Virgo September 2018

Virgo, earth

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Trust your intuition as September begins as your ruling planet, Mercury, completes its journey through Leo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. On the 3rd, Mercury teams up with Venus in Libra and your money sector, so listen to your inner voice. This is a lovely combination for generosity, compliments and gifts. 

Mercury’s spent a long time paving the way for you to leap into action, most of the last two months in fact. On the 6th, Mercury finally moves into your star sign, Virgo, so make the most of the subsequent two weeks as Mercury whizzes through the sector of your horoscope which rules your personal goals, your image and profile.

Now’s the time to get seen and heard and to turn the cosmic spotlight towards yourself. This coincides with a New Moon in Virgo on the 9th, a symbol of new beginnings. In fact, this New Moon is perfect for planning your year ahead and thinking about what next. Set your intentions.

This month, there’s also a Grand Earth Trine, which is particularly powerful for you as it includes your ruler Mercury in your star sign Virgo. It’s exact on the 7th but the other two planets, Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, remain close all month.

This triangle of earth sign activity lights up the sectors of your horoscope ruling adventure and exploration, creativity and luck, romance and children. It’s about doing more of what you love and allowing pleasure and joy to course through your life.

Make a determined effort and a real decision to prioritise positive vibes and make the most of life. How you communicate is significant to the results you create. If you let worry or fear dominate or speak negatively, this can impact on many different areas. It’s important now to listen closely to you words.

This is because of expansive Jupiter in your communication sector Scorpio, where it’s been since October 2017. More importantly, however, the planet of relating, Venus, enters Scorpio on September 9th where it remains for the majority of the next four months.

This enables you to go in deep with other people and create an intimate or soul-mate relationship. If you want your relationships to work well, be self-analytical and learn to read other people too. Scorpio takes you down into deep, dark places so you might consider therapy or couples counselling or decide to train as a counsellor. 

The people you meet this month could play a significant role in what you choose to do next. Scorpio rules new friends in your horoscope, also siblings, neighbours and the people in your local community.

This is potentially a passionate month with Mars back in Capricorn and your romance sector until the 11th. The New Moon on the 9th pulls in romantic Neptune as well. 

The more you express yourself, the better. If you want a greater connection with other people, it starts by taking an interest in them and learning to listen well. Deepen your 1-to-1’s, so you come closer at the same time as getting your own needs met. This is your birthday month, after all, an ideal time to put yourself first.

On the 11th, action planet Mars returns to Aquarius and your work and health sector. It remains here until November 15th and you benefit from a regular routine and looking after yourself mind, body and soul. 

Events around the 18th could prove troublesome at work, perhaps tricky office politics or an unexpected announcement or decision. This isn’t the time to make trouble but do be ready for the unexpected.

It’s worth keeping things stable at work because your work and money sectors are in flow once your ruler Mercury enters Libra on the 22nd followed by the Equinox and the Sun’s move into Libra on the 23rd.

This is potentially a productive time for you, highlighted by the Full Moon cutting across the finance axis of your horoscope on the 25th. Play your cards right and you can boost your cash, your financial situation. Decide what’s essential and what you’re prepared to let go of.

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2 thoughts on “Virgo September 2018”

  1. Thank you for this in my chart!
    I wonder if you have written anything regarding the death of John McCain? He was a Virgo as well and has received so much acclaim in the last week, it would be interesting to know what you see in his charts.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Lorrie, I haven’t looked at John McCain’s horoscope but it would be interesting. Not surprised to hear he’s a Virgo as it’s their time to shine – even if it is via his passing.

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