifying. Neptune will still be square his Neptune, and Pluto will still be sextile his Uranus. These are not outstanding transits, but he could conceivably reach the final. However, I don’t think he would be able to beat Djokovic, sadly.



  11. Hola Sally,

    I think Nadal and Fed are done. Novak is GOAT. And either he is besotted with excellent astrology or he is beyond astrology. He probably has similar astrology as MICHEAL phelps. No one can come closer to him.

    I am Nadal fan and devastated by F. O. Loss.. for me tennis’s is finished. GOAT debate is over.

    1. Lol, I have faith that Nadal can come back stronger and win 2 more titles. Even if Djokovic wins everything there isn’t any real competition now. 2017-2019 there was Delpo and Mugiem. Nadal allowed this loss, and astrology wise, he was much affected by the eclipse causing an injury. Do not worry Nadal will be back!

      1. Federer knows he is never going to win a Grand Slam again. To be honest, Federer won most of his Grand Slams in a weak era but he is definitely a good ambassador and role model for the sport. Nadal has to face injuries his entire life, and thus skipped many grand slams. Djokovic on the other hand, is lucky and never really had to face adversities in terms of injuries yet right now he is the most complete player because there is no real threat and this is me, a Nadal fan saying this. He worked hard for this and I think Djokovic’s fan base is also increasing.

        1. ‘Federer won most of his Grand Slams in a weak era’
          For Novak ‘there is no real threat’
          ‘Nadal has to face injuries his entire life’
          Nadal fan saying this
          I wish Nadal gets better fans

  12. Happy to see Federer play in the last 2 sets yesterday although still work in progress. Gasquet backhand winner really got him fired up as he said during his on court interview.

  13. I watched Andy Murray vs Shapovalov …very sad to see Murray loosing. He was not as sharp as he was in Round 1.

    Shapovalov looks really promising. He was the Wimbledon Junior Champion if I remember right and he can soon be a Wimbledon Mens Champion. Great Serve. Good Forehand, Single Handed yet very effective back hand for a Lefty … Above average Serve & Volley… His first Grandslam may be at Wimbledon if not this year … In near future

  14. Hi Sally, hi everybody,

    Thank you for another Tennis prediction! It’s fun to read all of your posts again!

    Before and after Federer’s first match I wouldn’t have posted an article. As his form now increases I am optimistic for the Swiss again.

    Roger obviously suffered from negative influences on his career ruling planet in the weeks before his favourite Slam. At Paris he has hit three frame balls in the first game of Round 4 and again and again produced unusual unforced errors. At Halle he said “that’s not my usual play”. Typical for Mercury, planet for coordination, being retrograde. No wonder he needed some time to get back in rhythm.

    Against Sonego and in the Quarters, Mars (16 Leo) will be conjunct Federer’s Sun which interferes with Mars’ clash with Uranus. We will see how Roger and Novak handle this square tomorrow. For Novak, Mars is his career ruler and the Sun is currently in Opposition to his Ascendant. At a potential Quarter for Federer against the No. 2 seeded Medvedev, Mars left this square to Uranus and Venus (14 Leo) reaches his natal Mercury at Wednesday.

    Many of you discussed the Uranus square on natal Mercury for Federer that is seen dangerous. As Lana and Sally indicate, Roger’s fans will hope that Uranus building a sextile Mars at the day of the final may overturn the square. Progressed Mars sextiles his Midheaven precisely at Wimbledon.

    Djokovic has a very positive Jupiter transit with a trine to natal Mars these days. In contrast, Jupiter squares the Serb’s natal Sun. Vice versa – at the day of the final, the Sun – Roger’s Leo Starsign Ruler – is in tension with his Jupiter. A Leo preventing his success? Jupiter these days is in retrograde mode. Jupiter was in Pisces when Federer won the Wimbledon Junior title in 1998.

