Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in the thick of the action this month. On the 1st, Mercury enters Gemini, the sign at the top of your chart. Gemini rules your career, your vocation, your status and reputation. Mercury remains in this sector of your chart until July 8th.
Your ruler Mercury is a quick moving planet so when it spends over two months in one sign of the zodiac, you know that Mercury is about to turn retrograde. Mercury is retrograde or on go slow from May 19th until June 11th. This means that career progress is unlikely to be straightforward and timing is the key to your success.
Yet this is where the action’s at, so you have to go with it and engage fully with all matters related to career and vocation. Yes, you can make progress; yes, you can move one step up the career ladder; yes, you can land the new job but it’s unlikely to happen overnight.
Sow seeds, initiate key negotiations, set up meetings and interviews whilst Mercury is in direct motion. Then when Mercury is retrograde after the 19th slow things down, bide your time and play a waiting game. What you initiate in the month of May is likely to bear fruit from mid-June onwards.
There are also other factors in play as Mercury isn’t the only planet in Gemini. On the 12th, Mars, the action planet, enters Gemini and on the 21st, the Sun also moves into Gemini for a month’s stay. Plus, all three planets encounter the Saturn-Neptune square, a key theme of 2015.
This puts the focus strongly on other people in your life and other needs in your own life. Saturn is in Sagittarius, the sign down at the bottom of your chart, ruling your home and family. Saturn in this placing can indicate extra duties or responsibilities. You might have to care for someone at home, an elderly parent or a young child. There may be other issues at home which make it harder for you to focus on your work and career.
Whatever your personal situation, this is likely to expose your limitations and put obstacles in your path, some of which will be immovable and others you have to work out how to overcome. Then there’s Neptune. Neptune is currently in Pisces, your opposite sign, and this is a seductive calling, there’s a pull away from the more responsible side of life.
This might mean that you’re considering giving up work to start a family; you might want to change jobs to be close to someone you love; you might have people close to you who are opposed to what you want to do or you have another unique reason why you feel unsure about what the future holds with regard to work and your vocation. This can indicate an unsettling time when you feel as if you’re standing on shaky ground and other people aren’t prepared to play ball.
You will find an answer to your questions, you will find a way forward that works for you but you do have to be patient. This month’s stars indicate that you’re not the one in control all of the time and waiting for other people, either a potential employer, your boss or a partner is frustrating.
Now you know all this, you can decide what to do in the merry month of May. Aside from work, there are other key influences playing out. Some of these work in your favour and planets in your fellow earth sign of Taurus can act as a signpost. As May begins, both Mars, the action planet, and the Sun are in this sector of your chart.
Taurus is the sign that rules travel, higher education, adventure and new experiences. This would be a perfect time to go on holiday or to book a holiday. Both the Full and New Moons link into this part of your chart. The Full Moon takes place on the 4th over the Bank Holiday weekend in the UK. This is a perfect opportunity to get away for a few days, to go somewhere different, to grab a fresh perspective on your life.
You might want to attend a course, to try something different and anything that expands your mind and opens your heart fits the bill. Look out for a life-enhancing activity that will make a real difference to your outlook on life and your attitude in general.
The New Moon takes place on the 18th and if you want to book a course or trip this is as good a date as any to do so. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start.
The other planet that plays a key role in your chart this month is Venus, the planet of love. Venus enters the kind and caring sign of Cancer on the 7th where she remains until early June. This reminds you to connect with your friends, to make the most of the groups, clubs, societies you belong to and to join in with others.
If you’re looking for love, ask your friends for an introduction. If you’re especially keen on a friend, spend some quality time together. The second Bank Holiday weekend in the UK promises drama, an eventful few days. This is because Venus clashes with the Uranus-Pluto square on the 22nd and 25th of the month.
This suggests hidden motivations or desires and acting impulsively in love is not highly recommended. Try and keep things on an even keel and remember that actions have consequences.
The best date for love is the 16th when Venus teams up with romantic Neptune in your relationship sector. This is dreamy, romantic, creative, imaginative and a wonderful day for new and old connections. When life feels rocky, we all need someone by our side. Reach out to others on this date and if you’re in a relationship or married, make sure it’s especially romantic.