Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
The beginning of October brings to a close events that have dominated your life since the end of July. On July 30th, your ruling planet Mercury entered your sign of Virgo and it’s been there ever since, until now. On October 7th, Mercury moves on.
This is actually good news for you because it’s been quite a tumultuous time whilst Mercury’s been going back and forth through your sign. For some reason, the focus has been solely on you and if your mind has been busier than usual, you’ll be more than ready to let go of a period of worry, anxiety or confusion.
You might also find that events close to the 6th/7th are important in another respect because this is the time when Mercury moves out of its shadow phase which began on August 30th, the day Mercury turned retrograde.
So think of the start of October as a chance for completion, to let go of what’s no longer working for you and to take the focus off yourself if it’s been an exhausting or stressful couple of months.
The sign of the moment is now Libra, the sign after yours which rules your personal money and all that you value highly in life. Libra is one of the cardinal signs, the leaders and motivators of the zodiac, so action is needed now and fast.
Take note of what happens with regard to money on the 1st when there’s a New Moon in Libra. New Moons are a symbol of new beginnings and a chance to start afresh. It’s a good day to take the initiative, to launch a new money-making project, to be dynamic and go-getting.
Your ruling planet Mercury joins the Sun in Libra on the 7th where it remains until the 24th. So the mid-month period is brilliant for getting ahead, talking about money, doing your accounts, making plans, sharing new ideas linked to finances.
Plus the biggest planet, Jupiter, is also in Libra where it remains for the next 12 months so this is where you find opportunity and growth. Jupiter is linked to risk-taking, having a sense of vision and purpose in your life, playing big.
For one reason or another, you might be dealing with big sums of money now and if you’re involved in a major financial transaction, this is when things speed up and then some.
Note the 11th, a positive date for you when your ruler Mercury teams up with Jupiter in Libra. This symbolises good news and it’s an excellent date for a meeting or interview, especially to talk money. Plan ahead, consider the bigger picture and draw up a financial forecast for the next 12 months.
This is especially important because there’s an unpredictable element to money matters now, especially joint finances. This is because of Uranus, the planet of change, which is currently in Aries and your joint finance sector. Uranus is the opposite of steady and stable, it’s a restless energy and you have to work harder than usual to tie other people down or to sort out finances in general.
The dates when money matters look most unpredictable are the 15th and the 20th when first the Sun and then your ruler Mercury opposes Uranus. Plus on the 16th, there’s a Full Moon in Aries cutting across the financial axis of your chart.
So this is a key period for money matters when you’ll see your situation clearly. If you have extra expenses, work out how to pay for them. If you need to cut costs, look at how you can achieve this.
The key is not to waste money or throw it away or let other people take charge of your financial situation. Stay involved, keep the lines of communication open and decide whether it’s best to cut ties and run or set up new financial transactions that work for everyone.
Children might be a factor in all of this and depending on your personal situation, lovers too. This is because of Mars’ transit through Capricorn, the sign which rules hobbies, entertainment, children and love affairs. Mars clashes with Jupiter in Libra on the 5th, Uranus in Aries on the 29th and in the middle of these two dates it sits next to Pluto in Capricorn on the 19th.
This is a combative mix and it indicates that you need to negotiate hard. Stand your ground and don’t let other people walk all over you. If someone wants you to lend them money, do so cautiously. This is a heady combination and not everyone will play fair.
Yet love will be a strong pull with Mars in your romance sector and whether you’re looking for love or not, someone could sweep you off your feet. Things happen quickly when Mars is dominant, whether you decide to move in with someone close or there’s a pregnancy.
Play safe and don’t let your heart rule your head. Mars is impulsive but things need to be thought through carefully especially when money and other people are involved.
Speak from the heart this month and know that words have power. Your ruler Mercury enters your communication sector on the 24th and teams up with the Sun on the 27th, an ideal date for an in-depth conversation. Plus there’s a New Moon in Scorpio on the 30th, another powerful date to speak, to start afresh.
Finally, love planet Venus enters Sagittarius and your home and family sector on the 18th. You want to play happy families with this combination but you still have to pay heed to Saturn’s stay in this same sector of your chart. Saturn acts a reality check and when Saturn teams up with Venus on the 30th, deal with events head on.