    These transits together with Uranus in almost exact Opposition to natal MC at the day of the final may speak against a successful defending of the championship for Djokovic. At ‪July 11th‬, the Moon runs into a square with his Pluto, co-ruling planet of his Midheaven and conjunct his MC in the natal chart. For Federer, on the other hand, the Leo Moon approaches his Sun that day. The Sun trines his Moon. In my perception, Federer has the better astrology at final.

    Before watching the astrology, I wondered what the universe’s plans are for the nearing end of the maestro’s career. Wouldn’t it suit this icon to leave with another big trophy? At July 11th, Federer’s career ruler Mercury is at the last degree of his Midheaven sign Gemini. The last big bang? 8 again is his personal number: born 8/8/1981 gives cross sum 8 and his management company he called ‘Team 8’. To win Wimbledon once again would be Federer’s 21st Slam. 21 is the number of success, of closing circles. We have 2021. The final’s MC is conjunct Federer’s natal North Node – point of destiny.

    I suppose Roger will end his career at the US Open when the point of destiny exactly reaches his Midheaven at tournament start. The last time the Node was on his 6 Gemini MC in the beginning of 2003 when his magnificent career success started with 7 triumphs that year including his first Wimbledon title.

    Roger Federer is born on a natal Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 6/7 Libra which is related in a trine with his upcoming North Node MC conjunction. The recent Great conjunction of Decembre 21st at 0 Aquarius fell directly on his South Node. The last Great conjunction was in 2000 when he was gaining ground on the tour. Circles closing…

    This Great conjunction, repeating every 20 years, obviously works well in tennis heralding a new era of a new generation. Javier has shown us a wonderful analysis of the Great conjunction 2000 interfering with the Big 3 of the last two decades in Sally’s US Open 2019 article and on his website:


    Javier gives us hints about players as Sun Aquarius Medvedev whose birth charts interfere with the chart of 12/21/2020. We can see that young players more and more take over the scepter around that date. See the Quarters of the last US Open, Masters as Miami this year and the younger players gaining majority in the Top 20.

    I believe an icon like Roger should finish with a successful revanche of the bitter 2019 experience.

    What do you think, Sally, could the interfering of the Uranus Saturn Square (symbol of the restructuring of our world) with Federer’s Mercury reduce to the meaning of his upcoming retirement?

    If Roger and Novak meet again, Uranus could be the decisive planet as several of you astrologer’s indicate. Federer’s Coach Luethi currently has a precise Uranus Sun trine. Djokovic’s co-coach Ivanisevic has Uranus square his North Node.

    Let the second week come!

    1. Wow Patrick, thanks for the super details.
      This is what makes Sally platform the best, when everyone comes in together as a team and give forward their take :), absolutely loved reading it.
      Looking forward to Week 2.
      And for Roger, people may break his records, but no player will ever be as loved as Roger, so hoping things go his way and he can triumph one final time before resting his Wilson Wand.


      1. Thank you very much for your lovely lines, Sudhanshu! Yes, I feel same with Roger.. We all got our personal favorites 🙂

    2. Welcome Back Patrick !!! Very nice to see your post on this Great platform… While astrology may favor Roger Federer to some extend …. I am not able to think of he winning if he gets to the final against Djokovic. In 2019 he was a better player in the final still he lost. Now that sharpness is not there post injury break. As Federer himself said anything from now on is a bonus…QF or SF or Final or Winner… Lets see

      1. Thanks Sathia, welcome back!! 🙂 I can understand your doubts. Alongside certain astrology there is a spiritual view involved as I wrote. For Federer fans, much can happen in a Grand Slam. So let’s see, we are in crazy times… 🙂

    3. Hi Patrick – good to see you here and thank you for the comprehensive astrology prediction. I like a lot of what you write. I think Federer has the trickier astrology but interesting that Uranus is active for both players – Djokovic and Federer. I’d like to see Federer having better astrology to get a final Grand Slam but he is such a master of the game and obviously loves playing here at Wimbledon. I did suspect he would shine. Overcoming Djokovic – unless something crops up for Novak – is always going to be a tough ask at the moment. Looking forward to seeing how this week plays out. I’ll try and take a look at the astrology – I’m especially interested in the Berrettini/Auger-Aliassime match – shame we don’t have birth times for either, as far as I know.

