Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
Your ruling planet Mercury is the marker where to focus your attention throughout the month of November as Mercury is moving swiftly, travelling through three different sectors of your chart.
Mercury is the planet of communication and last month, Mercury was on go slow in Scorpio, ruling communication, and Libra, ruling your personal finances.
Mercury begins November back up to speed and whizzing through Libra where it remains until the 8th. This is a brilliant time to pick up the pace with regard to money matters whether there’s money you need to chase up or you simply want to get back on track financially.
Jump to it as November begins and Mercury in Libra is the perfect opportunity to sort out paperwork and keep track of your bills.
On the 8th, Mercury enters Scorpio and your communication sector where it remains until the 28th. Two days after Mercury enters Scorpio on the 10th, it returns to the place it was in the heavens when Mercury turned retrograde on October 4th. So this period is about trying again, second chances, having that important conversation which has been on hold.
Think back to early October and what took place back then but also what happened on or around the Solar or New Moon eclipse in Scorpio on October 23rd. Whoever you did or didn’t manage to speak to on or around that date, whether there was a falling out or an urgent matter, this month’s stars are all about second chances.
The Full Moon on the 6th is a powerful date for communication for you and it’s important to notice what you’re feeling emotionally on or around the 6th. You may be ready to respond to someone who you find difficult or who incensed you with their behaviour or what they said to you. This is your chance to bring the matter to completion at least for your own satisfaction. The astrology isn’t necessarily about kissing and making up rather speaking your mind and being clear about what you want or need to say.
This is an important month for communication in general as Saturn has been in Scorpio and this sector of your chart since late 2012 and at the end of next month on December 23rd, Saturn leaves Scorpio. Before it does so however Saturn makes close conjunctions to three of the personal planets and these key events all happen this month.
On the 13th, Saturn connects with Venus (love), on the 18th Saturn connects with the Sun (self) and on the 26th with your ruling planet Mercury. This is about serious conversations whether you need to approach someone in a position of authority, whether you’re saying something that’s difficult or whether you’re ready to say No rather than Yes and move on. It depends on your personal situation how this is going to play out for you but Saturn is closing the door and bringing one area of your life to completion.
You may decide to close a social media account, stop writing a blog or, in some shape or form, turn your back on a way of communicating that’s no longer fun or has turned into hard work. If you find your mood hard to shift and you’re more negative than usual, then it’s also important to do whatever works for you to ensure you don’t slide into depression or end up being overly critical or hard on yourself.
It is important to recognise that we are coming to the end of one year and ready to start a new year so this may be taking a close look at your own life and seeing what you want to change, where you want to let go or what you want to get rid of ready to begin afresh. Scorpio rules neighbours, siblings and your local community so for you personally this may apply to one of these areas of your life. A chance to close the door and move on.
Throughout November you have the passion and action planet Mars in your fellow earth sign of Capricorn. This may make things more urgent when it comes to love and romance, parenting or pregnancy, a creative project or organising some an entertainment-related event.
Mars is an adrenalin rush in Capricorn and it can’t be denied that this is decidedly sexy. Mars is powerful and strong in Capricorn and can make things happen. So suss out your goals or new intentions for the year ahead and look at how you’re going to make them happen. What steps can you take this month to move you closer to your chosen goal in the areas mentioned above?
Mars is about stepping in and taking charge which is a very different energy to Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces also ruling love and relationships. Neptune is more go-with-the-flow, see what happens and Neptune’s energy is strong mid-month on the 16th when Neptune turns direct in the heavens. The 12th and 16th can be super-romantic dates for you and with Mars charging forward, grab your life by the reins and steer a relationship in the direction you choose.
Mars does clash with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square on the 10th and 13th respectively and this may flash up a repeat issue regarding money, especially money you share with other people or money that’s invested/tied up in a financial institution. This isn’t the best time of the month to be buying Christmas presents and in fact, this whole combination may flag up a red light, a wake-up call about earnings or money transactions. If you know that in one area of your life, you’re throwing money away or you’re losing out, see what you can do to tighten things up to benefit you.
Finally this month, home and family matters pick up speed from the 16th onwards. Venus (love) enters your home sector on the 16th, followed by the Sun on the 22nd and Mercury, your ruling planet, on the 28th. This suggests the start of a busy period for family activities, whether you’re visiting family or sorting out Christmas together. It’s lively and fun and feels like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the heavier energy of Saturn in Scorpio.