Mercury Retrograde
Your planet Mercury is in Scorpio and your communication sector for most of October, until the 28th. Get ready for some deep heart-to-hearts as Scorpio is the sign of analysis, an intense and emotional water sign.
Inner work is important with Mercury in Scorpio and this month, there will be a lot to ponder and think about. This has a lot to do with the fact that Mercury turns retrograde on the 14th.
You may already know the drill for Mercury retrograde. It can be a time of communication chaos, when transport and technology seem more unreliable or unpredictable than usual. Get things backed up before Mercury is in retreat.
What Mercury retrograde is good for is going over old ground, reviewing and reassessing your situation. This could mean you’re revising ready to take a test or exam. Or, perhaps you’re doing research for a trip you want to take at a later date.
Be ready for the unexpected too as Mercury is opposed by live-wire Uranus on the 7th & 20th. Plans could change suddenly and fast throughout October.
You often learn about life in unexpected ways when key planets are retrograde. So make time for chat and connections. Talk to people in your local community, check in with relatives and the ones you love. This is where you can learn something new and it’s an important reminder that community matters.
News you hear in the second half of this month could change your opinion or your mind. Keep the lines of communication open and your cards close to your chest. The more knowledge at your fingertips the better, especially if you’re involved in a legal or financial situation.
The Full Moon on the 31st may prove pivotal and it’s wise to be flexible, adaptable and open-minded. This Full Moon pulls in spontaneous and unpredictable Uranus when travel or study plans could change suddenly.
Mars Retrograde
The other planet in retrograde this month is action planet Mars. Mars is currently in Aries and your joint finance sector. This can mean that it’s back to the drawing board with money matters. It may be harder to negotiate finances or balance the books.
Money’s a key factor during the Full Moon in Aries on the 1st and the New Moon in Libra on the 16th. If you’re currently fighting over money or in any kind of conflict situation, move stealthily.
The 9th, 13th and 19th are dates to rein in your impulsive side and/or fight for what’s rightfully yours. These are tricky stars to negotiate and navigate well.
Things many only shift towards the end of the month when your ruler Mercury retreats back into Libra and your personal money sector on the 28th.
Lovely Venus
Lovely Venus smooths the way this month as she’s in your star sign Virgo from the 2nd to the 28th.
Even if plans unravel this month or you’re frustrated with things not working out, make time for enjoyment, entertainment and all things lovely. If you’re looking for love, let other people know and don’t hide your light. Venus in your star sign boosts your popularity and your profile.
Venus makes harmonious connections with key planets on the 10th, 19th, 21st and 24th.
You may be called upon to play a supportive role, perhaps with a child or lover. Focus on the things that are working out and channel your energy here. Don’t waste time or attention on the things you can’t fix during October.