Weekly Astrology Insights: 25th February-3rd March 2013

Language of AstrologyMercury, planet of communication & the mind, is now retrograde. This means it’s retracing its steps through the heavens for the next three weeks.

Mercury turned retrograde on Saturday 23rd February (09:41GMT) at 19 Pisces 52 and turns direct on Sunday 17th March (20:03GMT) at 5 Pisces 39. You often experience Mercury retrograde most strongly on or around these dates, whether it’s some form of communication or technology breakdown or plans are postponed and you end up playing a waiting game.

This has played out spectacularly in my own life as I am not writing weekly stars for Entrepreneur Soul and I’m waiting to hear what’s going to happen. I can’t say any more about this yet but to guide you in the week ahead, here’s a link to Joanna Watters’ excellent weekly column at Avon Connects. It’s a different theme and feel to ESoul but I hope you enjoy it.

When a key planet’s retrograde it turns your attention inward so it’s an excellent time to reflect, revise, review, in fact do any of the ‘re’-words. It’s helpful to look at your own life or a particular situation in a new way, to go back over old ground, to chase up old contacts and ponder a solution. It’s a fertile time to sow seeds and wait and see what grows from them.

When Mercury’s retrograde, it’s best to put off big decisions as new information often comes to light when Mercury turns direct. If you do have to make a major purchase or sign a contract, then read the small print carefully and get any agreements in writing.

If you’re still in the dark, I have written three articles on Mercury retrograde and you can find links to them on last week’s blog post here.

That’s a quick heads up on Mercury but this week we’re still swirling around in the emotional world of Pisces. In fact, there’s a lot of emotion and drama starting with the Full Moon on Monday (20:26 GMT) cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis and square to over-the-top Jupiter. It’s a dramatic combination and great news if you’re a winner (I’m thinking Oscars as the results will be decided by then) but not so good if your expectations aren’t met and life doesn’t deliver what you had hoped for.

Mercury’s first contact as it moves backwards is to Mars (action & anger) on Tuesday and this feels volatile as well. Keep emotions in check if you’re worried you might say something you’re going to regret and channel your passion and initiative in a constructive way.

Venus’ move into Pisces on Tuesday helps to balance out the dramatic energy and this feels compassionate, kind and sensitive. Don’t lose sight of love in the bigger game of life. However, with Venus washing into Neptune on Thursday, boundaries are lacking and Saturn, the planet that represents structure and form, only comes into play on Friday. You may find you can achieve more at the weekend, especially if you have Scorpio or Capricorn planets in your chart.

So expect an emotional week, which is great news for lovers, poets, artistes and saviours, but keep one foot on dry land especially if you feel overwhelmed. When Pisces is strong, it’s easy to soak up other peoples’ energies and our capacity to feel others’ pain increases. Keep boundaries firmly in place and prioritise self-care so you can be strong for the people who need you and be open to giving and receiving love.

Wishing you much love, health & happiness in the week ahead.


[photo from flickr.com]

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