There’s a new kid on the block this week as fleet-footed Mercury joins Venus in quick-thinking, quick-witted Gemini on Wednesday 15th. Both the Sun and action planet Mars remain in earthy Taurus but there’s a definitive sea-change underway.
Neptune squares
Sea-change being the operative word as Venus and Mercury square Neptune this week, God of the Sea. Venus is first on Monday 13th followed by Mercury on Saturday 18th. We are betwixt eclipses this week and the Neptune squares offer a chance to ponder what it all means for you. Gemini is the sign of communication but Neptune suggests there are many more ways of communicating than solely through words as this is the planet of dreams and images.
‘Twixt eclipses
The last two eclipses were in Scorpio and Taurus on April 25th and May 10th and the beginning of this week is a good time to start initiating changes or to begin to deal with whatever’s been going on for you. Taurus rules money and the physical world and Scorpio can be transforming when you let go of stuff or habits and wipe the slate clean in order to begin again or move on.
Neptune & inspiration
With Neptune in the mix this week you may experience some confusion or disillusionment and feel you’ve lost your way. Rather than despair, see if you can allow yourself the time and space to explore what’s out there as sometimes it’s when you go off track that magic happens and undiscovered gems emerge. Remember too that Neptune is the fantasy realm where creativity and imagination are brought to life through poetry, music, art and spirituality.
Let your mind wander, daydream, go with the flow and see where life leads when you take the road less travelled. Neptune’s influence flows more easily when there are no limits, you have no deadlines and you can follow your heart or a hunch to find your inspiration or inner muse.
The road less travelled
On that note, here are some quotes to ponder and dwell upon in this Neptunian week. I also love the photo above that I found by maxymedia on Now there’s a Neptunian well of inspiration for you… :
“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” Einstein
“The secret is to know that you are blessed, and to live your life within that knowing.” Narayani Amma
“You can hear all kinds of things if you just watch and listen; the world’s always talking to you.” Rickie Lee Jones
“do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson