Weekly Astrology Insights: 11th-17th March 2013

Language of AstrologyIt’s a strange start to the week (for those of us in the northern hemisphere) as we’re in the dark of the Moon until Monday evening. I feel like I’m playing catch up today and the weather has reverted to winter even though it’s almost spring.

Life feels a little bit weird and ideally I would like to stop, put my feet up and ponder what it’s all about. That’s not happening, however, so here are your weekly astrology insights.

Today’s stars feel like we’re on the verge of a significant turning point with a New Moon in Pisces tonight (exact 11/03 19:51 GMT) and Mars, the action planet, about to enter the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, tomorrow (exact 12/03 06:26).

A New Moon represents the chance to start afresh and new beginnings. Today’s New Moon is in Pisces and it’s an excellent day to work on your feelings or envision what next in life. Any activity that taps into your subconscious fits this New Moon, as Pisces is one of the water signs ruling emotions and intuition.

Mars is the first of the planets to break away from the sign of Pisces and as it enters Aries this links in to next week’s Spring Equinox and the official start to spring. Mars is strong in Aries as the action planet feels comfortable in a sign that’s impulsive, action-oriented and go-getting. The pace of life is picking up just as spring is on the way (honest) and new growth begins to emerge.

Today’s weather feels as if there’s something still to be revealed and that digging deep beneath what’s hidden brings fresh insight. Mercury turns direct later this week on Sunday 17th but until then, things remain murky and new information will only come to light in a week’s time.

Even so, you can often push things forward the few days before Mercury turns so make some key decisions from tomorrow onwards about what you want to achieve. A New Moon along with Mars in Aries are perfect for taking the initiative.

As last week, there are no Entrepreneur Soul stars so here’s a link to Joanna Watters’ excellent weekly column at Avon Connects. It’s a different theme and feel to ESoul and I hope you enjoy it.

Wishing you love, health & happiness in the week ahead.


[photo from flickr.com]

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