      1. Thank you Sally, it’s nice to read your answer! I have some times observed a square with Jupiter preventing success for a player, but as you indicate in your prediction, Jupiter also trines Djokovic’s Mars. Remains the square of the Sun to his natal Jupiter at final. Maybe he gets the positive energy from it and the Uranus IC conjunction doesn’t bother him due to the positive transits.

        I just recognised that Mars precisely creates a Grand fire trine with Djokovic’s natal Jupiter/Saturn at the day of the final. And the Moon squaring his Pluto at final is involved in a T-Square with natal Venus.

        I agree with your current view for Federer. It would really need something special for Roger and he would certainly not feel fulfilled if something as an injury weakened Djokovic. First Roger has two tough Rounds before him, of course…

        1. Hi guys! I am going to use the google translator so sorry if there are errors.

          The location of Venus and Mars in transit is positive for Roger these days, note that both are passing over their natal Mercury and Sun. For the match vs. Hurckacz Venus will be on Mercury and Mars on her Sun. Eventually for the semifinals Venus will be on her Sun.

          Unfortunately for the Sunday of the final Mars and Venus will already be run and will not face any radical planet. On the other hand, as Patrick says, on the day of the final those two will look very good to Djokovic’s radical Saturn and Jupiter 🙁

          Of course, these planets do not define a championship (more progressions, directions, revolutions), if the transits of the slow planets do, but they give an indication…

          1. Hi guys! I am going to use the google translator so sorry if there are errors.

            The location of Venus and Mars in transit is positive for Roger these days, note that both are passing over their natal Mercury and Sun. For the match vs. Hurckacz Venus will be on Mercury and Mars on her Sun. Eventually for the semifinals Venus will be on her Sun.

            Unfortunately for the Sunday of the final Mars and Venus will already be run and will not face any radical planet. On the other hand, as Patrick says, on the day of the final those two will look very good to Djokovic’s radical Saturn and Jupiter 🙁

            Of course, these planets do not define a championship, if the transits of the slow planets do (more progressions, directions, revolutions) , but they give an indication…

    4. Thanks for your post, Patrick. You wrote:
      “A Leo preventing Federer’s success?” Auger Aliassime was born on August 08th 2020. Same day and month as Roger Federer. Regards, Geilson

  15. Hi Sally,

    Thanks a lot for your come-back.
    Loved reading all the predictions and posts. Its about 18 months.
    Thanks once again

  16. We discussed Uranus’ role for Djokovic and Federer these days and the erratic planet also seems to play an important role in the Women’s competition. Unfortunately we don’t have any official birth times for the best four of this year’s Wimbledon.

    World Number 4 Sabalenka has a natal Taurus Sun Aquarius Saturn square which is precisely triggered by the current Uranus Saturn Square. Uranus could even be exact on her Sun at final – depending on an unknown birth time. Sally highlights the importance of Jupiter in tennis astrology and as with Tsitsipas at Paris, Sabalenka moreover has a natal Pisces Jupiter in the same current travelling sign of the planet of abundance.

    Derived from several career highs I once found a rectified birth time for Kerber (11.54 AM), a strongly expressed Capricorn, who is known for her steely will power and fighting spirit on the court. In her best years, these skills came along with an outstanding endurance which may suit a Taurus Ascendant. Which leads us again to Uranus, in case if my birth time Uranus would currently be bang on her AC.

    Kerber is kind of an all or nothing player who has almost won all of the most important tournaments. Once Number 1 in her strongest year 2016 she had a sudden downturn and came back to her top level with her Wimbledon triumph 2018. After a longer period of few success, measured by her level, she – quite surprisingly – won the preparation at Homburg where she was tournament embassador, too. She came a bit out of “nothing” – quite Uranus-like!

    World Number 1 Barty should like Wimbledon with her special touch expressed in her Slice and Volley. She handles Jupiter square her Pluto well so far. I see the Sun in Opposition to natal Jupiter tomorrow. The Moon runs into a square with Saturn – precise in the later hours probably of the second Semi – typical for frustrated feelings.

    Pliskova is another lawn friendly player with a style reminding of her countrywoman Kvitova who won Wimbledon twice. Both tall women from the Czechia who can serve strongly and create much power in their strokes. Pliskova has a natal Uranus in square with natal Saturn – reminding us about the Uranus Saturn square of these times. Enough for a final?

    Jabeur has a Grand Water trine of Jupiter/Mars/Saturn and Jupiter travels in Pisces, sign of her Saturn. She might be the outsider among the four semifinalist.

    I can imagine a final with Sabalenka and Kerber who has the most experience in Grand Slam finals including Wimbledon. Once Kerber roles she is hard to beat as Serena experienced twice in Slam finals including Wimbledon. Her flat lefty game maybe is the most uncomfortable to handle among the remaining 4.

    1. Thanks Juan. You like the north node on his Midheaven? It’s often a definitive career moment for sure – exact August 29 2021.

      1. Hello Sally! Yes, I see it as something positive for his professional life. Between August and September the Olympics and the US Open are played, I think Federer will be able to do well there or maybe he will win an M1000 or ATP500.

        1. It could also be when he announces his retirement. He won his first Grand Slam in 2003 and the last time the north node was on his Midheaven was January of that year. You often see the nodal cycles ending and beginning major chapters in life. Will be interesting to watch what happens.

          1. Hello Sally! Your reading about that transit is interesting. I see it differently. I don’t think Federer will retire in 2021. As I explained on my twitter, I see a lot of positive transits and progressions for the next two months. I think we can enjoy his tennis.

  17. Sally! You are back! With tennis and Eurocope in England jeje
    I was receiving more visits than usual from your blog this days and now i understand why. Happy to read you again! Also, thank you Patrick for your words about the investigation that i did about th cycle of jupiter and saturn. The new conjuction of 21 12 2020 is good for Djokovic again; jupiter and saturn in 0 degrees of aquarius are in trine to his natal sun in geminis and mars of the conjuction is very close to his natal jupiter. Also, last 2 years i have been focus in 2 main investagiona (one is developed at my blog and i will write a book abiut it, and the other one not yet, but i share examples a few times because is the main prove that astrology works): 2021 is METAL year in chinese and tibetan astrology (years ending in 0 and 1 are metal). 2021 is also BUFFALO year (as it is every 12 years). So if we take a look at last RG and this Wimbledon:
    – Nadal didnt win RG in 2009 and 12 years later also (buffalo year). Nadal didnt play Wimblendon 2009 and also 2021.
    – Federer out in quarterfinals in 2001, 2010 2011 and 2021 (at metal year).
    – Djokovic has mayor year in 2011. Next Sunday, with the great piramid of fire between mars in transit and his natal jupiter and saturn he will win 3 of 4 Grand Slams of 2021. Last 2 lunar returns with jupiter in trine to the rules of his midheaven was so powefull (but for RG the previus eclipse to the final didnt affect him). He has and amazing astrology aslo by secondary progressions with the ascendent, moon and sun receiving good aspects of jupiter, to arrive to 20 GS as Roger and Rafa.

    For the Copa America my choice was months ago Argentina, and for the Euro we pick Southgate to be in the final in the private telegram group.

    Saludos a todos!



    1. Thanks Javier – good to see you back here. Glad your website traffic is rising 🙂 I love the chart for the final of the Euros – Moon, Venus, Mars in Leo – 3 lions? A shout out for England 🙂 Sounds like your predictions are going well.

    2. A very interesting analysis Javier. Nadal won one GS in 2009, does it mean he can win the remaining US Open this year? And is this cycle for every 12 year? In 2010 Djokovic didn’t win any GS does it mean 2022 doesnt look good for him?

  18. Hi All,

    Sally, it is great to see you posting predictions for Wimbledon.

