Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
Your ruling planet Mercury starts the month in air sign Libra, representing your personal money, your possessions and what you value highly in life. It’s worth leaping into action early in the month if you want to sort out your finances or you key negotiations would help you out on the cash front.
The Sun is also in Libra until the 23rd. Therefore, it’s a good month to turn your attention to money and consider all areas surrounding your finances. This may include your self-worth, what value you put on possessions or status, how to earn more money or use your money productively.
It’s also a good time to consider what you’re ready to let go of and what you don’t need anymore. This is because both Mercury and the Sun clash with Pluto on the 3rd and 12th respectively. Can you sell some of your possessions or are there areas in your life where you can cut back and minimise expenses?
If you’re dealing with a cash deficit, which is possible under these stars, use the New Moon energy in Libra on the 9th to take the initiative and set new plans in motion.
Also, this is potentially a strong month for your working life as action planet Mars is back in Aquarius and moving through your work and health sector. Mars moves out of its shadow phase on October 9th.
This means it’s back at the same degree in the zodiac it was when it turned retrograde on June 26th. If you went through a lean patch at work during July and August, you now have an opportunity to turn things around. You do have step up your game, however, and not sit back and wait for the world to find you.
This month is all about communication and using your networks, both professional and social. This is because of the emphasis on the star sign Scorpio, which dominates October’s astrology.
Your ruler, Mercury, moves into Scorpio from the 10th to the 31st and the Sun joins Mercury on the 23rd. Two planets in Scorpio all month are Venus, the planet of relating, and expansive Jupiter.
In fact, Jupiter’s been in Scorpio for the last year so how has this helped with your education or widening your network? Jupiter in Scorpio is the linguist, expanding your world to foreign connections and places of higher education.
This is also about your local community and getting yourself known in your neighbourhood for all the right reasons. This could be a neighbourhood watch scheme, advertising your business locally or using any opportunity you can to talk to people close to where you live, whatever your personal goal. Keep this going in the month ahead because it’s here where success lies.
The peak date for you is the 29th when your ruler Mercury teams up with Jupiter in Scorpio. This symbolises good news and it would be a great date to take a test or exam. Reach out beyond your comfort zone towards the end of the month and line up some new and exciting connections and encounters.
This is also the theme of the Full Moon on the 24th which pulls in Venus in Scorpio and unpredictable Uranus in Taurus. Venus sits next to the Sun in Scorpio and Uranus sits next to the Moon in Taurus.
This whole combination is gorgeous for planning a last-minute trip, being spontaneous and doing something wild and exciting. The themes are travel and education, knowledge and exploration. You are going to have to be super-flexible, however, because Uranus can spring surprises.
Sometimes, however, it’s when you take the wrong path that you end up at the right destination. Keep this in mind and use your clever brain if things don’t work out first time around.
This is also potentially a big month for love and relationships because Venus turns retrograde in Scorpio on the 5th and remains on go slow until November 15th. Venus is the planet of love and relating and in Scorpio, she’s going in deep.
This feels passionate, seductive and illicit. You may get to know someone on a much deeper level or enjoy some extra intimate heart-to-hearts. This flags up the possibility of an affair, which could be cerebral rather than physical. Notice who you’re drawn towards during this whole period and who fascinates you deeply.
It’s a promising period to discuss anything and everything, however taboo or illicit. Dive deep into life, seek out life’s mysteries, spice things up in the bedroom and be a power-house in the boardroom.
The Sun/Venus conjunction on the 26th is when the astrology peaks. This is transformative planetary energy, a time to use your feminine energy to the full and step into your power. This is not astrology for the faint-hearted. Instead, it unlocks the side of your Virgo nature that’s passionate and powerful.