Weekly Astrology Insights: 18th-24th March 2013

Language of AstrologyMercury, planet of communication, is now direct which is a huge HOORAH for many people. Over the last three weeks, there have been numerous stories of problems & breakdowns, incl. transport, technology & stuff in general, plus mis-information and mis-communication all round.

Mercury turning direct is like a switch going back on, a green light and new information often comes to light. With so much Aries energy in the heavens this week, we’re in the land of fresh starts with a chance to take the initiative and start making things happen.

Last night, 17th/18th, there was a glorious Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Gemini which always feels hopeful. Here’s a link to a magical photo from the excellent website EarthSky. It feels a positive omen for a new week and a chance to set wheels in motion and start to move life in the right direction.

On Wednesday 20th, the Sun moves into Aries which is officially the first day of spring. The weather in the UK is anything but spring-like although, as a friend and I discussed yesterday, it’s lovely to see buds and blossom starting to come through. Dismal weather or not, spring and new growth is on its way.

Venus joins the Sun and action planet Mars in Aries on Friday 22nd. Plus with Uranus, planet of the unexpected, enjoying a long stay in the first sign of the zodiac, there’s a lot of lively energy around. Mars and Uranus conjoin in the heavens on Friday and this combination is the equivalent of a lit fuse. It’s impulsive and potentially confrontational and accident prone.

The advice with a Mars/Uranus conjunction in Aries is to slow things down, take care and stay out of trouble. As this conjunction falls on my Aries Ascendant, I will be taking especially good care of myself as the week progresses. Here’s a list of the 12 signs of the zodiac with the areas of life which Aries rules for each star sign. This is where the Mars/Uranus conjunction will fall in your solar chart:

Aries – 1st house: image, appearance, physical body

Taurus – 12th house: secrets, inner self, subconscious

Gemini – 11th house: friends, groups, networks

Cancer – 10th house: career, reputation, status, public profile

Leo – 9th house: travel, study, publishing, the Law, foreign cultures

Virgo – 8th house: joint finances, other peoples’ money, sex, rebirth

Libra – 7th house: marriage, relationships, enemies, opponents

Scorpio – 6th house: work, routine, health, pets

Sagittarius – 5th house: creativity, children, entertainment, love affairs

Capricorn – 4th house: home, family, origins, the past

Aquarius – 3rd house: siblings, neighbours, local community, transport, communication

Pisces – 2nd house: money, possessions, values

Push things through that matter to you this week and it is an excellent week for any activity that’s action-oriented, physical sport included, but stay awake and be aware.

I’ll also be tweeting about Aries people over the next couple of weeks as I’m sure their antics will dominate the news. Jessie J (b. March 27 1988) made a good start when she shaved her head for Comic Relief last Friday night. As Aries is the sign that rules the head, it was the perfect bold statement for a Sun Aries individual. You can follow my daily tweets by clicking here.

As last week, there are no Entrepreneur Soul stars so here’s a link to Joanna Watters’ excellent weekly column at Avon Connects. It’s a different theme and feel to ESoul and I hope you enjoy it.

Wishing you love, health & happiness in the week ahead.


p.s. in true Mercury direct style, I am in this month’s Soul & Spirit magazine writing about eclipses. It’s the April issue which came out on Friday 15th 2013 and my two-page article is on pages 26/27. You can find out more information on the sidebar of my website. Do pick up a copy if you can.

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