    Can someone here tell us when we will see new players winning in Grand Slams and when will Djokovic and Nadal have stronger opponents uppering their games? Will 2022 be the year of new blood rising? The new gen need up their game to beat these two. They both will go through what Roger is experiencing now soon.

    Shame that Roger has lost but I wasn’t surprised that younger players are getting stronger. Roger has done well to reach the Quarter Finals for his age.

    Thank you

    1. next gen game is good, but problem is they are not mentally strong in crucial moments and giving away games which they have to win…..

    2. I thought that the new generation would start coming in this year with all the Aquarius astrology indicating a new wave. It was interesting that Djokovic called himself, Federer & Nadal the new generation recently! Djokovic has some great progressions this year and I would say he’s definitely on to try and grab the prestigious 21 Grand Slam victories, which would put him above Federer & Nadal. I think he has a good shot at it. Then, we’ll see.

  19. In my article on Wimbledon astrology, I said that the best astrology of the rest of the players (excluding Djokovic) was had by Mateo Berretini (in fact I used a photo of him with Djokovic to graph the article).

    Finally that will be the final on Sunday.

    I copy what I said in that article about Mateo Berrettini:
    “Jupiter / Neptune converts above his natal Pluto could push him far in this tournament, especially if Pluto has importance in his chart (which we do not know because he does not have his time of birth). I like Italian astrology for this period in general (2021 to mid-2022), because his progressed Sun will be in the trigone of Jupiter. I think he will go up in the rankings and can get good titles.

    Posted on June 26: https://astrologiadeportivaa.blogspot.com/2021/06/la-astrologia-para-wimbledon-2021.html

      1. We don’t have a time of birth for Berrettini so hard to predict accurately for him. Berrettini has north node in Gemini on his natal Venus – if it’s his career planet, that’s positive for the day of the final. Yet, I think the tournament chart and the astrology for the final benefit the favourite Djokovic who has favourable astrology all year. Hopefully Juan may explain more why he likes Berrettini astrology, although not necessarily to win but to do well in the tournament – he was spot on.

    1. Great prediction Juan although I do not understand it. Can you explain more, please. Berrettini’s natal Pluto is at 2 Sagittarius and transiting Jupiter is square to his Pluto. What do you mean by Jupiter/Neptune converts? Yes, I see the progressed Sun trine his Jupiter – always a great progression.

      1. Just a short observation, Sally. Berrettini and Barty are born only 12 days apart with different sun signs. Both have currently Jupiter square their Pluto…

      2. It is an astrological tool called “transits converse”. If we want to see the transits converse for a person a month after their birth, we will have to observe the transits of the sky 30 days before their birth. If we want to see the transits converse for the first year of the person’s life, we must observe how the transits were in the sky 365 days before he was born. And so with each date that we want to observe. Almost all astrological programs give you the option to watch them. It is a very efficient astrological tool. For example, the case of Berrettini proves it. In his “direct” transits there are no resonant aspects to his natal planets.

        Instead, your Jupiter / Neptune converse are activating your Saturn / Pluto natal trigone. Now Jupiter converse 0º01 ‘Sagittarius in closed trigone to Saturn radix (0º36’ Aries). Especially if Saturn / Pluto are important in your chart because they are present in ASC or MC or if they are rulers of ASC or MC.

        I hope you have understood me.

        1. Thank you Juan for this interesting astrology. I wonder how so many calculations can work into each other. It’s absolutely stunning how the stars work ✨

          Here are some more observations about Berretini: Mars leaves a trine to natal Venus at final. Mercury tomorrow goes into a square with natal Saturn while the Moon squares natal Mercury. Maybe Mercury is his career ruler regarding Djokovic’s compelling astrology tomorrow? At Friday, the Sun has built a T-square with a natal Jupiter Sun square. So, some astrological support from the Semis vains for Marco tomorrow.

          North Node trine natal Venus seems a bit wide while the Node builds a very precise trine to natal Chiron building a Grand trine with tranistting Saturn. If he carries a Libra MC, it is conjunct Chiron and leads to a precuse Uranus Moon conjunction.

          Berretini’s coach Santopedro is a Sun Leo who had his Venus Return at Semis and Mars now hits natal Sun for the final day. Uranus trines natal North Node precisely showing the surprising event for his player and him as his coach. Chiron conjunct natal Chiron as with Djokovic’s coach Ivanisevic.

  20. Djokovic has got excellent Astrology to win this wimbledon with jupiter in exact trine to his natal mars and also secondary progressed moon in conjunction his natal mars and in trinal aspect to transit jupiter.Moreover the tournament chart shows the favourite doing well though North node in close proximity to the tournament charts MC can show a new champion which has become true in the case of women.Berratini birth time is not available.North node is now conjunct his natal venus.If berratini has to win then his MC has to be around 8 to 9 degree libra which means venus will be his career planet and North node transiting over his natal venus and jupiter in exact trine to his MC.

      1. I’ve got the US Open page up – the forum is open. Not a complete prediction by any means but hopefully we’ll hear from the tennis astrologers 🙂

  21. Congratulations, Sally! You got the prediction spot-on from the beginning! And congratulations to the other astrologers contributing who also saw the win for Novak.

    It is interesting to me that the nearly precisely exact Uranus transit opposite Novak’s Midheaven did not bring an upset. The other factors were hugely in his favor, and that made the astrological difference.

    Thanks, Sally, and we look forward to seeing you for the US Open!

    1. Thank you – I suspect the Uranus transit on his IC was about being separated from his family – they weren’t at Wimbledon to support him. I think I read somewhere that Jelena is pregnant with their 3rd child? Which would also be an accurate symbol for Moon progressed conjunct Sun progressed in Cancer – which is exact in September. I remember this was talked about in the earlier comments. I’ll check back. Great to see everyone back and offering their predictions on the tennis 🙂

  22. Congratulations to you sally for yet another correct prediction.Regarding the horoscope of Djokovic i have rectified his time to 23.29 PM and here you will find uranus was more than 1 degree from his IC.

  23. Regarding Federer i had made a prediction 3 years back that federer will not win anymore slams in sally’s blog and sally had agreed with me.

    1. Congrats on the prediction Sally. Sidenote: I was rooting for England over Italy and I was so sad that they lost. I was wondering, will they ever win a major tournament? Is astrology tougher to predict for team sports than a sport like tennis?

      1. Thank you and excruciating re. the footie – I thought it would be a close match. Yes, much harder to predict for a team especially when you’re so emotionally invested. I loved the symbolism of the 3 Lions – Moon, Venus, Mars Leo – the chart for the final – and Harry Kane is a Leo – he scored a great penalty! But, Italy is also a Leo country and the Moon in Leo had to navigate an opposition to Saturn & a square to Uranus before perfecting with the Venus/Mars conjunction. So, a long hopeful shot at victory for England. You’re right – so much to take into account – captains/managers’ charts, country charts, etc. Basically, you have to find some glaringly obviously symbolism – like the 3 lions – and go with that. I hope the team are proud with their brilliant achievement – we didn’t win the trophy but the first final in a major tournament – for the men – since 1966. Great job.

  24. Congratulations Sally! Very good prediction. It would be interesting to know if Djokovic will be a father again, maybe that Uranus in IC has to do with that.

    See you all in New York 😉

  25. I know that I am making a controversial statement but I really do believe that the era of big 3 is over! And yes, I’m including Djokovic too. The next 2 slams are on hard courts where the newer generations have done their best in the last couple of years. There are enough of good players and top 20 to start testing the top 3 guys even before the second week of slams. As time passes, it will be harder for Federer and Nadal to keep the ranking points which will make things even tougher.

    We shall see!

    1. Federer unforfunately withdraws from the Olympics due knee problems. Sally, will you look into a possible gold winner?

          1. I don’t have much time but I’ll try and at least get the chart of the US Open up and then other astrologers can comment.

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